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a first-year student студент(ка) –первокурсник(ца)

to describe описывать

to go in for sport заниматься спортом

slim стройный

a housewife домохозяйка

a book-keeper бухгалтер

a nurse медсестра

a hostel общежитие

exciting волнующий

urgent matters срочные дела

available доступный

an achievement достижение

human kind человечество

to download загружать

World Wide Web «Всемирная паутина»

an exception исключение

to relax расслабляться

Exercise 1. Give the English equivalents for the following:

На факультете химии Путешествовать по республике

Я занимаюсь спортом Полон новых открытий

Оставаться стройной Огромное количество книг

Доступны в интернете Остаться дома

Она не замужем В общем

Я снимаю квартиру Делать домашнее задание

Немного отдохнуть Я не исключение

У меня это хорошо получается

Обычно у меня уходит на это 3-4 часа

Я хорошо успевал(а) по всем предметам

Я могу загрузить любую информацию

Exercise 2. Speak about yourself. Use the following questions to help you:

1) What’s your name?

2) Where and when were you born?

3) How old are you now?

4) Where are you from?

5) Have you got a family?

6) Where does your family live?

7) How many people are there in your family?

8) Have you got brothers, sisters, grandparents?

9) Where do you live now?

10) What school did you finish?

11) Did you study well at school?

12) Where do you study now?

13) What subjects do you study at the University?

14) What is your favourite subject?

15) What are your hobbies?

16) What sports do you go in for?

17) What music do you listen to?

18) What is your favourite season? Why?

19) What weather do you prefer?

20) What are your plans for the future?

How to describe people

Height (= how many metres?)

Mary Pimm is a very tall woman.

[Not Mary Pimm is a very high woman]

Tom Jakes is quite short

[Not Tom Jakes is quite low]

If you aren’t tall or shot, you are medium height

How tall is Mary/Tom? She’s 1.60 metres tall. He’s 1.48 metres tall.

Weight (how many kilos?)

Dolly Ryan is really slim.[+]

I was very thin when I was in hospital. [-]

A fat man opened the door. [-]

The doctor said I’m overweight. [+]

How much do you weight? I weight 62 kilos.

Face and head

Sally has dark hair and dark skin. She has brown eyes.

Polly has blond (or fair) hair and fair skin. She has blue eyes.

Billy has a beard and long hair. He has green eyes.

Harry has a moustache and short hair.


My grandmother is 97. She is very old. My sister is 14. She is young, but would like to be older. My father is 56. He is middle-aged, but would like to be younger!

This hospital is for elderly people. [more polite than old]

Looks: positive or negative.

My sister is quite pretty (+ + +) (usually for girls/women only).

She is a very beautiful girl (+ + + +)

Jim is a very handsome man (+ + + +) (usually for men only).

Bob’s a rather ugly man (- - -)

I’m not ugly or beautiful, I’m just ordinary-looking!(+/ -)

Exercise 1. Fill the gaps in the sentences:

1. He’s only one metre 52. He’s quite short.

2. Very ………. people are often good at basketball.

3. Models are usually ……….

4. Is her skin dark? No it’s ……..

5. She’s only 12. She’s very ……....

6. If I eat too much I’ll be ………..

7. My grandmother is in this hospital. It’s a hospital for ……..people. (Don’t use ‘old’)

Exercise 2.Ask questions for these answers. Use the words in brackets:

1. How tall is your brother? (your brother)

He’s about one metre 75.

2. Is ……………….. (Elena’s hair)

No, her hair is dark.

3. Is ……………….. (Mike’s hair)?

Yes, it’s quite long.

4. Are ……………... (your parents)?

Not really, they’re middle-aged.

5. Is ………………… (his sister)?

Yes, all the boys want to go out with her.

6. Why ……………... (Sarah thin)?

She was very ill.

Exercise 3. Match the words and their meanings:


a) стройный


b) лысый


c) близорукий


d) высокий


e) разговорчивый


f) полный

7)fair hair

g) брюнет(ка)


h) блондин(ка)


i) светлые волосы

10)bold headed

j) маленького роста

11)short sighted

k) приземистый, коренастый

12)smart, clever, bright

l) умный


m) агрессивный


n) веселый человек

15)fun to be with

o) скучный

16)easy to go along

p) порывистый, импульсивный


q) невежливый, грубый


r) легкий в общении


s) тупой, глупый


t) спокойный

21)shy, confused

u) энтузиаст, затейник


v) активный


w) толстый


x) застенчивый

Exercise 4. Describe a person in your English group using the words given above, don’t tell his or her name so that your group mates could guess who is it?

Text B. Read and translate the text.