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3. What do you think these words and expressions from the text mean?

native town

annals of history





army chief





ancient times



the Eternal Flame

4. Match up the similar words.

























5. Match the beginning of the sentences with their ending.

1. The Russian army chiefs Princes Michael Nosdrevary and Andrey Volkonsky

2. After the Polish and Lithuanian


3. In 1626 the new fortress of Belgorod

4. N.T. Odoevsky and V.P. Sheremetjev

5. A new page in the history of Belgorod

a. was built on the left bank of the

Seversky Donets.

b. founded the fortress “whitetown”.

c. was opened with the revolutionary movement.

d. Belgorod was destroyed.

e. were sent to find a new site for the fortress.

6. Arrange the words to make up a sentence.

a. is, Belgorod, one, administrative, of, industrial, and, centers, cultural, the.

b. residents, to offer, the Art Museum, much, to, has, and, tourists.

c. the, library, is, town, next to, the Central park, situated.

d. of it, in the centre, can, Sobornaya Square, you, see.

e. are, they, live in, the people, of Belgorod, proud, of the town.

7. Answer the following questions.

a) When and where is Belgorod first mentioned?

b) What was Belgorod originally?

c) Where is Belgorod situated?

d) What gave the name to the town?

e) When was the new fortress of Belgorod built?

f) Who founded the fortress “Whiretown”?

g) Why was the fortress of great strategic importance?

h) When was Belgorod destroyed?

i) When and where was the new fortress of Belgorod built?

j) Why were the noblemen Odoevsky and Sheremetjev sent to find a new site for the fortress of Belgorod?

k) When was Belgorod occupied by the fascist invaders?

l) Why was the Kursk Bulge Diorama Museum opened?

m) Where is Belgorod located?

n) What are the places of interest in Belgorod?

o) What are the universities of Belgorod?

p) Is Belgorod an industrial town? What factories and plants are in Belgorod?

q) What is the name of the square in the center of Belgorod?

  1. Прочитайте следующие слова и догадайтесь об их значении без помощи словаря:

  1. Student

  2. University

  3. Region

  4. Tradition

  5. To reorganize

  6. Status

  7. License

  8. Activity

  9. Territory

  10. Cultural centre

  11. Sports complex

  12. Group

  13. Specialist

  14. Creative

  15. Style

  16. Professional

  17. Talent

  18. To train

  19. Faculty

  20. Academic year

  21. Session

  22. Lecture

  23. Seminar

  24. Laboratory work

  25. Program

  26. Result

  27. Candidate

  28. To cooperate

  29. Organization

  30. To prolong

  1. Прочитайте и переведите текст со словарем, обращая внимание на слова из упражнения I:

  1. National Research University “BelSU”

  2. I am a first year student and I want to tell you a little about my University.

  3. National Research University «BelSU» is one of the oldest educational establishments in our region. BelSU continues traditions of training teachers. Its history dates back from 1876 when a Teachers’ College was opened in our town. Later in 1939 it was reorganized into Pedagogical Institute and existed till 1994. In 1996 the institution was granted University status.

  4. Since 2001 the University complex has been intensively growing and enlarging due to new beautiful modern-equipped buildings.

  5. In April 2010 the Belgorod State University was granted the status of National Research University among 15 major Russian universities. The new status gives special conditions for development.

  6. The University has one of the largest in the region universal scientific libraries, housing more then 700 000 books. National Research University «BelSU» has its own publishing house supplied with modern computers and equipment. It has a license for publishing activity.

  7. The University’s territory is very large. There are 17 educational and laboratory buildings, several dormitories for students and teachers, canteens and students’ cafes, a medical-preventive clinic, centre for family health care, the youth cultural centre, the youth touristic cultural-and-sports complex, Svetlana Khorkina’s sports complex.

  8. On the 2nd of November 2001 The Research University «BELSU» became one more Institution of Higher Education that has its own church. That day the archbishop of Belgorod and Stariy Oskol Ioan dedicated a church that was built in honor of Archangel Gabriel who is henceforth spiritual patron of university students.

  9. Students have all possibilities to pursue education and engage in the activities of research societies, sport clubs, music, dance, poetry and art groups under the guidance of highly skilled specialists. The Youth Cultural center was established in 2001 in the University. Nowadays there are 11 creative groups that work in different art styles in this great microcosm. People’s love and different awards in national and international competitions prove the high professional level of university’s talents.

  10. Every year a lot of applicants come to our University seeking for admission. Early in September those who were lucky to pass Unified State Exams (USE) and to be enrolled in the first year get together to be initiated into students.

  11. Seven faculties train students to be secondary and primary school teachers. The University provides a good basis for it. The curriculum includes subjects students specialize in: educational and social subjects, foreign languages and physical training. Study rooms are equipped with TV sets, computers, tape-recorders. Lectures and seminars alternate with laboratory work, research work and self-training.

  12. The University course lasts four or five years (bachelor degree and specialists training programs), except the faculty of Medicine where it lasts six years. Each academic year is divided into two terms each ending with the examination session. Those who pass the exams successfully get a scholarship. Students’ practical work is given much attention to. Master degree programs suppose two more years learning to give students the possibility to research in the spheres they are interested in.

  13. Education at the Research University «BELSU» is carried out at the following faculties: Mathematics and Information Technologies, Philology, Romance-Germanic Philology, Biology and Chemistry, Physical Culture, Pedagogy, History, Law, Medicine, Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship, Sociology and Theology, Geology and Geography, Computer Sciences and Telecommunication, Psychology, Journalism, Business and Service, Institute of Public and Municipal Management, Physics, Pharmacy, International, Post-graduate Medical Institute.

  14. Education at full-time, extra-mural and evening departments of the University is conducted by highly-qualified specialists, 200 of them are Doctors of Sciences and Professors including 21 Full Members and Associate Members of different Russian academics of Sciences and more than 800 candidates of sciences.

  15. Today the Research University «BelSU» cooperates under bilateral agreements with more than 67 foreign universities and scientific organizations of Germany, USA, Italy, Finland, Japan, China, Ukraine, Belorussia, Moldova and other countries.

  16. For the last two years National Research University «BelSU» has signed and prolonged in total more than 20 international treaties and cooperation agreements with universities of different countries. For many years our University has also been a member of Eurasian Association of Universities and International Association of Academies of Sciences.

  1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. When does the history of the Research University «BelSU» date back?

  2. What period was the University reorganized several times?

  3. What year did the University become the Pedagogical one?

  4. What status was the Belgorod State University granted in April 2010?

  5. Why is the University’s library the largest in the region?

  6. What are there on the University’s territory?

  7. What is the peculiarity of our University? (It’s happened on the 2nd of November 2001.)

  8. Whose honor was the church built?

  9. What groups can students be engaged in? What possibilities do students have?

  10. Why is the Youth Cultural center so popular among students?

  11. What exams must applicants pass to be enrolled in the first year?

  12. How many faculties train students to be secondary and primary school teachers?

  13. What does the curriculum include?

  14. What are study-rooms equipped with?

  15. What do lectures and seminars alternate with?

  16. How many years does the University course last according to bachelor degree training program/specialist training program/at the faculty of Medicine?

  17. Who gets a scholarship?

  18. What departments are there at the University?

  19. What does the University’s foreign cooperation include?

  1. Используя лексику из текста, заполните пропуски:

  1. One of the oldest educational …….. in our region is National Research University «BelSU».

  2. Among 15 major Russian universities the Belgorod State University was …….. the status of National Research University in April 2010.

  3. The University has one of the largest in the region universal ……. library, housing more then 700 000 volumes.

  4. Students have all possibilities to pursue education and engage in the activities of research societies, sport clubs, music, dance, poetry and art groups under the guidance of …….. specialists.

  5. Seeking for admission a lot of ……. come to our University every year.

  6. Students who were lucky to …….. USE and to be enrolled in the first year get together to be initiated into students.

  7. The …. includes subjects students specialize in: educational and social subjects, foreign languages and physical training.

  8. Lectures and seminars ……. with laboratory work, research work and self-training.

  9. The University …… lasts four or five years except the faculty of Medicine where it lasts six years.

  10. Each academic year is divided into two ……. each ending with the examination session.

  11. Students who pass the exams successfully get a……..

  1. Education at full-time, extra-mural and evening ………. of the University is conducted by highly-qualified specialists.

  1. Определите видовременную форму сказуемого:

  1. gives

  1. a) Present Indefinite (Simple) Passive

  2. b) Present Indefinite (Simple) Active (3 лицо, ед. ч.)

  3. c) Present Indefinite (Simple) Active (мн. ч.)

  1. has been growing and enlarging

  1. a) Present Perfect Active

  2. b) Present Perfect Passive

  3. c) Present Perfect Continuous

  1. became

  1. a) Past Indefinite (Simple) Active

  2. b) Past Indefinite (Simple) Passive

  3. c) Present Indefinite (Simple) Active

  1. is divided

  1. a) Present Indefinite (Simple) Active

  2. b) Present Indefinite (Simple) Passive

  3. c) Past Indefinite (Simple) Passive

  1. was summed up

  1. a) Past Indefinite (Simple) Passive

  2. b) Past Perfect Active

  3. c) Past Indefinite (Simple) Active

  1. has signed and prolonged

  1. a) Present Perfect Continuous

  2. b) Past Perfect Active

  3. c) Present Perfect Active

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