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1. Although Japan is crowded, the Japanese has a high standard of living. A B C D

2. Balm which grown in damp and shady woodlands is a tall, fragrant herb of the A B C

mint species. D

3. Cabbage and lettuce have such a short stems and broad leaves that they appear A B C

to have no stems at all. D

4. It is not known why many seeds undergo a period of dormancy even during the A B C

times when conditions for them growth is favorable. D

5. The price theory that represents the core of microeconomics explained how the A B

variability of supply and demand in competitive markets creates the interplay of C D

goods and services.

6. When wine grapes contain the proper amounts of acid and sugar required to A B C D

produce wine.

7. Beef and dairy cattle is major sources of income in Louisiana, which has a mild A B C D


8. The metric system is a system of measures and weights which is first adopted in A B C D


9. In ancient Rome people are used sticks made of metal with a pointed end for A B C

writing on waxed tablets. D

10. Stratford-on-Avon is a small town in central England where Shakespeare has A B C D

been born.

11. Some two centuries ago when there were no trains, cars and trams, people used A B C D

to travelling in carriages.

12. From the door he shouted that he will be back in two hours.


13. The British labour movement developed as a means of improve working A B C


conditions through group efforts. D

14. Poverty in the United States is noticeably different from that in other A B C

country. D

15. Five-credits-hour courses are approved for the student’s work in the A B C

major field of interest. D

16. A small antelope similar to the chamois lives in rocky places from southern A B C

African to the Sahara. D

17. Emily Dickinson, whose poems were published after her dead, wrote about A B C

love, nature, and eternity. D

18. The article provides general informations about animals and tells why A B C

animals are important to human beings. D

19. William Harvey, the English doctor who discovered the circulate of the A B C

blood, was born in 1578. D

20. Roman numericals are written from left to right using the principle of A B C

addition. D

Test 10

Directions:Each sentence (1 – 20) has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

1. Thousands of settlers gone west after the Civil War ended in 1865. A B C D

2. The female turtle often walks away after covering her eggs and not return. A B C D


3. People can reduce stress by accepting events as they are, rather than as they A B C

would likes them to be. D

4. When a bee stings an animal, the insect's stinger remaining in the wound. A B C D

5. Norman Rockwell illustrating covers of magazines, books for children, and A B C

advertisements. D

6. Each climate zone has its specifically features , which this research describes in A B C

detail. D

7. During the 1960's , the state of Alaska improved it's transportation facilities and A B C

put together a statewide ferry fleet. D

8. Some people weigh them every time they pass a weighing machine. A B C D

9. London receives 23 millions of visitors a year from all over the world. A B C D

10. Daniel Boone was born in Pennsylvania but lived in several states and die in A B C D


11. In long-term memory, the stronger the connection between events, the likely A B C

they are to be retrieved. D

12. Studies of the sun may leads to the discovery of how the core of the sun heats A B C

its outer atmosphere. D

13. A little drivers can realize how many individual parts are necessary to A B C D

assemble a car.

14. Much species of cacti live in places that have warm temperatures at least part A B C D

of the year.

15. According to experts, few regions have as little plant life than deserts do. A B C D

16. Computer graphics software has infinite applications in a widely array of A B C D


17. Van Cliburn he studied piano from 1951 to 1954 and won multiple awards


A B C D between 1958 and 1960.

18. Diagrams display informations in a conspicuous way and vividly show A B C

differences and similarities. D

19.The Great Depression serves as an example of drama fluctuation in the A B

balanced wage rate.


20.Although Connecticut occupies a small area, its weather can vary from one


area to others. D

Test 11

Directions:Each sentence (1 – 20) has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

1. What was you doing when I called you last night? A B C D

2. Can't you fix that dripping tap? It's getting on my nerves - it's really irritated. A B C D

3. If the general price level has be changing during the period under A B

consideration, the figures recorded for the different years will have to be C D

adjusted to take account of the price changes.

4. The trousers you bought for me doesn't fit me. A B C D

5. He does not go to bed late and he always get up early. A B C D

6. Peter is most cheerful of the three children. A B C D

7. I never heard Ken criticise anyone since I have known him. A B C D

8. Independence Day, commonly known as the Four of July, is a federal holiday A B C


in the United States.


9. The soldiers had to carry their equipments on their backs for miles. A B C D

10. The storm area grew and drifted southwards during afternoon, while other A B C D

storms developed over the north.

11. When he returns I give him the key. A B C D

12. The instructions in the exam were very complicated and left the students A B C

feeling totally confusing.


13. I met European yesterday who seemed to be very amiable and charming in A B C D


14. Your car is old! It is much dangerous than mine. A B C D

15. Although he had asked everyone to bring their books, some boys didn't had A B C D

any with them.

16. This box is very heavy. Don't worry I carry it for you. A B C D

17. You'd better get up more earlier tomorrow, or you'll be late again. A B C D

18. I'm getting a little worried because the baby has been crying since over half an A B C D


19. By the time I got to their house, they have already left home. A B C D

20. Tomorrow afternoon we're going to play tennis from 3 o'clock until 4.30. So at A B C

4 o'clock, we will play tennis.


Test 12


Directions:Each sentence (1 – 20) has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

1. I wasn't listen when he started talking about the project. A B C D

2. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine isn't sharp enough. A B C D

3. In recent years a large volume of short-term capital or 'hot money' have been A B C

moving from one country to another seeking greater security or higher interest



4. I didn't expect to see Peter at the party. I was really surprising to see him there. A B C D

5. Mr. Robert have no objection to his daughter Sarah studying in the USA but he A B C

refuses to let her work there.


6. She told me the most strangest story I had ever heard. A B C D

7. We have spend £200 on food this month and there's another week to go before I A B C

get paid.


8. Her sister is twentieth-seven years old. She is tall and she has long curly hair. A B C D

9. He sometimes get dressed too quickly, and this morning he is wearing one blue A B C D

sock and one red one!

10.I remember when Frank was last here. It was the Christmas when I got my

A B C D new bike.

11. He'll be ready as soon as you will be. A B C D

12. Anita was so embarrassing that her whole face turned red. A B C D

13. If you're looking for the good clothes shop, I would recommend Harrison's. A B C D


14. This exercise isn't very difficult. The next exercise is much difficult than this A B C D


15. When I realize my wallet had been stolen, I didn't know what to do. A B C D

16. Do you want to borrow my car? Thanks, I bring it back tomorrow. A B C D

17. The Galapagos are one of most expensive places in the world to visit. A B C D

18. Don't be so negative! They don't know her. I sure they will like her. A B C D

19. When I arrived home at seven o'clock, my sister hasn't had dinner yet. A B C D

20. Do you think you will still doing the same job in ten years' time? A B C D

Test 13

Directions:Each sentence (1 – 20) has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

1. On Sunday morning the wind was blow softly so Peter decided to go A B C D


2. I don't like very hot weather. Thirty degrees are too warm for me. A B C D

3. Plants and vegetables have been disappearing from my garden for we had new A B C D


4. I find it relaxed to lie on the sofa and listen to music after a hard day's work. A B C D

5. What was your parents reaction to your decision to be a lawyer? A B C D

6. That was the most sweetest chocolate I have ever eaten. A B C D

7. It's the first time I heard Mr James shout at anyone since he started teaching at A B C D


the school.

8. Susan has been the fourtenth girl to win such an expensive award since 2000. A B C D

9. I am not go away for my holidays next month because I have not got enough A B C D


10. With the wedding and the new job, it was a summer she would always A B C D


11.The lift will start as soon as you will press that button. A B C D

12. I was really surprising when my employer gave me the day off. A B C D

13. The Emperor Napoleon lost the battle of Trafalgar against the English led by A B C D

Admiral Nelson.

14.They phoned me to say they have missed their train. A B C D

15. Sue's homework wasn't very good. Your homework is better then Sue's. A B C D

16. If you don't understand the exercise, I explain it to you. A B C D

17. Boracay Island in the Philippines has best beaches I have ever seen. A B C D

18. What speed was the car do at the time of the accident? A B C D

19. My father knew Spain so well because he had visit the country four times. A B C D

20.Don't phone me between 7 and 8. We will having dinner then. A B C D

Test 14


Directions:Each sentence (1 – 20) has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

1. John Druise was drive when Michelle called him. A B C D

2. The staff at the school isn't happy with their new working conditions. A B C D

3. It's sometimes embarrassed when you have to ask people for money. A B C D

4. I have been reading this book on astrophysics since hours and I'm still only on A B C D

page 6.

5. This is an utopian idea i.e., in other words, it is highly impracticable. A B C D

6. Paris is most cheerful city in France during Christmas. A B C D

7. I marked twenty essays today, but I've still got five more before I go to bed. A B C D

8. There are several thousands people in the national stadium to watch the soccer A B C D


9. What are you usually doing in your spare time? Have you got any hobbies? A B C D

10. He was often kept awake in morning by their song which floated up through A B C D

the window.

11. He will washes up before he goes to bed. A B C D

12. By 12.00 Susan felt so tiring that she went to rest. A B C D

13. Do you like oysters? I do, but I didn't like a fish I ate yesterday. A B C D

14. Bob's garden isn't very big. Your garden is more bigger than Bob's. A B C D

15. The reason was that they have forgotten the exact time of their departure.



16. A: Did you get the theatre tickets? B: No, I forgot all about them. I book them A B C D


17.Easter Island is the more interesting island I have ever visited. A B C D

18. We can go out now. It is not rain anymore. A B C D

19. She offered me dinner, but I had just eaten a sandwich, so I didn’t was hungry. A B C D

20. Look, I can give you lift to the station. I will be driving that way anyway. A B C D

Test 15

Directions:Each sentence (1 – 20) has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

1. They were all working when Michelle arrive. A B C D

2. I can't find my binoculars. Do you know where they are? A B C D

3. If I said anything as stupid as he did in front of a thousand people, I'd feel really A B C

embarrassing. D

4. In recent years, Brazilian companies have been putinga lot of money into A B C

advanced technology developing. D

5. How many music instruments did Eminem play? A B C D

6. This meal is the more delicious I've ever eaten. A B C D


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