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The discovery of the continent of america

A. Between 1492 and 1504, Columbus made four voyages. He discovered and explored the northeastern coast of Cuba, many of the Caribbean islands, and parts of Central and South America, including the delta of the Orinoco River. On the island of Hispaniola, he founded the first European settlement in the New World.

B. In the 15the century Europeans didn’t know that two large continents, inhabited by other peoples, lay on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

C. Two years after he returned from the fourth voyage, Columbus died convinced that he had found a western route to Asia. He never knew that his calculations based on geographical knowledge of the time, were wrong. He had expected to find Japan and China rather than Cuba and Mexico.

D. A few years later a trader from Iceland followed Ericsson, then Ericsson’s two brothers and their sister also made trips to America. After that there were no more explorations, and the Vikings did not set up any colonies on that continent.

E. In 1492 an Italian sailor and mapmaker named Christopher Columbus, changed the course of history, when he landed off a small island after a long voyage with his three small ships. He named the island San Salvador. He believed he had reached the East Indies off the southern coast of Asia and named the people who inhabited it “Indians” 1.

F. However, the land discovered by Columbus never bore his name. It was named after Amerigo Vespucci, another Italian who explored the eastern coast of South America shortly after Columbus’ voyages.

G. Columbus was not the first to discover America. Leif Ericsson sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from Norway in the year 1000, heading for his home in Greenland. He lost his way and landed on the northeast coast of America. He called the place “Vinland” because of the wild grapes growing there.

VII. Верные реплики к данным высказываниям – это:

1. Excuse me!

2. Have a good weekend!

3. Make yourself at home!

4. How do you do?

5. Thank you very much indeed!

6. How are you?

a) That's very kind. Thank you.

b) Thanks! Same to you.

c) How do you do?

d) Yes. Can I help you?

e) I'm fine, thank you.

f) Not at all. Don't mention it.

VIII. Выберите один правильный вариант ответа:

  1. The office is not far away. She (must, could, should) … be home any minute now.

  2. (Were you to, Did you have to, Could you) … raise such a row last night?

  3. Yes, Eddy, I remember that we (may, should, are to) … meet tonight.

  4. Sally (has to, is to, may) … be home by nine. Her father is ill and needs an injection.

  5. For the cake you (can, ought to, should) … take one tablespoon-full of powdered sugar.

  6. There is no reply. She (can, must, has to) … be out.

  7. You (might, should, must) … as well try another doctor if this one doesn’t help.

  8. The thieves escaped but the police (could, were able to, had to) … round them up.

  9. You (can’t, shouldn’t, mustn’t) … leave the territory or else you will be severely punished.

  10. Peanuts (can, might, will) … cause allergy.

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