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Let’s Talk and Write English.doc
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2.34. A) Read the following citations and comment on each. Which ones

do you like best? Which ones do you dislike? Why?

b) Think how the village can be defined. Share your ideas with class.

Citations about the city:

1. [A City is] a world of men for me. (Robert Browning)

2. [A city is] torture. (Lord Byron)

3. [Cities are places] where works of men are clustered close around, and works of God are hardly to be found. (Adapted from William Cowper)

4. [A city is a place which will] force growth and make men talkative and entertaining, but … artificial. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

5. [A city is] the first requisite to happiness. (Euripides)

6. [A city is] any place where men have built a jail, a bagnio, gallows, a morgue, a church, a hospital, a saloon, and laid out a cemetery – hence, a center of life. (Elbert Hubbard)

7. [A city is] a prison for speculative minds. (Franz Mehring)

8. [A city] has always been the fireplace of civilization, whence light and heat radiated out into the dark. (Theodor Parker)

9. Any city […] is […] divided into two, one the city of the poor, the other of the rich; these are at war with one another. (Plato)

10. [A city is] a stone forest. (John B. Priestly)

11. [A city is a place where] there is no room to die. (Felix Riesenberg)

12. [A city is] a great solitude. (Latin proverb)

13. [A city is] the sink of the human race. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)



2.35. Write the meaning of the underlined expressions in your own words.

Use a dictionary if you cannot work out the meaning from the context.

. There were three separate accidents in the city centre during the rush hour, and soon there was atotal gridlock. It took about two hours to clear the roads.

2. I’ve spent six hours behind the wheel today, and now all I want to do is rest. I never want to see another motorway.

3. The police car made me pull over as they wanted to check my lights.

4. I had a minor bump yesterday. It wasn’t serious, but one of my lights got smashed.

5. My car conked out on the motorway and I had to ring for assistance. It cost me £50.

6. He’s a bit of a back-seat driver, so don’t be surprised if he criticises your driving.

2.36. Some road signs are international. Study the descriptions of their meaning and then write similar descriptions for the signs below.

There is going to be a steep hill downwards.

There is a slippery section of the road ahead.

There is a cycle route ahead.

There may be cattle on the road ahead.

2.38. Describe a visit to a city which has made the strongest impression on

you. The questions below will help you. Give as many details as

possible. Make use of the expressions below.

2.37. Many people in Britain do not like living in the city centre, so they

commute to work from the suburbs and the surrounding countryside.

What are advantages and disadvantages of this way of life? Is it

common for Russia? Write a 250-word essay on the topic.

in the Victorian/Georgian/Classical/ Baroque/French/Gothic style,

the main … area of the town,

within the walking distance of,

be built on the site, style,

cater for,

tend to be,

to overlook, whether or not it merits,

be well worth a visit/visiting,

to mount an exhibition,

those who enjoy,

a working market/museum/ steam railway/model,

to appreciate the charm

1. When did you first visit the city? Have you visited it more than once? If yes, when was the last time you went there?

2. What was your overall impression of the place? Is there any one particular image that stuck to your memory? How would you describe the general atmosphere of the city?

3. Why did you go there? On holiday? On Business? To study? Was it your own decision or did your family send or take you there?

4. How long did you stay there? Where did you stay? What were the people like? What was the weather like?

5. How did you spend your time there? Doing the usual touristy things? Did you just hang around and watch the world go by or did you rush through the city trying to see as many sightseeing as possible?

6. Would you like to visit it again? Have you made any plans to go back there? Would you recommend it to your friends?

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