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Reviews in Computational Chemistry

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194 Spin–Orbit Coupling in Molecules

functions of a molecule with an even number of electrons. On the other hand, a group theoretical treatment of similarity transformations of spin functions with an odd number of electrons requires the introduction of additional symmetry operations. Together with the molecular point group operations, they form the elements of the so-called molecular double group. Selection rules for the interaction of molecular electronic states via the spin–orbit coupling operator can thus be derived from their direct product representations of the molecular double group.

A phenomenological Hamiltonian is also useful for comparison with experiment, as experimentalists determine spectroscopic parameters by fitting spectral data to such a model Hamiltonian. Only spatially degenerate states experience a first-order spin–orbit splitting. A second-order spin–orbit shift may occur in any electronic state. For triplets and higher multiplicity states, a first-order spin–spin interaction cannot be distinguished experimentally from a second-order spin–orbit interaction. This indistinguishability has to be kept in mind when comparing theoretical and experimental fine-structure splittings, in particular for spatially nondegenerate states of light element compounds.

For the evaluation of probabilities for spin-forbidden electric dipole transitions, the length form is appropriate. The velocity form can be made equivalent by adding spin-dependent terms to the momentum operator. A sum-over-states expansion is slowly convergent and ought to be avoided, if possible. Variational perturbation theory and the use of spin–orbit CI expansions are conventional alternatives to elegant and more recent response theory approaches.

Rates for nonradiative spin-forbidden transitions depend on the electronic spin–orbit interaction matrix element as well as on the overlap between the vibrational wave functions of the molecule. Close to intersections between potential energy surfaces of different space or spin symmetries, the overlap requirement is mostly fulfilled, and the intersystem crossing is effective. Interaction with vibrationally unbound states may lead to predissociation.

The classical field for the application of spin–orbit Hamiltonians in electronic structure calculations is spectroscopy. Fine-structure splittings in the spectra of small light molecules have been predicted with large confidence since the 1970s. Recent developments in relativistic electronic structure theory have pushed the line further down the periodic table and have made heavy element compounds accessible. Spin independent relativistic effects are easily incorporated in effective core potentials or through modified one-electron integrals in all-electron calculations. For either case, corresponding variationally stable spin–orbit operators have been developed. The event of reliable effective one-electron spin–orbit operators has extended the applicability of two-com- ponent methods to medium-sized molecules, with 10–20 nonhydrogenic atoms. Methods for a reliable determination of off-diagonal spin–orbit coupling matrix elements in larger molecules still are to be developed.197

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One of the grand challenges of the 1990s was the merger of spin–orbit and electron correlation effects. There has been good progress, but there is still room for improvement. The reasons for complications in the accurate simultaneous determination of spin–orbit and electron correlation are manifold. Spin–orbit interaction is dominated by single excitations, whereas these hardly contribute at all to electron correlation corrections. For the latter, double and higher excitations are required. Further, the amount of electron correlation obtained in a quantum chemical calculation converges slowly with the expansion length. The number of configurations per electronic state that can taken into account for describing electron correlation effects in a spin–orbit calculation is usually much smaller than for a spin independent Hamiltonian. One reason is the much less efficient symmetry blocking of the Hamiltonian matrix due the coupling of electronic states with different spin and spatial symmetries. Additionally, the matrix elements of the spin–orbit operator are complex numbers in general, thus doubling the dimension of the eigenvalue problem. Another cause of complications is the use of a common set of orbitals for all states under consideration. The treatment of orbital relaxation effects through a configuration expansion requires large reference spaces with many different active orbitals and thus prevents the use of highly efficient concepts, such as the unitary group approach, for evaluating the Hamiltonian matrix elements. One way out of these problems appears to be the usage of so-called dressed Hamiltonians160 that incorporate major dynamic correlation effects at the spin-free level. This procedure allows the number of explicitly varied expansion coefficients in a spin–orbit calculation to be kept at a moderate size at little or no loss of correlation contributions. This latter discussion shows that quantum chemical approaches that include spin–orbit coupling effects are far from the stage of black-box programs.


This chapter was derived from lecture notes on a course about spin-dependent interactions in molecules at the University of Bonn. Continuing discussions with many colleagues and students have been helpful in pointing out problems and eliminating errors. Research on this subject was financially supported by the German Research Council (DFG) through SFB334 and SPP ‘‘Relativistische Effekte’’. Traveling funds by the European Science Foundation in the framework of the ESF program on ‘‘Relativistic Effects’’ and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) have been essential for establishing scientific contacts outside Germany. Major parts of this chapter have been written while holding a position at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Du¨ sseldorf.


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