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  1. Контрольное задание по дисциплине

  2. «Иностранный язык» для студентов заочного отделения
  3. по направлению подготовки 030900.62 «Юриспруденция»;
  4. Тема: The work of the police

1. Найдите эквиваленты к русским словам и выражениям из Unit 1.

1) мировой судья

2) вооружение

3) звания

4) носить форму

5) подчиняться правилам

6) проводить закон в жизнь

7) полномочия полиции

8) транспортное средство

9) допрашивать

10) адвокат

11) собирать информацию

12) предотвращение

13) правоохранительные органы

14) сохранение

15) назначить

2. Соотнесите определения и термины.

1) a person who is held in prison is a prisoner.

2) the money the criminal pays for the damage he/she has inflicted is a police station.

3) a person who saw a crime is a compensation.

4) a person who passes a sentence in court is a judge.

5) not guilty is an innocent.

6) correct somebody’s behavior is a reform.

7) death penalty is a capital punishment.

8) a person who was harmed as a result of a crime is a victim.

9) the place where policemen work is a police station.

10) committing crime again is a recidivism.

a) recidivism;

b) a prisoner;

c) a police station;

d) compensation;

e) a witness;

f) a victim;

g) capital punishment;

h) a judge;

i) innocent;

j) reform.

3. Ответьте на вопросы о Британской полиции.

  1. What are the duties off the police?

The duties off the police are prevent to crime.

  1. Do British policemen wear uniforms?

Yes they do wear uniform.

  1. What ranks do they have in the British police?

British police have the following titles:


Deputy Commissioner

Assistant Commissioner

Deputy Assistant Commissioner


General Manager


Chief Inspector




  1. Who works in the Criminal Investigation Department?

SO1- Specialist Protection Department SO2 - Crime Support Branch

SO3 - Scenes of Crime Branch

SO4 - National Identification Service

SO5 - Child Protection

SO6 - Fraud Squad

SO7 - Serious and Organised Crime SO8 - Forensic Science Laboratory

SO9 - Flying Squad

SO10 - Covert Operations

SO11 - Intelligence   SO12 - Special Branch SO13 - Anti-Terrorism Branch

SO14 - Royalty Protection SO15 -Counter Terrorism Command

SO16 - Diplomatic Protection Group  СО17 - PNC Bureau SO18 - Aviation Security

SO19 - Force Firearms Unit

SO20 - Forensic Medical Examiners Branch

  1. What are the powers of the police?

The authority of the British police is to prevent crime.

  1. In what situation do the British policemen carry guns?

The British police do not carry guns.

  1. Do women work in the police?

Women does work in the police.

  1. What is the structure of Scotland Yard?

  2. Why did Scotland Yard get its name?

Scotland Yard name comes from its original location on the street Great Scotland Yard (Eng.) In the area of Whitehall.

  1. How many people work in the CID today?

Today in Scotland Yard have been working 27 000 people.

4. Выберите нужный предлог: before, in, of, to with

1. He is kept in custody.

2. He was sentenced to five years.

3. She got a sentence of six months.

4. He was accused to murder.

5. She was charged in theft.

6. He appeared before court in handcuffs.

7. They were brought to the judge.

5. Переведите следующие предложения из активного залога в пассивный.

  1. The policeman arrested the suspect in the street.

The suspect was arrested by police on the street.

  1. They founded Scotland Yard in 1842.

Scotland Yard was founded by them in 1842.

  1. The police fulfils many functions.

Many functions are fulfils by the police.

  1. He will interrogate the offender tomorrow.

The offender will be interrogated him tomorrow.

  1. They collect all the data.

All the data was collected by them.

  1. Scotland Yard keeps files of all criminals.

Files of all criminals still kept by Scotland Yard.

  1. They train police officers every year.

Police officers are trained by them every year.

  1. The police protects citizens.

Citizens are protected by the police.