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David Nicholls - One Day

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So time for another breather before the next paragraph because I’ve barely got started. This letter builds to a life-changing climax. I wonder if you’re ready for it yet.

Somewhere between the staff toilets and the kitchen, Ian Whitehead slipped into his stand-up act.

‗Have you ever been in, like, a supermarket, and you‘re in the six items or less queue, and there‘s an old lady in front of you, and she‘s got, like seven items? And you stand there counting them, and you‘re like, soooo angry . . .‘

‗Ay caramba,‘ mumbled Emma under her breath before kicking open the swing doors to the kitchen where they were met by a wal of hot air that stung their eyes, acrid and infused with jalapeno peppers and warm bleach. Loud acid house played on the battered radio cassette as a Somalian, an Algerian and a Brazilian prised the lids off white plastic catering tubs.

‗Morning, Benoit, Kemal. Hiya, Jesus,‘ said Emma cheerful y and they smiled and nodded cheerful y back.

Emma and Ian crossed to a noticeboard where she pointed out a laminated sign that showed what to do if someone choked on their food, ‗as wel they might‘.

Next to this was pinned a large document, ragged at the edges, a parchment map of the Texas–Mexico border. Emma tapped it with her finger.

‗This thing that looks like a treasure map? Wel don‘t get your hopes up, because it‘s just the menu. No gold here, compadre, just forty-eight items, al the different permutations of your five key Tex-Mex food groups –

minced beef and beans, cheese, chicken and guacamole.‘

She traced her finger across the map. ‗So, moving east–

west, we‘ve got chicken on beans under cheese, cheese on top of chicken under guacamole, guacamole on top of mince on top of chicken under cheese . . .‘

‗Right, I see . . .‘

‗ . . . occasional y for the thril of it we‘l throw some rice or a raw onion in, but where it gets real y exciting is what you put it in. It‘s al to do with wheat or corn.‘

‗Wheat or corn, right . . .‘

‗Tacos are corn, burritos are wheat. Basical y if it shatters and burns your hand it‘s a taco, if it flops around and leaks red lard down your arm it‘s a burrito. Here‘s one

—‘ She pul ed a soft pancake from a catering pack of fifty and dangled it like a wet flannel. ‗That‘s a burrito. Fil it, deep fry it, melt cheese on it, it‘s an enchilada. A tortil a that‘s been fil ed is a taco and a burrito that you fil yourself is a fajita.‘

‗So what‘s a tostada?‘

‗We‘l get to that. Don‘t run before you can walk. Fajitas come on these red-hot iron platters.‘ She hefted a greasy ridged-iron pan, like something from a blacksmith‘s.

‗Careful with these, you wouldn‘t believe how many times we‘ve had to peel a customer off these things. Then they don‘t tip.‘ Ian was staring at her now, grinning goofily. She drew attention to the bucket at her feet. ‗This white stuff here is sour cream, except it‘s not sour, it‘s not cream, just some sort of hydrogenated fat, I think. It‘s what‘s left over when they make petrol. Handy if the heel comes off your shoe, but apart from that . . .‘

‗I have a question for you.‘

‗Go on then.‘

‗What are you doing after work?‘

Benoit, Jesus and Kemal al stopped what they were doing as Emma readjusted her face and laughed. ‗You don‘t hang about, do you, Ian?‘

He had taken his cap off now, and was turning it in his hand, a stage suitor. ‗Not a date or anything, you‘ve probably got a boyfriend anyway!‘ A moment, while he waited for a response, but Emma‘s face didn‘t move. ‗I just thought you might be interested in my—‘ in a nasal voice ‗—

unique comedy stylings, that‘s al . I‘m doing a—‘ finger apostrophes ‗—―gig‖ tonight, at Chortles at the Frog and Parrot in Cockfosters.‘


‗In Cockfosters. It‘s Zone 3 which seems like Mars I know on a Sunday night, but even if I‘m shit there are stil some other real y top notch comics there. Ronny Butcher, Steve Sheldon, the Kamikaze Twins—‘ As he spoke Emma became aware of his real accent, a slight, pleasant West Country burr, not yet

wiped away by the city, and she thought once again of tractors. ‗I‘m doing this whole new bit tonight, about the difference between men and women—‘

No doubt about it, he was asking her out on a date. She real y ought to go. After al , it wasn‘t like it happened very often, and what was the worst thing that could happen?

‗And the food‘s not bad there either. Just the usual, burgers, spring rol s, curly fries—‘

‗It sounds enchanting, Ian, the curly fries and al , but I can‘t tonight, sorry.‘

‗Real y?‘

‗Evensong at seven.‘

‗No, but real y.‘

‗It‘s a nice offer, but after my shift here I‘m wiped out. I like to just go home, comfort-eat, cry. So I‘l have to give it a miss, I‘m afraid.‘

‗Another time then? I‘m playing the Bent Banana at the Cheshire Cat in Balham on Friday—‘

Over his shoulder Emma could see the cooks watching, Benoit laughing with his hand to his mouth. ‗Maybe another time,‘ she said, kindly but decisively, then sought to change the subject.

‗Now, this—‘ She tapped another bucket with her toe.

‗This stuff here is salsa. Try not to get it on your skin. It burns.‘

The thing is, Em, running back to the hostel in the rain just now – the rain is warm here, hot even sometimes, not like London rain – I was, like I said, pretty drunk and I found myself thinking about you and thinking what a shame Em isn’t here to see this, to experience this, and I had this revelation and it’s this.

You should be here with me. In India.

And this is my big idea, and it might be insane, but I’m going to post this before I change my mind. Follow these simple instructions.

1 – Leave that crappy job right now. Let them find someone else to melt cheese on tortilla chips for 2.20 an hour. Put a bottle of tequila in your bag and walk out the door. Think what that will feel like, Em. Walk out now. Just do it.

2 – I also think you should leave that flat. Tilly’s ripping you off, charging all that money for a room without a window. It isn’t a box room, it’s a box, and you should get out of there and let someone else wring out her great big grey bras for her. When I get back to the so-called real world I’m going to buy a flat because that’s the kind of over-privileged capitalist monster I am and you’re always welcome to come and stay for a bit, or permanently if you like, because I think we’d get on, don’t you? As, you know,

. That’s providing you can overcome your sexual attraction to me ha ha. If the worst comes to the worst, I’ll lock you in your room at nights. Anyway, now the big one—

3 – As soon as you’ve read this, go to the student travel agency on Tottenham Court Road and book an flight to Delhi to arrive as near as possible to August

1st, two weeks’ time, which in case you’ve forgotten is my birthday. The night before get a train to Agra and stay in a cheap motel. Next morning get up early and go to the Taj Mahal. Perhaps you’ve heard of it, big white building named after that Indian restaurant on the Lothian Road. Have a look around and at precisely 12 midday you stand directly under the centre of the dome with a red rose in one hand and a copy of Nicholas Nickleby in the other and I will come and find you, Em. I will be carrying a white rose and my copy of Howards End and when I see you I will throw it at your head.

Isn’t that the greatest plan you’ve ever heard of in your life?

Ah, typical Dexter you say, isn’t he forgetting something? Money! Plane tickets don’t grow on trees and what about social security and the work ethic etc. etc. Well don’t worry, I’m paying. Yes, I’m paying. I’m going to wire the money to you for your plane ticket (I’ve always wanted to wire money) and I’m going to pay for everything when you’re here which sounds swanky but isn’t because it is so here. We can live for months, Em, me and you, heading down to Kerala or across to Thailand. We could go to a full moon party – imagine staying awake all night not because you’re worried about the future but because it’s

. (Remember when we stayed up all night after graduation, Em? Anyway. Moving on.) For three hundred pounds of someone else’s money, you could change your life, and you mustn’t worry about it because frankly I have money that I haven’t earned, and you work really hard and yet you don’t have money, so it’s socialism in action isn’t it? And if you really want you can pay me back when you’re a famous playwright, or when the poetry-money kicks in or whatever. Besides it’s only for three months. I’ve got to come back in the autumn anyway.

As you know Mum’s not been well. She tells me the operation went fine and maybe it did or maybe she just doesn’t want me to worry. Either way I’ve got to

come home eventually. (By the way, my mother has a theory about you and me, and if you meet me at the Taj Mahal I will tell you all about it, but only if you meet me.) On the wall in front of me is this massive sort of praying mantis thing and he’s looking at me as if to say shut up now so I will. It’s stopped raining, and I’m about to go to a bar and meet up with some new friends for a drink, three female medical students from Amsterdam which tells you all you need to know. But on the way I’m going to find a post box and send this before I change my mind. Not because I think you coming here is a bad idea – it isn’t, it’s a great idea and you must come – but because I think I might have said too much. Sorry if this has annoyed you.

The main thing is that I think about you a lot, that’s all. Dex and Em, Em and Dex. Call me sentimental, but there’s no-one in the world that I’d like to see get dysentery more than you.

Taj Mahal, 1st August, 12 noon.

I will find you!



. . . and then he stretched and scratched at his scalp, drained the last of his beer and picked the letter up, tapped the edges together and laid the stack solemnly in front of him. He shook the cramp from his hand; eleven pages written at great speed, the most he had written since his finals. Stretching his arms above his head in satisfaction he thought: this isn‘t a letter, it‘s a gift.

He slid his feet back into his sandals, stood a little unsteadily and steeled himself for the communal showers.

He was deeply tanned now, his great project of the last two years, the colour penetrating deep into his skin like a creosoted fence. With his head shaved very close to the skul by a street barber, he had also lost some weight but secretly liked the new look: heroical y gaunt, as if he‘d just been rescued from the jungle. To complete the image he had acquired a cautious tattoo on his ankle, a non-committal yin-and-yang that he would probably regret back in London.

But that was fine. In London he would wear socks.

Sobered by the cold shower, he returned to the tiny room and dug deep in his rucksack to find something to wear for the Dutch medical students, smel ing each item of clothing until they lay in a damp, ripe pile on the worn raffia rug. He settled on the least offensive item, a vintage American short-sleeved shirt,

and pul ed on some jeans, cut off at the calves and worn with no underwear, so that he felt bold and daredevil. An adventurer, a pioneer.

And then he saw the letter. Six blue sheets densely written on both sides. He stared at it as if an intruder had left it behind, and with his new sobriety came the first twinge of doubt. Picking it up gingerly, he glanced at a page at random and immediately looked away, his mouth puckered tight. Al those capitals and exclamation marks and awful jokes. He had cal ed her ‗sexy‘, he had used the word

‗discersion‘ which wasn‘t even a proper word. He sounded like some poetryreading sixth-former, not a pioneer, an adventurer with a shaved head and a tattoo and no underpants beneath his jeans. I will find you, I’ve been thinking about you, Dex and Em, Em and Dex – what was he thinking? What had seemed urgent and touching an hour ago now seemed mawkish and gauche and sometimes frankly deceitful; there had been no praying mantis on the wal , he hadn‘t been listening to her compilation tape as he wrote, had lost his cassette player in Goa. Clearly the letter would change everything, and weren‘t things fine just as they were? Did he real y want Emma with him in India, laughing at his tattoo, making smart remarks? Would he have to kiss her at the airport? Would they have to share a bed? Did he real y want to see her that much?

Yes, he decided, he did. Because for al its obvious idiocy, there was a sincere affection, more than affection, in what he had written and he would definitely post it that night.

If she over-reacted, he could always say he was drunk. That much at least was true.

Without further hesitation he packed the letter into an airmail envelope and slipped it into his copy of Howards End, next to Emma‘s handwritten dedication. Then he headed off to the bar to meet his new Dutch friends.

Shortly after nine that night, Dexter left the bar with Renee van Houten, a trainee pharmacist from Rotterdam with fading henna on her hands, a jar of temazepam in her pocket and a poorly executed tattoo of Woody Woodpecker at the base of her spine. He could see the bird leering at him lewdly as he stumbled through the door.

In their eagerness to leave, Dexter and his new friend accidental y jostled Heidi Schindler, twenty-three years old, a chemical engineering student from Cologne. Heidi swore at Dexter, but in German, and quietly enough for them not to hear. Pushing through the crowded bar, she shrugged off her immense backpack and searched the room for somewhere to col apse. Heidi‘s features were red and round, like a series of overlapping circles, an effect exaggerated by her round

spectacles, now steamy in the hot humid bar. Bad-tempered, bloated on Diocalm, angry with the friends who kept running off without her, she col apsed backwards on a decrepit rattan sofa and absorbed the ful scale of her misery. She removed her steamy spectacles, wiped them on the corner of her t-shirt, settled on the sofa and felt something hard jab into her hip. Quietly, she swore again.

Tucked between the ragged foam cushions was a copy o f Howards End, a letter tucked into the opening pages.

Even though it was intended for someone else, she felt an automatic thril of anticipation at the red and white trim of the air-mail envelope. She tugged the letter out, read it to the end, then read it again.

Heidi‘s English wasn‘t particularly strong, and some words were unfamiliar – ‗discersion‘ for example, but she understood enough to recognise this as a letter of some importance, the kind of letter that she would like to receive herself one day. Not quite a love-letter, but near enough.

She pictured this ‗Em‘ person reading it, then re-reading it, exasperated but a little pleased too, and she imagined her acting upon it, walking out of her terrible flat and the rotten job and changing her life. Heidi imagined Emma Morley, who looked not unlike herself, waiting at the Taj Mahal as a handsome blond man approached. She imagined a kiss and Heidi began to feel a little happier. She decided that, whatever happened, Emma Morley must receive this letter.

But there was no address on the envelope and no return address for ‗Dexter‘ either. She scanned the pages for clues, the name of the restaurant where Emma worked perhaps, but there was nothing of use. She resolved to ask at the reception of the hostel over the road. This was, after al , the best that she could do.

Heidi Schindler is Heidi Klauss now. Forty-one years old, she lives in a suburb of Frankfurt with a husband and four children, and is reasonably happy, certainly happier than she expected to be at twenty-three. The paperback copy of Howards End is stil on the shelf in the spare bedroom, forgotten and unread, with the letter tucked neatly just inside the cover, next to an inscription in smal , careful handwriting that reads:

To dear Dexter. A great novel for your great journey.

Travel well and return safely with

. Be good, or

as good as you are able. Bloody hell, I’ll miss you.

All my love, your good friend Emma Morley, Clapton, London, April 1990




Camden Town and Primrose Hill

‗ATTENTION PLEASE! Can I have your attention? Attention everyone? Stop talking, stop talking, stop talking. Please?

Please? Thank you. Right I just want to go through today‘s menu if I may. First of al the so-cal ed ―specials‖. We‘ve got a sweetcorn chowder and a turkey chimi-changa.‘

‗Turkey? In July?‘ said Ian Whitehead from the bar, where he was cutting lime wedges to jam into the necks of bottles of beer.

‗Now it‘s Monday today,‘ continued Scott. ‗Should be nice and quiet, so I want this place spotless. I‘ve checked the rota, and Ian, you‘re on toilets.‘

The other staff scoffed. ‗Why is it always me?‘ moaned Ian.

‗Because you do it so beautifully, ‘ said his best friend Emma Morley, and Ian took the opportunity to throw an arm around her hunched shoulders, jokily wielding a knife in a light-hearted downwards stabbing motion.

‗And when you two have finished, Emma, can you come and see me in my office please?‘ said Scott.

The other staff sniggered insinuatingly, Emma disentangled herself from Ian, and Rashid the bartender pressed play on the greasy tape deck behind the bar,

‗La Cucaracha‘, the cockroach, a joke that wasn‘t funny anymore, repeated until the end of time.

‗So I‘l come straight out with it. Take a seat.‘

Scott lit a cigarette and Emma hoisted herself onto the bar stool opposite his large, untidy desk. A wal of boxes fil ed with vodka, tequila and cigarettes – the stock deemed most ‗nickable‘ – blocked out the July sunlight in a smal dark room that smelt of ashtrays and disappointment.

Scott kicked his feet up onto the desk. ‗The fact is, I‘m leaving.‘

‗You are?‘

‗Head office have asked me to head up the new branch of Hail Caesar‘s in Ealing.‘

‗What‘s Hail Caesar‘s?‘

‗Big new chain of contemporary Italians.‘

‗Cal ed Hail Caesar‘s?‘

‗That is correct.‘

‗Why not Mussolini‘s?‘

‗They‘re going to do to Italian what they‘ve done to Mexican.‘

‗What, fuck it up?‘

Scott looked hurt. ‗Give me a break, wil you, Emma?‘

‗I‘m sorry, Scott, real y. Congratulations, wel done, real y

—‘ She stopped short, because she realised what was coming next.

‗The point is—‘ He interlocked his fingers and leant forward on the desk, as this was something that he‘d seen businessmen do on television, and felt a little aphrodisiac rush of power. ‗They‘ve asked me to appoint my own replacement as manager, and that‘s what I wanted to talk to you about. I want someone who isn‘t going anywhere.

Someone reliable who isn‘t going to run off to India without giving proper notice or drop it al for some exciting job.

Someone I can rely onto stick around here for a couple of years and real y devote themselves to . . . Emma, are you . . . are you crying?‘

Emma shielded her eyes with both hands. ‗Sorry, Scott, it‘s just you‘ve caught me at a bad time, that‘s al .‘

Scott frowned, stal ed between compassion and irritation. ‗Here—‘ He yanked a rol of coarse blue kitchen paper from a catering pack. ‗Sort yourself out—‘ and he tossed the rol across the desk so that it bounced off Emma‘s chest. ‗Is it something I said?‘

‗No, no, no, it‘s just a personal, private thing, just boils up every now and then. So embarrassing.‘ She pressed two wads of rough blue paper against her eyes. ‗Sorry, sorry, sorry, you were saying.‘

‗I‘ve lost my place now, you bursting into tears like that.‘

‗I think you were tel ing me that my life was going nowhere,‘ and she began to laugh and cry at the same time.

She grabbed a third piece of kitchen paper and wadded it against her mouth.

Scott waited until her shoulders had stopped heaving.

‗So are you interested in the job or not?‘

‗You mean to say—‘ She placed her hand on a twenty-litre tub of Thousand Island Dressing ‗—al this could one day be mine?‘

‗Emma, if you don‘t want the job, just say, but I have been doing it for four years now—‘

‗And you‘ve done it real y wel , Scott—‘

‗The money‘s adequate, you‘d never have to clean the toilets again—‘

‗And I appreciate the offer.‘

‗So why the waterworks then?‘

‗Just I‘ve been a little . . . depressed that‘s al .‘

‗De-pressed.‘ Scott frowned as if hearing the word for the first time.

‗You know. Bit blue.‘

‗Right. I see.‘ He contemplated putting a paternal arm around her, but it would mean climbing over a ten-gal on drum of mayonnaise, so instead he leant further across the desk. ‗Is it . . . boy trouble?‘

Emma laughed once. ‗Hardly. Scott, it‘s nothing, you just caught me at a low ebb, that‘s al .‘ She shook her head vigorously. ‗See, al gone, right as rain. Let‘s forget it.‘

‗So what do you think? About being manager?‘

‗Can I think about it? Tel you tomorrow?‘

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