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Побочные и токсические эффекты.

Острая интоксикация литием

Schou M. The recognition and management of lithium intoxication. In: Johnson FN, ed. Handbook of lithium therapy. Lancaster, England: MTP Press, 1980.

Simard M, Gumbiner B, Lee A, et al. Lithium carbonate intoxication: a case report and review of the literature. Arch Intern Med 1989; 149:36.

Действие лития на почки

Battle DC, von Riotte AB, Gavira M, et al. Amelioration of polyuria by amiloride in patients receiving long-term lithium therapy. N Engl J Med 1985; 312:408.

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Неврологическая токсичность

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Другие побочные эффекты

Deandrea D, Walker N, Mehlmauer M, et al. Dermatological reactions to lithium: a critical review of the literature. J Clin Psychopharmacol 1982; 2:199.

Franks RD, Dubovsky SL, Lifshitz M, et al. Long-term lithium carbonate therapy causes hyperparathyroidism. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1982; 39:1074.

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Mitchell JE, Mackenzie ТВ. Cardiac effects of lithium therapy in man: a review. J Clin Psychiatry 1982; 43:47.

Susman VL, Adonizio G. Reintroduction of neuroleptic malignant syndrome by lithium. J Clin Psychopharmacol 1987; 7:339.

Yassa R, Saunders A, Nastase C, et al. Lithium-induced thyroid disorders: a prevalence study. J Clin Psychiatry 1988; 48:14.