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English for Economistsc 2014.doc
1.8 Mб

Vocabulary Notes:

  1. to provide обеспечивать, предоставлять

  2. to be vested in принадлежать (о власти)

  3. irrespective независимый

  4. conformity соответствие

  5. amendment поправка, исправление

  6. respective соответственный

  7. at least по крайней мере

  8. membership членство

  9. to arrange организовать

  10. to terminate заканчиваться

  11. to vote голосовать

  12. vote голос (избирательный)

  13. to assemble созывать, собирать

  14. to commence начинать(ся)

  15. to apportion разделять, делить

  16. revenue bill законопроект по бюджету

  17. designation назначение на должность

  18. grand jury большое жюри

  19. to advise советовать, консультировать

  20. to consent соглашаться, разрешать

  21. to refer относиться, иметь отношение

  22. appropriate соответствующий, присущий

  23. to try the impeachment рассматривать импичмент

  24. "pocket veto" карманное вето

Ex. 16. Make up questions to the underlined words.

  1. Congress of the United States consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

  2. The House of Representatives is composed of 435 Members.

  3. The number of representatives is limited by the Constitution.

  4. A representative must be at least 25 years old.

  5. A representative must have been a citizen of the United States for 7 years.

  6. Both the Senate and the House of Representatives have equal legislative functions and powers.

  7. The chief function of Congress is making laws.

Ex. 17. Make up questions to which the following sentences would be the answers.

1. ………?

The Senate is composed of 100 members.

2. ………?

The 17th Amendment to the US Constitution changed the former constitutional method under which Senators were chosen by the respective State legislation.

3. ………?

A Senator must be at least 30 years of age.

4. ………?

The term of office of the Senate is 6 years.

5. ………?

A Senator must have been a citizen of the United States for 9 years.

6. ………?

The terms of office of Senators do not terminate at the same time.

7. ………?

Of 2 Senators from a State serving at the same time the one elected for a full time is called "senior" Senator.

8. ………?

The other is referred to as "junior" Senator.

9. ………?

Both the Senate and the House of Representatives have equal legislative functions and powers.

10. ……..?

In the USA the executive power is represented by the President.

11. ……..?

The legislative power is vested in Congress.

Ex. 18. Give some information on the state system of the USA. Use the following data.

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