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Н.В. Гущина Автомобили мира (английский язык) Part I

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Кафедра иностранных языков факультета гуманитарного образования


(английский язык) PART I

Методические указания для студентов специальности 150200

Составители Н.В. Гущина Л.В. Шараева

Утверждены на заседании кафедры Протокол № 4 от 26.12.01

Рекомендованы к печати методической комиссией специальности 150200 Протокол № 12 от 22.10.01

Электронная копия находится в библиотеке главного корпуса ГУ КузГТУ

Кемерово 2002


Предлагаемые методические указания предназначены для студентов очной и заочной форм обучения механикомашиностроительного факультета.

Цель данных методических указаний – развитие навыков чтения текстов по специальности, говорения на основе полученной информации.

Материал представлен в виде текстов, взятых из оригинальных источников. Предтекстовые и послетекстовые упражнения направлены на закрепление новых слов и словосочетаний, а также включён ряд заданий творческого характера на развитие монологической и диалогической речи на основе предложенного материала.

Кроме того, указания содержат словарь слов и сокращений, представляющих сложность при переводе.



albeit (adv) – хотя avoid (v) – избегать breed (n) – поколение

budget buys – категория недорогих автомобилей contender (n)= rival (n) – соперник

cramp (v) – перегружать, стеснять

cruise control system – система круиз-контроля dahsboard (n) – приборная панель

direct injection TDi unit – дизельный двигатель с непосредственным впрыском топлива

duplicate (v) – дублировать equip (v) – оборудовать

“escort” lighting system – система (режим) сопровождающего освещения

exterior (n) – внешний вид fabulous (adj) – невероятный feasible (adj) – осуществимый feline (adj)- кошачий

fit (v) – оснащать

four-wheel-drive (adj) – полноприводной gearchange (n) = gearbox (n) – коробка передач invert (v) – изобретать

horse-powerfull (hp) under the bonnet – мощность двигателя indulgence (n) – снисходительность

indulgent (adj) – снисходительный, терпимый, потворствующий interior (n) – салон

3.5 litre engine – двигатель объемом 3,5 литра navigation system – навигационная система offer (v) – предлагать

option (n) – выбор parentage (n) – родство pinpoint (v)– определять

refinement (n) – отделка, повышение качества rattly (adj)– шумный

replicate (v) – повторять


sheer (adj) – кошачий

side air-bags – боковая воздушная подушка (завеса) side-on crash – боковое столкновение

slinky (adj) – обтекаемый spawn (v) – порождать squeeze (n) – ударение

stark (adj) – полный, совершенный

stunning (adj) – ошеломительный, оглушительный

system of protection against “whiplash” – система защиты от

“плетевого удара”

tapple (v) – падать, опрокидывать(ся) tilt on (v) – заваливаться на

ventilation ducts – вентиляционные отверстия


ABS (Anti Block System ) – антиблокировочная система bhp (break horsepower) – эффективная мощность

C – class (Coupe-class) – класс Купе

EBD (Electrical Brake Differential) – система электронного распределения тормозного усилия

E – class (Estate-class) – универсал hp (horsepower) – мощность

MPV (Multi Purpose Vehicle) – многоцелевой автомобиль

SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) – спортивно-утилитарный автомобиль

VVTL-i (Variable Valve Timing and Lift-intelligent) – система управления фазами и высотой подъема клапанов

VIP-class (Very Important Person) – представительский класс машин

VIP-place – представительское место

VW – Volkswagen

4x4s – полноприводной


Read the title and guess what this text is about. You may use such phrases:


1)This text is about...

2)This article runs about…

3)This text tells us…

4)It is clear from the text that…


The catalogue section which starts opposite contains the low-down cars manufactured throughout the WORLD. The specification of each has been analysed, technical data gathered and the all-important developments outlined.

You’ll also find reference to the country of manufacture. Today that can mean a car with a “Japanese” name is just as likely to be built in the UK as the Far East, and the “British” Ford that is offered in your local showroom could have come from England, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Portugal or the USA. Does it all matter? Probably not, because the manufacturers make doubly sure the new factories, they build, produce cars to the same or even better standards than the original.

New car sales in the World are dominated by business purchases and business wants cars which are practical, dependable and cheap to run. Private buyers, of course, also look for the same virtues, but with often less money to spend, sales will be slanted towards cheaper cars – which is where the supermini comes in.

For this section of the GUIDE we have analysed 15 different categories and looked at the best sellers in each and picked out the car which we reckon is current pick of the bunch. If you are looking for a car which is not run of the mill, pick one out of the 11 which fall outside the supermini, small and medium family car sector. These cars are not necessarily any better or worse than the best sellers, just different. That’s no bad thing, for there are many car buyers, be they the manager of a company fleet of 1,000 cars or a private individual, who are reluctant to buy something out of the ordinary. But variety is spice of life, and without it motoring would be a dull experience indeed.

* mill-тысячная часть доллара


Pre-reading task:

1) How many categories of cars do you know?


2)What is the main principle of this division (comfort, price, social position, prestige, etc)?

3)Now, check if you were right.

All cars are divided into 15 categories. They are:











SMALL Family Cars



MEDIUM Family Cars



JUNIOR Executive Cars





4)Divide into groups and each group should read about two

categories of cars and give the main information about them.


This category has traditionally presented a stark choice: small economy cars from major blue chip companies on the one hand, bigger offerings from more marginal manufacturers on the other. However, now that SKODA’s VW parentage is so evident in the quality of the FELICIA, you can just about have your cake and eat it: ESCORT proportions for less than the price of a FIESTA, VOLKSWAGEN fittings and a standard of ride and handling that is right up to the minute. It still has the rattly old pushrod engine but there’s a modern VW alternative unit on the way. For many though, the tiny proportions of cars like the FIAT CINQUECENTO are a large part of their appeal, especially if their main role is one of urban run-about. In this arena the little FIAT stands supreme


*blue chip company – небольшая компания

*minute – мельчаийший, подробный, детальный


SUPERminis have most of the economy and convenience benefits of the smallest mini class, without the squeeze on accommodation. This


makes them perfectly feasible for small families, which is why they outsell the budget class by 40 to one. FORD’s FIESTA has traditionally dominated the group despite having several superior rivals. Now, though, it’s there on merit, the latest versions with new 16-valve engines and revised suspension leading the way in refinement and dynamics. But if interior space is your main priority you would do better looking at VW’s POLO or FIAT’s PUNTO. The only new contender in the class is CITROEN’s SAXO – a reworking of the PEUGEOT 106.

SMALL Family Cars:

The biggest market segment of all, it accounts for around a third of all cars sold in the World. As ever, it is dominated by the FORD ESCORT, a model past its prime though kept up to acceptable standarts by its ’95 update. Competing in a market where practicality is everything, cars in this class have traditionally suffered from a somewhat sterile uniformity of design. But all this has changed with the refreshingly diverse forms of FIAT’s BRAVO/BRAVA, RENAULT’s MEGANE, ROVER’s new 200 and NISSAN’s ALMERA. It’s hard to pick a winner as each one of these models has its own strengths. It is PEUGEOT’s elderly 306 which still provides the biggest smiles from the driving seat, but the FIAT BRAVO is probably the best all-rounder.

* past – минувший

MEDIUM Family Cars:

The step up to these cars from the class below is substantial in terms of refinement, comfort, quality and equipment. In fact, with the introduction of the PEUGEOT 406, the best of class is now touching executive car standards. The 405 replacement has knocked the MONDEO off the critical acclaim pedestal, if not the top of the sales chart. It offers fabulous ride comfort and uncanny suppression of noise and vibration as well as class-leading accommodation. Alongside it, the other new major player in the class, VAUXHALL’s VECTRA, seems remarkably passed. Disappointingly, the CAVALIER replacement struggles to reach the standards of the far older FORD MONDEO.

*fabulous – невероятный

*acclaim – шумный


*uncanny – жуткий

*suppression – подавление

JUNIOR Executive Cars:

No bigger than the cars from the medium category, these models have an image far removed. Rather than simply doing a job, cars at this level have to say something about their drivers and are priced accordingly. BMW projects the most dynamic image and in the case of the 3-Series backs it up with superb driving qualities, making this the aspirational junior executive car. But BMW is under threat from AUDI’s A4, perhaps the most beautiful of these cars and with superb build quality too, though not quite matching the image or the dynamics of the BMW. The ROVER 600 and the MERCEDES C-CLASS consolidate their positions as the next most popular.

*superb – великолепный, роскошный

*aspirational – желанный


Typically these cars start at around £ 20,000 and tend to be purchased by companies rather than privately. They’re usually available in either four or six-cylinder form – the BMW being the exception with six or eight cylinders – plus a six-cylinder turbo-diesel. BMW’s new generation 5 Series has rewritten the rule book here, with fabulous engines, ride comfort and refinement. It could well be the class best seller by the end of the year once the entry-level 520i comes on stream. Meanwhile, VAUXHALL’s OMEGA and MERCEDES’ new E-Class have been making hay, but neither FORD’s revised SCORPIO nor ROVER’s new KV6 engine in the 800 have made much of an impact.

* hay – урожай


This is luxury and then some. All these cars will provide quick but near-silent progress, indulgent levels of equipment, cosseting comfort and sheer physical presence. If JAGUAR’s XJ6 gets some of its feline beauty at the expense of a little leg and headroom. It still leads the field in ride quality, value and, perhaps even more importantly, character. As an


allround package the BMW is arguably more accomplished and its appeal has been strengthened by version of its V8 motors.


With £ 50,000 plus to spend on a car, and one which in many cases is too cramped to be considered an only means of transport, buyers in this market are enjoying pure indulgence and demonstrating serious wealth. There are enough of them in the World to make this one of the strongest of all markets for the MERCEDES SL and PORSCHE 911. These two will probably have a fight on their hands, though, once JAGUAR’s XJS replacement, the XK8, hits the air-conditioned showrooms late this year. In the meantime BMW’s 8 Series is in decline, with the V12-engined 850 gone, leaving just the 840Ci.


Thanks to the bravery of MAZDA in reintroducing the concept of a modern, affordable sports car six years ago, this market has been reborn. The success of the pretty MAZDA MX-5 has inspired a whole host of imitators, many of which have yet to hit the World market. First of the post-MX-5 generation of sportsters is the MGF. This has proved a stunning success, so much so that ROVER has been unable to keep up with initial demand. The MX-5 continues to sell strongly thanks to undated looks, driving enjoyment and solid quality. The pretty FIAT BARCHETTA is only available in left-hand-drive but 2000 could see everything turned on its head with the introduction of BMW’s Z3 and MERCEDES’ SLK.


Despite the presence of two new Latin lovelies in the form of the FIAT COUPE and ALFA-ROMEO GTV, BMW’s 3-SERIES COUPE continues to hold sway in the sales charts. VAUXHALL’s little TIGRA has effectively introduced a smaller sub-section into this class, replicating the earlier success of its big brother the CALIBRA. In the TIGRA’s wake have come small coupes from both HONDA and TOYOTA. Of the mainstream coupes though, the CALIBRA continues to outsell its various rivals from FORD, Italy and Japan. Latest in on the act is HYUNDAI whose slinky new COUPE, with its top-drawer dynamics, should help create a stronger image for the Korean manufacture.


*sway – влияние, ведущее положение

*in the wake – “в лице”

*slinky – слизанный


RENAULT more-or-less invented this market many years ago with the ESPACE. 1996 saw it finally toppled from its tree by the imitators it spawned – at the same time the total MPV market pretty much doubled. FORD’s Galaxy (and its VW and seat clones, the Sharan and Alhambra) combines the versatility of the ESPACE with a more car-like driving experience. PEUGEOT's’806 is the best-selling of the identical MPVs from PEUGEOT, CITROEN, FIAT and LANCIA: their design offers the most comfortable ride of the MPV class, though styling lacks the GALAXY’s imagination or the ESPACE’s elegance. But if you need to seat three rows of people and their luggage, the only MPV currently up to the job is the TOYOTA PREVIA.


The much speculated drop in off-roader sales hasn’t really happened, sales in this category remaining around the same as ’95 (albeit within an expanding total car market). The theory went that people would switch from heavy, thirsty 4х4s whose off-road capability was rarely used to MPVs. But clearly there are plenty who feel that a RANGE ROVER carries more prestige than an ESPACE or GALAXY. LAND ROVER’s DISCOVERY still easily out-sells all-comers. In the smaller section TOYOTA’s RAV4 has been given a new rival in the form of SUZUKI’s X-90, a model which acknowledges how little it’s likely to be used offroad by also being available as a two-wheel-drive.


No longer are you presented with the black and white choice of manual or auto transmission. A combination of conventional automatic gear selection and semi-automatic, is very much in vogue. Pioneered by PORSCHE as TIPTRONIC (where you can even have the option of changing by the level or by ‘paddles’ on the steering wheel), similar systems are also used by BMW and SAAB. Even conventional automatics are nowadays usually controlled by electronics to give sport or economy

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