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English for humanities.doc
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    1. to be situated/to be located – находиться, располагаться

    2. to border on – граничить с

border - граница

    1. to consist of/ to be made up of – состоять из

    2. to include/to comprise – включать, охватывать

    3. to occupy/to cover – занимать (территорию)

    4. to separate – разделять

    5. to be washed by – омываться

    6. to flow – течь

    7. to vary – меняться, разнообразить

various – разнообразный

variety – разнообразие, изобилие

    1. to influence – влиять

    2. to be rich in – быть богатым чем-либо

    3. continent – континент

    4. water bodies – водные ресурсы

oceans – океаны

rivers – реки

lakes – озера

    1. total area – общая площадь

    2. territory – территория

    3. surface – поверхность

    4. landscape/scenery – пейзаж, ландшафт

plain – равнина

steppe – степь

taiga – тайга

tundra – тундра

desert – пустыня

highland – высокогорье

    1. climate/climatic conditions – климат, климатические условия

arctic – арктический

moderate/mild – умеренный

continental – континентальный

sharply-continental – резко континентальный

sub-tropical – субтропический

tropical – тропический

    1. population – население

urban – городское

rural – сельское

    1. vegetation – растительность

    2. flora and fauna – растительный и животный мир

    3. animal species – виды животных

    4. time zone – часовой пояс

    5. mineral/natural resources полезные ископаемые–

oil – нефть

natural gas – природный газ

coal – уголь

ores – руды

ferrous/non-ferrous metals – черные/цветные металлы

    1. national economy – национальная экономика

    2. industrial branches – отрасли промышленности

machinery/equipment – оборудование

electronics – электроника

textiles – текстиль

cars – автомобили

shipbuilding – кораблестроение

aircraft-building – авиапромышленность

    1. agriculture – сельское хозяйство

    2. state – государство/штат

    3. republic – республика

    4. monarchy – монархия

constitutional monarchy – конституционная монархия

    1. capital – столица

    2. branches of power – ветви власти

legislative – законодательная

executive – исполнительная

judicial – судебная

    1. to belong to – принадлежать кому-либо

    2. to head – возглавлять

    3. to control – управлять, контролировать

    4. to govern – править, управлять

    5. political party – политическая партия

    6. multiparty system – многопартийная система

    7. national flag/banner – национальный флаг, знамя

    8. foreign policy – внешняя политика государства

    9. international cooperation – международное сотрудничество

    10. powerful nation – великий народ, нация

    11. nationality – национальность

Consolidate the vocabulary

What geographical objects do the following names denote?

Asia, the Pacific, the Baltic, the Severn, Australia, New Zealand, the North, Antarctica, Greece, the Baikal, the Cordilleras, Ben Nevis, Alaska, the Arctic.

  1. Guess the notion by its definition:

  1. a large area of flat dry land;

  2. the typical weather conditions in a particular area;

  3. a large mass of land surrounded by sea;

  4. one of the 24 areas that the world is divided into, each of which has its own time;

  5. plants in general, especially in one particular area;

  6. the natural features of a particular part of a country;

  7. the number of people living in a particular area, country;

  8. an area of a country where there are a lot of mountains;

  9. the large flat areas of land in the north of Russia, Canada etc., where it is very cold and there are no trees;

  10. to move in a steady continuous stream

  1. Put the words in the box under the following headings:


mineral and natural resources


industrial branches

branches of power

plain arctic coal ores taiga tropical steppe continental

executive cars sub-tropical highland textiles shipbuilding

electronics natural gas legislative dessert judicial mild

  1. Find the word with the most general meaning.

1) landscape, highland, taiga, steppe.

2) oil, coal, natural resources, copper.

3) industry, textiles, electronics, machinery.

4) state, republic, federation, monarchy.

5) climatic, arctic, continental, tropical.

  1. Translate into Russian:

  1. On the north-west side of the Pennine system lies the Lake District, containing the beautiful lakes which give it its name.

  2. Of the four parts which male up Great Britain England is the largest, the industrial and most densely populated part of the United Kingdom.

  3. There are upland regions in the north and the southwest, but the rest of England is almost flat.

  4. North Wales is a country of mountains and deep valleys, South Wales is a land of high hills and wide valleys.

  5. Except for coal, mineral resources of Wales are limited, and include gold, silver, lead and copper.

  6. The Welsh people, especially in rural areas, are fond of folk music, singing, poetry and drama.

  7. Northern Ireland occupies the northeast of the island of Ireland, only one-sixth of its territory.

  8. There are low hills and peaks of rocks in the northwest, while the northeast sector of the island is a plateau.

  9. The economy of Northern Ireland has its roots in three basic industries – agriculture, textiles and shipbuilding.

  10. Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland, is the leading industrial centre and a large port. Its chief industries are the production of linen and other textiles, clothing, shipbuilding, engineering.

  1. Translate into English:

  1. Уральские горы отделяют Европейскую часть России от Азиатской.

  2. Россия богата полезными ископаемыми: нефтью, природным газом, каменным углем и многими другими.

  3. Ландшафт России представлен практически всеми существующими типами рельефа.

  4. В России много водных ресурсов: крупных рек и озер.

  5. В Алтайском крае преобладает городское население, хотя и на селе проживает достаточно большой процент населения.

  6. Законодательная власть Российской Федерации принадлежит Федеральному Собранию, исполнительная власть – президенту и правительству, а судебная – системе судов разных уровней.

  7. Великобритания является конституционной монархией во главе с королевой.

  8. Политика России направлена на расширение международного сотрудничества.

  9. Общая площадь Российской Федерации составляет более 17 миллионов километров.

  10. Россия является конституционной республикой с президентской формой правления.

  1. Be ready to do back-translation of the following text (listen attentively to your partner’s translation of the text from English into Russian and translate it back from Russian into English without looking into the original text).

Today about 900000 people inhabit the group of Hawaii islands. By origin, they are most closely related to the countries of Asia and the Pacific – chiefly Japan, the Philippines, China and Korea. Only about one-sixth of the inhabitants originated in Europe or America.

In 1900 the Hawaiian former kingdom was annexed by the USA, and in 1959 it became its fiftieth state.

About 3.5 thousand kilometres separate Hawaii from California, its closest sister state.

The twenty islands of Hawaii lie upon the Pacific, from southeast to northwest. They belong to the hot climate, but the climate is rather less hot because of the ocean currents that pass their shores, and because of the winds that blow across the land from the northeast. On the larger islands, volcanic mountains from which lava flows, rise up out of the sea. Along the gently sloping land areas to the southeast, there are beaches of yellow, white and black sands.

The largest island, Hawaii, lies at the southeastern end of the chain and is almost twice as large as all other islands combined.

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