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Английский методичка (Жаровская)

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announcement of amnesty;

bringing charges against the President of the Russian Federation for his impeachment (requires a two thirds majority);

The State Duma adopts decrees on issues referred to its authority by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Decrees of the State Duma are adopted by a majority of the total number of deputies of the State Duma.

The Council is charged in cooperating with the State Duma in completing and voting on draft laws. Special powers of the Federation Council are:

approval of changes in borders between subjects of the Russian Federation;

approval of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial


approval of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of a state of emergency;

deciding on the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

declaring of elections of the President of the Russian Federation;

impeachment of the President of the Russian Federation;

approving the President's nomination of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation;

approving the President's nomination of the Attorney General of the Russian Federation;

appointment of Deputy Chairman and half of the auditors of the Accounting Chamber.

To pass the law more than half of senators of the Federation Council must vote for it. When

considering federal constitutional laws, three-fourths of the Council’s votes are required for passage.

The bills must first be considered by the State Duma. Upon adoption by a majority of the full State Duma membership, a draft law is considered by the Federation Council, which has fourteen days to place the bill on its calendar. The Federation Council cannot make amendments in bills passed by the Duma and can either approve or reject them. If the Federation Council rejects a bill passed by the State Duma, the two chambers may form a conciliation commission to work out a compromise version of the legislation. If two chambers cannot reach a compromise, or the Duma insists on passing the bill as is, the veto of the Federation Council can be overridden, if two thirds of the Duma's constitutional composition vote in favor of the bill. The State Duma and the Federation Council usually meet separately. Joint sessions are organized when the President of Russia delivers his annual address to the Federal Assembly and in some other very rare occasions.


Exercise 4. Give the Russian for:

to create legislation

a law-making body

to have special powers

a dismissal of the Chairman

to bring a charge against the President

to adopt decrees on issues


to vote on draft laws

introduction of the law

approval of changes

to require

to reject a bill

to consider

to make amendments in bills

a chamber

to override the veto

conciliation commission

Exercise 5. Give the English for:

законодательная деятельность

законодательный орган

нижняя палата

верхняя палата


постановление, указ

принимать закон




прийти к компромиссу


назначение (на должность)

вносить поправки

разделение властей

Exercise 6. Answer the questions

1.What is the main legislative body in Russia? What does it consist of?

2.What powers of the State Duma are enumerated in the Constitution?

3.What term is the State Duma elected for?

4.Who can be elected a deputy of the State Duma?

5.What does it mean for deputies to enjoy immunity?

6.What are the responsibilities of committees and commissions? (consult other sources)

7.What must the State Duma and the Federal Council do if the President rejects the federal law?

8.In what cases may the State Duma be dissolved by the President?

9.What are the special powers of the Federal Council?

10.Which chamber of the Federal Assembly is more powerful? Why?

Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box:


1.bring charges against 2. elects 3. draft laws 4. the lower house5. vetoed 6. issues 7. approve or reject

8.to override a presidential veto 9. the upper house 10. appoint or dismiss 11. appointment

1.The 628-member law-making body, termed the Federal Assembly, consists of two chambers, the 450-member State Duma (_____) and the 178-member Federation Council (____).

2.The State Duma confirms the _______ of the prime minister, although it does not have the power to confirm Government ministers.

3.The two chambers of the legislature also have the power ______ of legislation.

4.Upon the advice of the prime minister, the president can _______ Government members, including the deputy prime ministers.

5.Under the 1993 constitution, if the president commits "grave crimes" or treason, the State Duma may _______ him with the parliament's upper house, the Federation Council.

6.Several bills that the President had ________ were taken up again by the new


7.The Federation Council deals primarily with such _______ as internal borders and decrees of the president establishing martial law or states of emergency etc.

8.All ________, even those proposed by the Federation Council, must first be considered by the State Duma.

9.According to the 1993 constitution, the State Duma must decide within one week to

__________ a candidate once the president has placed that person's name in nomination.

10.Each legislative chamber ______ a chairman to control the internal procedures of the


Exercise 8. Replace Russian words and expressions in parentheses with the relevant English equivalents.

1. The State Duma (принимает постановления) on (вопросам) referred to its authority by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Decrees of the State Duma are adopted by a majority of the total number of deputies of the State Duma, unless another procedure is envisaged by the Constitution. All (законопроекты) are first (одобряются) by the State Duma and are further debated and approved (or (отклоняются)) by the Federation Council. 2. The (Государственная Дума) in the Russian Federation is the lower house of the (Федерального Собрания) of Russia (legislature), the upper house being the (Совет Федераций) of Russia. 3. The president (назначает) the prime minister, and the Duma (голосует) whether to confirm the appointment. The president has wide legislative powers, including the (право вето) and decree. Decrees carry the force of law, but may not violate existing law. The Federal Assembly may (преодолеть президентское вето) by a two-thirds vote of each chamber.

4.(Законодательная деятельность) originates in the Duma and, if passed, is sent to the Federation Council. If the Federation Council approves the legislation or fails to examine it within fourteen days, the legislation is sent to the president to be signed.

5.When considering federal constitutional laws, three-fourths of the Council have to (проголосовать). If the Council vetoes a law passed by the State Duma, the two chambers are mandated to form a (согласительную комиссию) in order to (прийти к компромиссу) and make


up a document, which would again go under vote by both houses.

6.The two houses of the Federal Assembly (заседают раздельно), with the State Duma residing in another part of Moscow. Sessions of the Federation Council are held in Moscow from January 25 to July 15 and from September 16 to December 31.

7.The State Duma has special powers enumerated by the Constitution of Russia. Among them there is the power to (выносить обвинение) against the President of the Russian Federation for his impeachment.

Exercise 9. Paraphrase the underlined words or word combinations replacing them with those of opposite meaning:

1.The regional Assembly of Russia is the law-making body of the Russian Federation

2.The State Duma, which is the upper house, and the Federation Council, which is the lower


3.The State Duma rejects decrees on issues referred to its authority.

4.The procedure of making the President answerable for his unlawful actions is called the inauguration [ɪˌnɔːgjə'reɪʃ(ə)n] of the President.

5.The Council is not responsible for cooperating with the State Duma in completing and voting on draft laws.

6.The approval of changes in borders between objects of the Russian Federation are also controlled by the State Duma.

7.The bills passed by the Federation Council cannot be amended by the Duma.

8.In certain cases the chambers may form a incitement commission to work out a confrontation version of the legislation.

9.The State Duma and the Federation Council usually have Joint sessions.

10.The State Duma regulates imprisonment.

Exercise 10. Translate the sentences into English, using the words and word combinations from the text or active vocabulary.

1.Высший орган законодательной власти в России - Федеральное Собрание - состоит из двух палат: верхней и нижней.

2.Верхняя палата именуется Советом Федерации, нижняя - Государственной


3.Совет Федерации и Государственная Дума проводят заседания раздельно, каждая палата имеет свои полномочия.

4.В России действует принцип разделения властей.

5.Первоначально закон принимается простым большинством в Государственной Думе, затем рассматривается Советом Федерации.

6.В том случае, если между палатами возникают разногласия, палаты формируют согласительную комиссию.

7.Для преодоления вето в каждой из палат закон должен быть одобрен не менее чем 2/3 голосов.

8.Законодательная деятельность в Российской Федерации урегулирована Конституцией Российской Федерации.

9.В течение 14 дней Президент может отклонить закон, то есть наложить на него


вето, и вернуть обратно в Государственную Думу.

10. Законопроект обсуждается на заседаниях Государственной Думы, в текст законопроектов вносятся поправки, изменения, дополнения.


Exercise 1. Describe the Legislation in Russia.

Exercise 2. Read the text and discuss the problems:

In the late 1980s, many states and localities passed laws against hate crimes. These laws defined the types of acts that constituted hate crimes and provided criminal penalties for

them. St. Paul, Minnesota, was one of many cities to pass such a law. This city’s ordinance read as follows:

Whoever places on public or private property a symbol . . . or graffiti, including but not limited to a burning cross or Nazi swastika, which one knows or has reasonable grounds to know arouses anger, alarm, or resentment in others on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, or gender, commits disorderly conduct and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Russell and Laura Jones and their five children were an African American family who had just moved into a mostly white St. Paul neighborhood. Late one night they were awakened

by noise outside their bedroom window. When they parted the curtains, they saw a cross burning on their front lawn. St. Paul police arrested an 18-year-old white male. He was prosecuted and convicted under the local ordinance described above.

1.What happened in this case? Why was the 18-year-old prosecuted?

2.Could the state have prosecuted the defendant using some other law or ordinance? If so, which ones? Why do you think it used the hate crimes ordinance?

3.Can you identify words or phrases in the ordinance above that are not clear and specific? What are they? Exactly what expression is prohibited?

4.On appeal, what legal arguments can the defendant raise? What legal arguments can the state make?

5.When interviewed by a national newspaper, the lawyer for the defendant stated that,

“Everybody’s gotten real thin-skinned lately, and I’m defending the right to express yourself in that kind of climate. . . . With an ordinance like this, you open up a doctrine that swallows the First

Amendment.” What did the defendant’s lawyer mean by these comments? Do you agree or disagree with these comments? Give the reasons for your answers.

6.How should this case be decided? Give the reasons for your answer.

7.Assume that a group of students hang a rope ending in a noose from a tree limb near the black cultural studies center at a local university. Assume the St. Paul ordinance is in effect here. Can this act be prosecuted as a crime? What should university administrators do if this happens?


Part 2. Constitution of the Russian Federation

WORD BUILDING. Suffixes -аnсе (-еnсе); -ant , -ent; -en.

The suffixes -ant or -ent are used to form the ajectives.

The ajectives formed with - ant, - ent are consistent with nouns, ended in - аnсе, - еnсе:

For example: elegant (элегантный, изящный) — elegance (элегантность, изящество); distant (дальний, отдаленный) — distance (расстояние, даль); different (различный) — difference (различие) present (присутствующий) — presence (присутствие)

Оnе of the most difficult problems of Eng1ish spelling is choosing the right vowel letter for the suffixes аncе, -еncе; -аncу, -еncу; -ant, -ent. Most of the words with them аre nouns and adjectives derived from Latin verbs of different conjugations whose vowel signs аre generally rерrеsented in their endings.

Тhеrе is nо uniform guiding principle to the use of аncе, -еncе; -ant, -ent and the most careful pronunciation cannot distinguish between those containing а and those with е.

But theгe аrе several generalizations which help to distinguish between these suffixes in spelling. As the same generalizations apply to аll three pairs of suffixes we shall practise them all three indiscriminately.

Exercise 2. Сору thе words listed below into two groups: 1) the words with the suffiхеs –ence, -ency; 2) the words with the suffix –аnсе. Mark оff the suffix with an upright line. What letters precede the suffix? How аre they pronounced before –аnсе and –еnсе:

Model: diligence (–g before –е)

Significance, innocence, emergence, elegance, convalescеnсе, extravagance, agency, adolescence, arrogance, intelligence, applicance, urgency, beneficence, negligence.

How does vengeance differ from the words given аbove?

Exercise 3.

1)If а verb ends in r preceded bу а vowel letter and is accented оn the last syllable it

fоrms its noun with –еnсе, if the ассеnt is оn the first syllable the noun ending is likely to bе - аnсе. Write the verbs frоm which the nouns listed below are derived. Mark the accent.

2) What is the usual suffix оf nouns derived from the verbs ending in –ure and –ear? And what аbout the verbs in –еrе?

1) Conference, аbhorrеnсе, severance, utterance, оссurrence, deference, inference, sufferance, соncurrence, рrеfеrеnсе, transference, furtherance, reference, resemblance, resistance, patience, innocence, significance, difference, independence, influence, insurance.

Why is difference аn ехсерtiоn?


2) Adherence, rеvеrеnсе, clearance, аssurаnсе, endurance, арреаrаnсе, interference, forbearance, securance, reassurance, disарреаrаnсе, coherence, рrосurance.


Exercise 4. Read the words and practice the pronunciation. Translate the words.

Sovereignty ['sɔvr(ə)ntɪ], independence [ˌɪndɪ'pendən(t)s], legislative ['leʤɪslətɪv], executive ɪg'zekjutɪv], judicial [ʤuː'dɪʃ(ə)l], branch [brɑːnʧ], equality [ɪ'kwɔlətɪ], ideology [ˌaɪdɪ'ɔləʤɪ], secular ['sekjələ], human ['hjuːmən], humane [hju'meɪn], priority[ praɪ'ɔrətɪ], proclaim [prə'kleɪm], federative ['fedərətɪv], component [kəm'pəunənt], power ['pauə], assembly [ə'semblɪ], competence ['kɔmpɪt(ə)n(t)s], accept [ək'sept], referendum [ˌref(ə)'rendəm], status ['steɪtəs], oath [əuθ], post [pəust], Duma ['duːmə], represent [ˌreprɪ'zent], determine [dɪ'tɜːmɪn], extent[ɪk'stent], [ekˈstent], implement ['ɪmplɪmənt], civil ['sɪv(ə)l], administrative [əd'mɪnɪstrətɪv], proceeding [prə'siːdɪŋ], irremovability [ˌɪrɪˌmuːvə'bɪlətɪ], inauguration [ɪˌnɔːgjə'reɪʃ(ə)n] [ɪˌnɔːgju'reɪʃ(ə)n], immunity [ɪ'mjuːnətɪ], impartiality ['ɪmˌpɑːʃɪ'ælətɪ], tribunal [traɪ'bjuːn(ə)l], arbitration [ˌɑːbɪ'treɪʃ(ə)n], function ['fʌŋkʃ(ə)n], Separate ['sep(ə)rət], ['sep(ə)reɪt], article ['ɑːtɪkl], procedure [prə'siːʤə], adoption [ə'dɔpʃ(ə)n], regulate ['regjəleɪt], sphere [sfɪə], promulgation [ˌprɔm(ə)l'geɪʃ(ə)n], enforcement [ɪn'fɔːsmənt], [en'fɔːsmənt].


1.the Russian Federation − Российская Федерация

2.supreme law − высшее право (конституция)

3.(v.) pass through a national vote − пройти через всенародное голосование

4.(v.) contain − содержать

5.(v.) define − характеризовать; определять, устанавливать

6.the federative structure − федеративное устройство

7.(v.) establish − учреждать, устанавливать

8.the principles of sovereignty and independence − принципы суверенитета и независимости

9.the principle of separation of powers – принцип разделения власти

10.(adj.) legislative branch – законодательная ветвь власти

11.(adj.) executive branch − исполнительная ветвь власти

12.(adj.) judicial branch − судебная ветвь власти

13.equality of ideologies and religions − равенство идеологий и религий

14.(n.) secular state − светское государство

15.(n.) sovereign state — суверенное государство

16.the rights and freedoms – права и свободы

17.(n.) citizen − гражданин; гражданка (законный житель какого-л. государства)

18.(v.) set the priority − устанавливать приоритет

19.(v.) proclaim the principle of equality before law and court − провозглашать принцип равенства перед законом и судом

20.federal (federative) structure − федеративное устройство

21.(v.) cover – охватывать, защищать, ограждать, предусматривать


22.(v.) be in the jurisdiction (in the competence (of)) of the Russian Federation – находиться под юрисдикцией Российской Федерации

23.(v.) be in the joint jurisdiction – находиться под совместной юрисдикцией

24.federal and local authorities − федеральные и местные власти

25.the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation − Федеральное собрание Российской Федерации

26.(n.) government − правительство

27.(n.) competence − компетенция, правомочность

28.the all-Russia referendum − Всероссийский референдум

29.(v.) belong to – принадлежать (чему-л.)

30.the Head of the State – глава государства

31.the duty − долг, обязательство, обязанность

32.the Supreme Commander of the military forces of the Russian Federation − Верховный Главнокомандующий вооруженных сил Российской Федерации

33.(v.) take the oath − дать клятвенное обещание (syn. to vow, to promise on oath)

34.(v.) enter the post – вступление в должность

35.(n.) inauguration − вступление в должность, инаугурация

36.the Federation Council – Совет Федерации

37.the State Duma − Государственная дума (нижняя палата парламента Российской Федерации)

38.(v.) represent − представлять, быть представителем

39.(n.) chamber − палата

40.terms of office − срок полномочий (о депутате)

41.(v.) be provided by the Constitution − предусматриваться Конституцией

42.(n.) extent − степень

43.(v.) define the order and the terms of office of government official − определить порядок и сроки полномочий государственного должностного лица

44.(v.) implement the power − осуществлять власть (syn. to exercise power)

45.by means of − посредством

46.(n.) proceeding − судебный процесс/дело

47.(v.) establish the principles of independence − устанавливать принципы независимости

48.irremovability and immunity of judge − несменяемость и неприкосновенность судьи

49.objectiveness and impartiality of the court system − объективность и беспристрастность судебной системы

50.the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation − Конституционный Суд Российской Федерации

51.the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation − Верховный Суд Российской Федерации

52.the Higher Arbitration Tribunal of the Russian Federation − Высший Арбитражный суд Российской Федерации

53.Separate articles − отдельные статьи

54.the office of Public Prosecutions of the Russian Federation − прокуратура Российской Федерации (syn. public prosecutor's office)

55.Prosecutor General's Office − Генеральная прокуратура

56.functions of supervision and control − функции надзора и контроля

57.the procedure for adoption of Constitutional amendments − порядок принятия Конституционных поправок

58.final provision − заключительное положение


59.the promulgation of the Constitution − промульгация, обнародование, опубликование Конституции

60.(n.) enforcement − принудительное применение (права, закона); правоприменение; принудительное проведение в жизнь; принуждение к выполнению требований

Exercise 5. Answer the questions:

1.What several bad things could a government do to its citizens? Give examples.

2.How can citizens prevent a government from doing these things?

3.What is a constitution?

4.What basic principles are contained in a constitution?

5.Why is a constitution the supreme law of any country?

Exercise 6. Read and translate the underlined words, then read and translate the text:


Constitution of the Russian Federation is Russia's supreme law, passed through a national vote. It contains the basic principles of the Russian constitutional system.Constitution:

defines the federative structure of the Russian Federation;

establishes the principles of sovereignty and independence of the Russian Federation;

defines the principle of separation of powers between legislative, executive and judicial branches;

establishes equality of ideologies and religions;

defines the Russian Federation as a secular state.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation defines the rights and freedoms of a human and a citizen, sets their priority when handling any questions, and proclaims the principle of equality before law and court. As for the federative structure, the Constitution contains the list of component units of the Russian Federation, covers the questions that are in the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and those that are in the joint jurisdiction of federal and local authorities. The articles are devoted to the bodies of federal power: the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and the Government of the Russian Federation and also the judicial power of the Russian Federation. In these articles, the order and the terms of appointed and elected officials and the limits of their competence are defined according to the principle of separation of powers. After the Constitution accepted on December 12, 1993 at the all-Russia referendum, full authority in the RF belongs to the President and bodies of legislative (two-chamber parliament - Federal Assembly), executive (Government of the Russian Federation) and the judicial authority, which work independently. The President of the Russian Federation is the Head of the State; the duties of the President are listed, including his status of the Supreme Commander of the military forces of the Russian Federation. The Constitution also contains the text of the oath taken by the President of the Russian Federation when entering the post. The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (the Federation Council and the State Duma) represents the legislature. The


order of electing representatives for these chambers, their competence, terms of office are provided by the Constitution. The Government of the Russian Federation is the executive branch. The Constitution determines the extent of its jurisdiction and also defines the order and the terms of office of government officials. The power is implemented by means of constitutional, civil, administrative, and criminal legal proceedings. The Constitution establishes the principles of independence, irremovability and immunity of judges, thus providing for objectiveness and impartiality of the court.system of courts of the Russian Federation consists of:

the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;

the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;

the Higher Arbitration Tribunal of the Russian Federation.

Separate articles are devoted to the office of Public Prosecutions of the Russian Federation with functions of supervision and control, and to the procedure for adoption of Constitutional amendments. The Constitution regulates the questions of local self-government, including its authority and sphere of activity. Transitional and Final provisions regulating the promulgation of the Constitution and its enforcement are included in Part 2 of the Constitution.


Exercise 7. a) Find the following expressions in the text and translate them.

b)Make up the sentences of your own with these expressions.

1.to establish the principles of sovereignty and independence

2.to cover the questions

3.to be devoted to the bodies of federal power


5.legislative authority

6.executive authority

7.judicial authority

8.to list the duties

9.military forces

10.to represent the legislature

11.to determine the extent of the jurisdiction

12.immunity of judges

13.objectiveness and impartiality of the court.

14.supervision and control

15.promulgation of the Constitution and its enforcement

Exercise 8. Find the English equivalents to the following words in the text:

суверенитет. принимать закон



разбирать вопрос
