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Тесты iVуровня

1.What is the State language in Republic of Kazakhstan ?

a) + Kazakh

b) Russian

c) English


e) Ukraine

2.When was the RK law on languages adopted ?

a) +1996

b) 1995

c) 1991

d) 2005

e) 2009

3.What is the RK law on languages based on ?

a) program

b) +constitution

c) regulations

d) relations

e) project

4.What language is used in RK equally with Kazakh ?

a) English


c) + Russian


e) French

5.What language is used in RK international activity ?

a) Russian ,English

b) Russian ,German

c) Kazakh, Turkey

d) Kazakh, French

e) + Kazakh, other languages due needs

6.What languages is all documentation in RK state bodies and organizations

carried out ?

a) + Kazakh ,Russian

b) Kazakh ,English

c) Russian ,English

d) Russian ,German

e) Kazakh , French

7.What subjects are obligatory in educational institutions due to ”RK law on languages”?

a) Russian, English

b) Kazakh, English

c) + Kazakh, Russian

d) Kazakh, German

e) Russian, Turkey

8.What language is the means of interethnic communication in RK?

a) Kazakh

b) English

c) German

d) + Russian

e) Turkey

9.What is the language of business ,communication and integration

into global economics in RK?

a) Russian

b) German

c) Kazakh

d) + English

e) Chinese

10.What bodies provide necessary conditions for development of state and other languages

in RK?

a) Parliament


c) Ministry of education and science

d) Ministry of Public health

e) +All state organs

11.What does the State program on developing languages provide?

a) state language priority, phased transfer of office work into Russian

b) +state language priority, phased transfer of office work into Kazakh

c) state language priority, phased transfer of office work into German

d) state language priority, phased transfer of office work into Turkey

e) state language priority, phased transfer of office work into Chinese

12.What does the RK law on languages consist of ?

a) +present law, other normative legal acts

b) present law, other state programs

c) present law, other regulations

d) present law, other international programs

e) present law, other regional programs

13.Whom is application of RK law on languages extended for ?

a)citizens of Kazakhstan

b) citizens of Kazakhstan ,foreigners

c) citizens of Kazakhstan ,persons without citizenship

d) +citizens of Kazakhstan, foreigners, persons without citizenship

e) persons without citizenship

14.What languages are necessary to develop due to “Triunity of languages” project?

a) +Kazakh ,Russian, English

b) Kazakh ,English, German

c) Kazakh, ,English, Turkey

d)Kazakh, Russian ,German,

e) Kazakh ,Russian, Chinese

15.What does the introduction of “Trilingual teaching in KazNMU” program suppose?

a) stage by stage development of teaching 1 language

b) stage by stage development of teaching 2 languages

c) + stage by stage development of teaching 3 languages

d) ) stage by stage development of teaching 4 languages

e) stage by stage development of teaching 5 languages

16.What is the subject of “RK Law on languages ” regulation?

a) +social relations

b)national relations

c)ethnic relations

d)international relations

e)family relations