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The composer speaks: benjamin broten

For most of my life I have lived closely in touch with the sea. My parents' house in Lowestoft directly faced the sea, and my life as a child was colored by the fierce storms that sometimes drove ships onto our coast and ate away whole stretches of the neighbor­ing cliffs. In writing Peter Grimes, I wanted to express my aware­ness of the perpetual struggle of men and women whose livelihood


depends on the sea - difficult though it is to treat such a universal subject in theatrical form.

I am especially interested in the general architectural and formal problems of opera, and decided to reject the Wagnerian theory of "permanent melody"* for the classical practice of separate numbers that crystalize and hold the emotion of a dramatic situation at cho­sen moments. One of my chief aims is to try to restore to the mu­sical setting of the English language a brilliance, freedom, and vitality that have been curiously rare since the death of Purcell. In the past hundred years, English writing for the voice has been dominated by strict subservience to logical speech rhythms, despite the fact that ac­centuation according to sense often contradicts the accentuation de­manded by emotional content. Good recitative should transform the natural intonations and rhythms of everyday speech into memorable musical phrases (as with Purcell), but in more stylized music the composer should not deliberately avoid unnatural stresses if the prosody of the poem and the emotional situation demand them, nor be afraid of a high-minded treatment of words, which may need prolongation far beyond their common speech length or a speed of delivery that would be impossible in conversation.

The scarcity of modern British operas is due to the limited op­portunities that are ' offered for their performance. Theater managers will not present original works without a reasonable hope of recov­ering their costs of production; composers and writers cannot thrive without the experience of seeing their operas adequately staged and sung; the conservatism of audiences hinders experimental departures from the accepted repertory.

From: The New Book of Modern Composers

Discussion Activities Questions on the Text

1. What kinds of vocal work did Britten compose?

2. Name his principal operas. What opera made Britten world-famous? When and where was it first performed?

3. Whose poem did Britten choose as a source for the Peter Grimes libretto?

4. What is the main theme of the opera Peter Grimes? What was Britten's aim? Why did he choose to set his opera on the East coast of England?

5. How did Britten develop Purcell's tradition in vocal music? Why did he reject the Wagnerian theory of "permanent melody"? What are his arguments?

6. What psychological problems are treated in his operas? Why do you think many of Britten's stage works are regarded as masterly psychological studies?

7. How did Britten tackle problems of operatic structure? Give


examples. Comment on the comparison between Britten and Verdi.

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