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Marry Poppins Ass 12

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Ass. 12

Pre-reading Tasks

Translate the sentences in writing

  1. “Oh, of course!” said Jane, thinking that was the safest thing to say, but not knowing in the least whom they were to pay their respects to.

  2. They could feel his warm soft fur brushing against their bodies and hear the rumblings his voice made in his stomach as he talked.

  3. The Brown Bear stopped before a small house whose windows were all so brightly lit that if it hadn’t been a moonlight night you would have thought the sun was shining.

  4. They took a step forward, for his curious deep eyes seemed to draw them towards him.

  5. There was no sound in the Snake House but the sound of many creatures all holding their breath.

  6. Suddenly he gave a long, twisting corkscrew leap and his golden outer skin lay on the floor, and in its place he was wearing a new coat of shining silver.

  7. Without waiting for them to reply he slid between them, and with a movement of his hood directed them to walk one on either side of him.

  8. You thought that they were natural enemies that the lion could not meet a bird without eating it, nor the tiger the hare?

  9. Jane and Michael, as they listened felt themselves gently rocking too, or as if they were being rocked.

  10. Michael was staring, open mouthed, at Mary Poppins, who was now making toast at the fire.

Read the second part of the chapter on pp. 101-109. Prepare a good reading and translate the passage beginning from “Ah-you may be right…” on p. 107 and ending with “… as a ship rocks on the sea”, on p. 107.

Vocabulary Tasks

I. Explain the meaning of some phrases from the text. Remember the context in which they are used. Reproduce the context. Make up your own sentences with these phrases

  1. to consider sth. p. 101

  2. to give up sth. p. 101

  3. to disappoint sb. p. 101

  4. to pay one’s respect to sb. p. 102

  5. to become accustomed to sth. p. 102

  6. hardly to believe one’s eys p. 102

  7. to pick up sth. p. 105

  8. to catch sight of sth. p. 106

II. Find the English equivalents in the text. Learn the words.

Шипеть, выпасть на полнолуние, кланяться изящно, почтительно и смиренно, свернуться кольцом, непреодолимый взгляд, присесть на корточки, отмечать событие, менять кожу, хозяин нашего мира, качаться плавно из стороны в сторону, сойтись вокруг Мери Поппинс, язык в виде вилки, заботливо укрывать одеялом, качаться как маятник часов.

III. Pick up all the names of animals from the text.

IV. Think of the Russian equivalent for the English proverb: “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. Explain its meaning in English. Make up a short situation illustrating its meaning.

Reading-Comprehension Tasks

I. Remember who said the following and to whom they were speaking. What is the context.

  1. I don’t want to disappoint them.

  2. You want to play your respects, I suppose.

  3. Where’s your overcoat, may I ask? And your hat and gloves?

  4. He’s the lord of our world.

  5. I have had time to give the question of your Birthday Present some consideration.

  6. They’ll be waiting for you to take your place in the center.

  7. Asleep and dreaming – both of them.

  8. I have all I need of zoos in this nursery, hyenas, orangoutangs, all of you.

  9. Jane? Look!

II. Dramatize the episode ‘At the Snake House”.

III. Render the conversation between Mary Poppins, Jane and Michael at the breakfast.

IV. Retell the whole chapter.

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