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Ex. 7. Match the English phrases in column a with their Russian equivalents in column b.

  1. entrance to the University

    1. сдавать зачеты

  1. general engineering subjects

    1. учебные навыки

  1. independent work

    1. представлять на рассмотрение

  1. graduation project

    1. производственная практика

  1. to submit

    1. общетехнические предметы

  1. study skills

    1. делать заметки, кратко записывать

  1. to take tests

    1. дипломный проект

  1. work placement

    1. семестр

  1. term

    1. поступление в университет

  1. to scribble down brief notes

    1. диплом инженера

  1. engineering degree

    1. самостоятельная работа

Ex. 8. Match the sentences in column A with the synonymous statements in column B. The first one is done for you.



  1. As a rule, the course of study lasts for five years.

  1. You have the choice of learning English, German, or French.

  1. Many railways of the Russian Federation employ SSUT graduates.

  1. Most courses at SSUT are five years in length.

  1. There are various forms of teaching: lectures, seminars, etc.

  1. The final year is devoted to working on the graduation project.

  1. Students of technical universities have more laboratory classes than students of Economics.

  1. Major railways of the Russian Federation regularly recruit our graduates.

  1. Now students use not only pens and pencils to make notes from lectures but have modern digital devices.

  1. Teaching is carried out in various forms: lectures, seminars, group work, independent work, etc.

  1. Students study general engineering subjects as well as special disciplines.

  1. Our University maintains close contacts with many railways of the country.

  1. At our higher school, students can choose English, German or French as a foreign language.

  1. A wide variety of general engineering subjects as well as majors are studied.

  1. If you want to visit a foreign country or communicate with foreigners, you can attend the course in foreign language professional communication.

  1. Some people use digital voice recorders to record the lecture and make their notes later.

  1. Senior students focus on writing their diploma paper.

  1. The engineering students have usually more lectures and laboratory lessons.

  1. Samara State University of Transport has strong links with major railways of the Russian Federation.

  1. Studying at university is very different from going to school or attending college.

  1. There is a great difference between going to school and attending university.

  1. Developing your study skills is an integral part of your life as a university student.

  1. A student must not only attend lectures and practical hours but also develop his/her own study skills.

  1. The language course gives SSUT students a chance to get a good job and to travel around the world.

Ex. 9. Read the text and translate it.

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