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Reviews in Computational Chemistry

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244 Cellular Automata Models of Aqueous Solution Systems

is found to be obeyed in the simulations, subject to fluctuations expected for a system containing a finite number of reacting ingredients. When the results from a number of trials are combined to mimic, in effect, the results for a much larger system, the fluctuations become relatively small and the results approach the deterministic forms.

When a back reaction C þ D ! A þ B with probability Pr(C,D) is included in the automaton rules, the equilibrium

A þ B ! C þ D


can be simulated. Once the system has stabilized from its initial nonequilibrium concentrations, fluctuations about the equilibrium concentrations occur over time, and the relative size of these fluctuations decreases as the number of ingredients increases. Figure 26 shows the approach to equilibrium that occurs for an initial system containing 300 A cells and 400 B cells on a 100 100 cell grid, with reaction probabilities Pr(A,B) ¼ 1.0 and Pr(C,D) ¼ 0.5.

Figure 26 Reversible second-order reaction A þ B Ð C þ D, with Pr(A,B) ¼ 1.0, and Pr(C,D) ¼ 0.5. Initial conditions are [A]0 ¼ 300 cells, [B]0 ¼ 400 cells, [C]0 ¼ [D]0 ¼ 0.

Solution Kinetic Models


A variation of this theme occurs in a pseudo-first-order reaction. This type of reaction involves an actual second-order reaction, A þ B ! C þ D, in which one of the reactants, say B, is present in sufficient excess that its variation becomes effectively unnoticeable. Simulations with, for instance, 50 A ingredients and 1000 B ingredients, can bear out the expectation that the reaction kinetics are such that the rate of production of C and D appears to depend only the concentration of A.

This second-order model is a first step toward the examination of more complex models that will include, for example, the influences of intermolecular forces (departing from the hard-sphere ideal), solvent, temperature, and other features. Variations such as the inclusion of unstable intermediate species and additional reactions can also be simulated, so that, potentially, quite complex systems can be studied.

Enzyme Reactions

Many aqueous solution cellular automata models discussed earlier were created for systems in which there have been no changes in the states of any cells that model ingredients. Of great interest are the reactions catalyzed by

enzymes, the engines of biochemical function. Some studies relating to this have been reported,89,90 but more attention to this area of modeling would

be of value. A recent study on the kinetics of an enzyme reaction93 considered the Michaelis–Menten model shown in Eq. [16].

E þ S ! ES ! E þ P


Rules selected for this reaction included the joining and breaking probabilities as described earlier. In addition, it was necessary to include a probability of conversion, Pc, of an enzyme–substrate pair, ES, to an enzyme–product pair, EP, that was programmed to be an irreversible event. The cells designated as enzymes, E, were not permitted to move, and their random distribution in the grid limited them to a separation of at least 10 cells. Once a substrate molecule joined with an enzyme, no other pairings were possible. The lipophilicity of the substrate and product molecules were varied using the PB(WS) and PB(WP) rules.

The dynamics were run for several concentrations of substrate and variations in the Pc values. Initial velocities of the reaction were recorded. The Michaelis–Menten model was observed and characteristic Lineweaver–Burk plots were found from the model. Systematic variation of the lipophilicity of substrates and products showed that a lower affinity between a substrate and water leads to more of the S ! P reaction at a common point along the reaction progress curve. This influence is greater than that of the affinity between the substrate and the enzyme. The study created a model in which the more lipophilic substrates are more reactive. The water–substrate affinity appears

246 Cellular Automata Models of Aqueous Solution Systems

to influence primarily the concentration of the ES complex at the observed point along the reaction progress curve. A low affinity between water and substrate favors a high ES concentration at this point. A hydrophilic substrate appears to be more entrapped in the water continuum, hence to be less available to the enzyme. It was also observed that an accumulation of product molecules around the enzymes coincides with a decline in the reaction rate.

An Anticipatory Model

An anticipatory system is one in which information is sent from an element in the early stages of a sequence of events to a nonacting element that will arise in that sequence. The information sent ahead prepares the future element to function based on information arising in advance of the normal sequence of events. The unmanifested element anticipates its ultimate manifestation in the sequence. An anticipatory system has been modeled by Kier and Cheng94 using the dynamic characteristics of cellular automata. A concentration of an intermediate product influences the creation of a supplemental enzyme that enhances the competence of an enzyme downstream. This anticipation of a future event creates a condition in which the concentration of a later substrate is suppressed, a property characteristic of the system.

The anticipatory model employed in this study had the following stepwise reactions.

A þ e1 ! Ae1 ! Be1 ! B þ e1


Equation [17] is the conversion of A to B, assuming an irreversible first-order reaction catalyzed by the enzyme e1. The rules governing the initial encounter, PB(Ae1) and J(Ae1), are set at the beginning of each run. The next step in the reaction is modeled as shown in Eqs. [18].

B þ e2 ! Be2

! Ce2 ! C þ e2



! Ce2;4 ! C þ e2;4


If the system is not an anticipatory one, the conversion of Be2 to Ce2 would follow only one route. If the system is anticipatory, as shown, there are two paths for the conversion of Be2. The formation of e2,4 represents an enzyme that may function upon substrates B or D (Eqs. [19] and [20]).

C þ e3 ! Ce3 ! De3 ! D þ e3


D þ e4=e2;4 ! De4=e2;4 ! Ee4=e2;4 ! E þ e4=e2;4


Thus the available enzyme to convert B to C is the same for an anticipatory or nonanticipatory system. In the case of an anticipatory system, there is formed, in advance of the creation of substrate D an enzyme, e2,4, that will enhance the

Solution Kinetic Models


reaction of D and e4 to form product E. Substrate B serves as a predictor of the concentration of D, reducing its accumulation, relative to that in a nonanticipatory system. Substrate D is confronted with an enhanced competence of its specific enzyme, modeled by e4 and e2,4 facilitating the conversion of D to E. The decrease in the concentration of D is the property of the anticipatory sys-

tem that is created by the feed-forward influence of e2,4.

In each study, the dynamics revealed concentrations over time that are influenced by the presence or absence of a feed-forward or preadaption state in the system. The concentration of A steadily diminishes as successive concentrations of B, C, and D rise and fall at the same levels. The concentration of E rises at the end of the run, eventually becoming the only ingredient in the system. The concentration of D is ca. 0.25 in a nonanticipatory model. In contrast, with an anticipatory or feed-forward step in the system there is created an additional amount of enzyme specific for substrate D (enzyme, e2,4) that is available at a future time to catalyze the conversion of D to E. This anticipatory attribute creates a property of the system in which the concentration of ingredient D is not allowed to accumulate to its normal level. In contrast, the concentration of D in an anticipatory model is approximately 0.13, about half the D concentrations for the nonanticipatory models. The concentration of B therefore serves as a predictor of the concentration of D at a later time.

Chromatographic Separation

Models of chromatographic separation based on cellular automata have been reported.95 Solvent cells were randomly distributed over the grid at the initiation of each run. These 5230 cells, designated W, constituted 69% of the cells in the grid before the introduction of any other ingredients. The stationary phase, designated B, was simulated by the presence of cells distributed randomly over the grid, replacing 600 W cells. The B cells were immobile and were positioned at least three cells from another B cell. The solute cells, usually simulating a mixture of two different compounds, were represented by 10 cells each. These solutes replace a corresponding number of W cells and were positioned initially on the first row of the column.

The movements of the solutes and mobile phase in the grid were governed by rules denoting the joining and breaking of like or unlike cells. The gravity term was applied uniformly to all ingredients except the stationaryphase cells. The position of each solute cell was recorded at a given row in the ‘‘chromatographic’’ column after a certain number of iterations. Each run was repeated 100 times to achieve an average position on the column for 1000 cells of a certain solute. The position of the peak maximum was determined by summing the number of cells found in contiguous groups of 10 rows on the column. These averages were then plotted against the iteration time.

The gravity parameter for each ingredient in the simulation defines the flow rate. The polarity of the solvent, W, is encoded in the relative

248 Cellular Automata Models of Aqueous Solution Systems

self-association experienced, which in turn is governed by the rules, PB(W) and J(W). High values of PB(W) and low values of J(W) simulate a weak self-asso- ciation, corresponding to a relatively nonpolar solvent. The migration of the solutes was found to be faster when the solvent was nonpolar. Another study in the same paper95modeled the influence of the relative affinities of solutes for the stationary phase B. This affinity is encoded in the parameters PB(SB) and J(SB). High values of PB(SB) and low values of J(SB) denote a weak affinity. These parameters characterize the structural differences among solutes that give rise to different migratory rates and separations in chromatography. These studies revealed that solutes with a greater affinity for the stationary phase migrated at a slower rate.

The effect of solvating the stationary phase was significant because this property reflects the variability of this ingredient in the selection of suitable solvents for experimental work. The variation in this property was encoded into the PB(WB) and J(WB) parameters. A low value for the PB(WB) and a high value for the J(WB) parameters denotes a strong affinity of the solvent, W, for the stationary phase B. The study revealed a modest influence of the parameters on migration through the ‘‘column’’ but a greater influence on the relative resolution among the two solutes in each study. The greater the relative solvation of the stationary phase, the poorer the resolution.


The examples given here illustrate some of the capabilities that cellular automata models have for enhancing our understanding of complex, dynamic systems in chemistry.96 They also give a hint of some of the potential richness that these models may hold for the future. The limitations of the cellular automata models are quite clear: they do not make use of the customary tools of the trade—the molecular structures, the force fields, the energetic calculations, and their associated equations—that are so firmly embedded in our training and experience as computational chemists. Yet the absence of these tools also contributes to the strength of the method. In the absence of these tools, the modeler is forced to design appropriate ‘‘rules’’ that encapsulate the nature of things, thereby making the modeler an active participant in the process of understanding the complex systems under investigation. The heuristic rules, moreover, yield models that have an attractive simplicity, are computationally undemanding, and are readily visualizable. They also enable, in many cases, a parsing of the influences in a complex system—say, changing the temperature of one component and not of another—that can lead both to a better understanding of how these factors influence behavior and to the discovery of new insights and possibilities.

The cellular automata models described here contained some novel techniques for this paradigm. The use of a gravity rule to set the stage for the

Appendix 249

demixing of immiscible liquids is one example. Another is the use of a variegated cell with independent states and trajectory rules for each of the four faces. These innovations have greatly enhanced the potential for cellular automata models to explore new areas of dynamic systems.

We close with two quotations. The first describes in a general way both the limitations and the promise of modeling work:97 ‘‘Because models of this sort may provide an unjustified sense of verisimilitude, it is important to recognize them for what they are: imitations of reality that represent at best individual realizations of complex processes in which stochasticity, contingency, and non-linearity underlie a diversity of possible outcomes. Individual simulations cannot be taken as more than representative of this diversity, but repeated simulations can provide statistical ensembles that contain robust kernels of truth.’’ The second quote positions the models between theory and experiment:98 ‘‘It is worthwhile to emphasize that the computer based models offer a half-way house between theory and experiment. They have the rigor of mathematical models without the generality, while allowing the selection and repeatability of good, critical experiments without the enforced connection to reality.’’


The computations were done on personal computers using a suite of programs called DING HAO. The programs are written in C.

Computing the Moving Probability

The moving probability is defined as follows:

Let A be a molecule and let S be the set of directions in which the j cell [see Figure 5(a)] of A is empty. Let n be the number of empty j neighbors [see Figure 5(a)] of A. We describe the computed direction breaking probability at d direction, written as dirPB(d), as: dirPB(d) ¼ 1 if the j cell at A’s d direction is empty, dirPB(d) ¼ PB(AB) otherwise, where B is the molecule at the j cell in the d direction of A.

Let Q be the product of dirPB(d) for all d in S.

Let J(d) ¼ 1 if the k cell and the j cell [see Figure 5(c)] at A’s d direction are empty, J(d) ¼ J(AB) þ y if only the j cell at A’s d direction is empty, and the k cell at A’s d direction is occupied by the molecule B, where y ¼ absG(A) if d ¼ south, y ¼ 0 otherwise. Then y ¼ GD(AB) if the j cell at A’s d direction is occupied by the molecule B. Furthermore, in this case, n should be incremented by 1.

250 Cellular Automata Models of Aqueous Solution Systems

Let temp ¼ (n/Q) 1, if Q > 0.

Let MP(d) be the probability of moving in a direction d and define it as follows:

MPðdÞ ¼ f =½1 þ temp =JðdÞ& if Q > 0, where f is the free movement probability of A, MPðdÞ ¼ 0 otherwise.

Let MP be the sum of MP(d) for all four directions.

Normalize MP(d) if it is necessary. That is, change MPðdÞ to MPðdÞ=MP for all directions d if MP > 1.

We choose this method to compute the moving probability because:

1.It allows a simple computation.

2.It allows the influence of k cells, but the effect is limited so that the influence of one direction does not overshadow the influence from other directions.

3.When ABÞ ¼ 1, and all adjacent j cells to the occupant are empty, the probability of moving in any direction is 0.25 of its free movement probability. This reduced joining parameter agrees with the intuitively reasonable assumption that any occupant should not be biased on any direction (unless gravity is considered).

The directional moving probabilities are computed for various configurations and rules, giving the results in Figures 7–10.


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