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Voice mail

голосовая почта

Voice mail is a system of sending messages over the telephone

whereabouts n pl

местонахожде-ние, местопребывание

His whereabouts are unknown

cell phone

сотовый телефон

Cell phones have become widespread ever since

head v


He headed for the bus stop

on the sly


To do something on the sly means to do it secretly

outfit n

оборудование, набор (приборов, инструментов)

  • camping outfit — туристское снаряжение

  • sports outfit — спортивное снаряжение

drop-off n


There is a drop-off in sales on the Continent

inordinate adj

неумеренный; чрезмерный

They spend an ordinate amount of time surfing the Web

venture n

рискованное предприятие, рискованное начинание

A lot of dotcom ventures were set up during the last decade

content n


They are interested in the content, not the technicalities

creepy adj

бросающий в дрожь, вызывающий страх

There were certain places that were really creepy at night

snitch n

осведомитель, информатор, доносчик

He was considered a snitch

ward off

отражать, отвращать (удар)

As a part of its defensive system, the program helps ward off potential invaders

privacy claim

иск о вмешательстве в частную жизнь

Intruding upon situations in which people have a reasonable expectation of privacy can give rise to an invasion of privacy claim

regulation n


The EU has proposed new regulations to control the hours worked by its employees

lawsuit n


The dispute culminated last week in a lawsuit against the government

invasive adj

агрессивный; надоедливый

An invasive plant has the ability to thrive and spread aggressively outside its natural range

surveillance n

надзор; наблюдение

He was arrested after being kept under constant surveillance