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Теория и практика перевода:

Безличные формы глагола: Инфинитив

Общественно-политическая лексика по теме:

Организация Объединенных Наций (оон)

I. Безличные формы глагола: Инфинитив

Инфинитив в функции подлежащего

  • To studypolitics is in essence to study the exercise of power.


- инфинитивом/

- отглагольным существительным

Инфинитив функции обстоятельства цели

  • The governments continued fighting together to defeat the Axis powers.



Инфинитив в функции дополнения

  • The UN vowed to make the world a better place.


- инфинитивом

- придаточным предложением

Инфинитив в функции определения

  • China, soon to be the world’s largest greenhouse-gas emitter;

  • the 35-page document to be submitted for General Assembly approval;

  • 1500 troops to be deployed anywhere in the world;


- причастием

- прилагательным

- сущ. с предлогом

- определительным придаточным предл.

- простым предложением (модальность передается лексически)

Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства результата или следствия

  • Germany joined in 1926, only to exit the League of Nations after the Nazis came to power in 1933.


- самостоятельным предложением, вводимым союзами и, но

Упр.1. Определите функцию инфинитива и переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. In any event, it is hardly as if Russia were the only nation to see the Arctic as a place to demonstrate its power.

  2. The Administration insisted nuclear commerce to expand electricity generation in India would foster a broad range of ties with the rising South Asian power and open up new opportunities for US companies.

  3. Parliament was dissolved, not to meet again for eleven years.

  4. In order to avoid the sort of carnage caused by World War II, they created a structure designed to address threats to national security.

  5. In 1933 the Soviet Union joined the League. Six years later, after its attack on Finland in late 1939, the USSR became the only League member ever to be expelled.

  6. In August 1944 delegates from China, the Soviet Union, and the United States met at a private estate in Washington, D.C., to draw up the basic blueprint for the new international organization.

  7. If there is one lesson to be learned from this latest development, it is the fact that there is a continued need for measures that go beyond the simple blocking of two hostile sides from attacking each other.

  8. There has been a constant debate about whether “dollar-a-day” is an acceptable poverty benchmark to be used when classifying people who live in “extreme poverty”.

  9. To override a veto by the president means to cause the bill to become law without the president's approval.

  10. Substantive negotiations will start within weeks to produce an international convention.

  11. Other issues yet to be discussed5 include poverty on the island, where UN peacekeepers have been deployed since 1964 to prevent fighting between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities.

  12. The Assistant Secretary-General cited recent high-level talks between the leaders of Sudan and Chad to increase security along their common border as a “very positive step”.

  13. The British PM has organized the one-day conference, which aims to bring together representatives of the Yemeni government, the UN and the broader international community to determine how they can jointly tackle the major challenges facing Yemen.

  14. To try to regain the upper hand, the US has called a meeting.

  15. Jihadists have made some empty threats regarding a follow-on to the 9/11 attacks – only to be unable to follow through.

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