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Topic Activator (Terrorism) (final).doc
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III. Sections: Hostage-taking, Security

1. Match the words and phrases in List A with those in List B. Learn these lexical units.

List A

List B

  1. to take sb hostage

  2. to rescue a hostage

  3. to hold sb for / to ransom

  4. to extort a ransom (from sb)

  5. to pay a ransom (for sb)

  6. ransom demand

  7. to maintain security

  8. to tighten security (measures)

  9. to undermine security

  10. breach of security

  11. tight security (measures)

  12. lax security (measures)

  13. security check

  14. security service

  15. security forces

  16. security officer

  17. secret service

  18. intelligence (data)

  19. chief of intelligence

  20. military intelligence

  21. secret agent

  22. to spy on / against sb

  23. to spy for sb

  24. to infiltrate a terrorist group

  25. to seal off an area

  26. security alert

a. оцепить район

b. подрывать безопасность

c. шпионить в пользу кого-л.

d. проверка безопасности

e. внедриться в террористическую группу

f. военная разведка

g. разведывательная служба

h. офицер службы безопасности

i. руководитель разведки

j. силы безопасности

k. требование выкупа

l. заплатить выкуп

m. секретный агент; разведчик

n. служба безопасности

o. нарушение правил безопасности

p. усиливать меры безопасности

q. шпионить / следить за кем-л.

r. разведывательные данные

s. тревога в связи с угрозой безопасности

t. строгие меры безопасности

u. взять в заложники

v. обеспечивать безопасность

w. требовать выкуп за кого-л.

x. недостаточные меры безопасности

y. получить выкуп

z. освобождать заложника

2. Give synonyms for the following words and phrases.

to take (a hostage), to hold (sb hostage), to release (a hostage), to extort (a ransom), to maintain (security), to tighten (security), tight (security), security, (security) man, (intelligence) data, to receive (intelligence), secret (service), secret (agent), to seal off

3. Suggest words and expressions that correspond to the following definitions.

      1. a secret government department whose job is to find out enemy secrets and to prevent its own government's secrets from being discovered

      2. to secretly join an organization or enter a place in order to find out information about it or harm it

      3. to secretly collect information about an enemy country or an organization you are competing against

      4. to keep someone prisoner until money is paid

      5. to demand and get an amount of money from someone by using threats, force etc

      6. someone whose job is to protect a building or to collect and deliver large amounts of money

      7. an amount of money that is paid to free someone who is held as a prisoner

      8. things that are done to keep a person, building, or country safe from threats such as crime or attacks by foreign countries

      9. someone who is kept as a prisoner by an enemy so that the other side will do what the enemy demands

      10. to stop people from entering an area or building, often because it is dangerous

4. Match the words in List A with those in List B to form phrases.

List A

List B

        1. undercover

        2. spy

        3. to exact

        4. to hold sb

        5. to spy

        6. to release

        7. to escape

        8. to enhance

        9. security

        10. to gather

        11. intelligence

        12. to infiltrate

        13. to block off

        14. sense

        15. ransom

        16. to round up

a. sources

b. an area

c. demand

d. suspected subversives

e. into a country

f. of security

g. check

h. network

i. from captivity

j. a ransom

k. intelligence

l. on a military base

m. security

n. a hostage

o. agent

p. to ransom

5. Fill the gaps in the sentences with prepositions or adverbial particles if necessary.

          1. The Security Commission investigates breaches ….. security.

          2. The bombing has forced Olympic officials to step ….. security measures throughout Olympic venues and surrounding facilities.

          3. Postal facilities and other government offices around the country were warned of the attempted bombings, and were put ….. security alert.

          4. He was held ..... captivity for over a year.

          5. Wilson was released ..... captivity just before the end of the war.

          6. His daughter was kidnapped and held ..... ransom.

          7. He said terrorists would not be allowed to hold Britain ..... ransom.

          8. Intelligence reports confirm that terrorists have infiltrated ..... the region.

          9. Police cordoned ..... the city centre streets.

          10. We were lulled ..... a false sense of security and failed to see what was coming.

          11. Local rebels provided intelligence ….. the government's plans.

          12. He was arrested for spying ….. missile sites.

          13. A number of suspects were rounded ….. and questioned.

          14. Pablo Picasso was for a long time regarded ….. a dangerous subversive.

6. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the sentences below.

            1. The report concluded that there was no evidence that the intelligence ….. were involved.

            2. He is indignant at suggestions that they were ….. agents.

            3. East and West still ….. one another.

            4. Non-Iraqi terrorist groups ….. Iraq as soon as the conflict ended.

            5. Two of the hostages ..... on humanitarian grounds.

            6. The shooting happened while the man was trying to evade ..... by the security forces.

            7. They were expelled from the country for ….. activities.

            8. Her kidnappers ….. a £5 million ransom.

            9. The police carried out a ….. of alleged subversives.

            10. Following a bomb warning, police ..... the whole area.

            11. A bus-load of schoolchildren were held for ..... until the gang were given a plane.

            12. There is ..... security at the airport and all baggage is being searched.

            13. The terrorists were holding several British diplomats ….. .

            14. President Carter displayed considerable restraint in the crisis until an attempt was made in April 1980 ….. the hostages by force.

            15. Two families were taken ….. to force the managers of a bank to hand over £96,000.

7. Translate these sentences. Give synonymous translations if possible.

              1. За граждан его страны похитители требовали выкуп.

              2. Правительство отказалось платить выкуп за работников нефтяной компании, похищенных накануне.

              3. После серии террористических актов правительство усилило меры безопасности во всех регионах страны.

              4. Строгие меры безопасности ущемляют права и свободы граждан.

              5. Правительство делает все необходимое для укрепления сил безопасности.

              6. Террористы выбирают в качестве цели невинных, беззащитных людей.

              7. В столкновении с боевиками погиб один солдат подразделения специального назначения.

              8. Войскам специального назначения был отдан приказ начать штурм задания, в котором террористы удерживали заложников.

              9. Полиция оцепила район, в котором произошел захват заложников.

              10. Террористы захватили в заложники всех находившихся на борту самолета пассажиров.

              11. Они захватили несколько сот заложников.

              12. После отказа террористов отпустить заложников была подготовлена операцию по их освобождению.

              13. Любая операция по освобождению заложников создаст угрозу их жизни.

              14. Полиция устроила облаву и захватила подозреваемых в подрывной политической деятельности.

              15. Полиция внедрила своего агента в одну из террористических организаций.

              16. По разведывательным данным, группа террористов просочилась в регион для совершения ряда террористических актов.

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