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Part 15 (Chapters xlviii-l)


  1. Transcribe, read, translate the following words and restore the context from the chapters.

1) alms; 2) wicked; 3) encourage; 4) entreaty; 5) idle; 6) importunate; 7) mischief; 8) lure; 9) loquacious; 10) orphan; 11) owe; 12) perversity; 13) scrutiny; 14) wayward.

  1. Give the three forms of the following verbs.

Arise, bide, bring, clothe, delve, fall, fell, flood, fly, grow, lade, lay, overcome, rub, scrub, seat, seek, sew, shed, spare, swell, teach, whip, wring, writhe.

  1. Match the words with their definitions and restore the context from the book. ONE WORD IS EXTRA!

  1. delve

  2. disclose

  3. entreaty

  4. mischief

  5. idle

  6. importunate

  7. loquacious

  8. lure

  9. nuisance

  10. perversity

  11. scrutiny

  12. supervise

  13. swell

  14. wayward

  15. well-being

  16. wicked

    1. a close study or look; careful and thorough examination;

    2. a person, thing or situation that causes annoyance or inconvenience;

    3. an act of begging very seriously or without pride;

    4. attract or tempt by seeming to promise pleasure, profit, etc.;

    5. changeable and difficult to guide or advise;

    6. demanding things insistently and in an annoying way;

    7. extremely bad, morally wrong;

    8. gradually increase in fullness and roundness to beyond the usual or original size;

    9. keep watch over a job or activity or the people, as the person in charge;

    10. liking to talk a lot;

    11. make known, esp. smth that has been kept secret;

    12. search deeply;

    13. the quality of purposely continuing to do, believe in, etc. smth that one knows to be wrong, unreasonable or unacceptable;

    14. wasting time, doing nothing.

  1. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb and explain what the marked expressions mean.

  1. A beggar, clad … rags, was standing on the corner of the street asking … alms.

  2. After a short trial period Helen was put … charge … a group of young scientists.

  3. After sharing the same room for two weeks, Mary and Kate became … terms … intimate friendship.

  4. Are you sure you can cope … this task singlehanded?

  5. Beatrice’s parents let her understand that her marriage to Bob was … … the question.

  6. Children easily get … mischief if their parents become too permissive.

  7. Don’t delve too deeply this question, it’s not so important.

  8. I don’t know what to do with the children: they are getting … … hand.

  9. I would hate to make a nuisance … myself but I beg you to listen to me.

  10. The yard was full of people discussing something … twos and threes.

  11. Unfortunately, I cannot help surrendering … the circumstances.

  12. What you are saying convey no meaning … me.

  1. Substitute the marked expressions with their synonyms from the chapters (the number in brackets denotes the number of the page). Make all the necessary changes.

  1. A lot of people, dressed in their best, gathered in the church for the service. (144)

  2. Children need somebody to control them, otherwise they grow disobedient. (148), (148)

  3. Children who have no parents have to live in special homes. (147)

  4. Do you have any idea who we can appoint responsible for PR? (148)

  5. I tried hard but couldn’t make myself be the first to start the conversation with Derek. (152)

  6. I’m afraid, if I open the truth to him, our further friendship will be impossible. (150), (149)

  7. It’s important to have a person who can inspire you with courage to go further. (146)

  8. Kitty felt ill at ease under the Mother Superior’s attentive look. (147)

  9. The children tried to attract the cat with fish but it wouldn’t approach them. (152)

  10. The little girl’s begging look could have melted ice, to say nothing of my heart. (149)

  11. The sore finger has grown larger in size. (145)

  12. Who will care about my family’s welfare if something happens to me? (153)

  1. Translate the phrases into English, paying special attention to the marked words. Make your own sentences with these phrases.

1) умоляющий тон; 2) бездельничать; 3) вдохновлять собственным примером; 4) всматриваться в даль; 5) выйти из-под контроля; 6) завлекать красивыми обещаниями; 7) из чувства противоречия; 8) мольба о помощи; 9) назойливый ухажер; 10) передать смысл; 11) просить милостыню; 12) раскрыть планы; 13) распухнуть от слез; 14) своенравный характер; 15) словоохотливая старушка; 16) способный на любые проделки; 17) углубиться в изучение вопроса; 18) это нехорошо с вашей стороны


Recall the Contents of the Story.

  1. Where did Kitty go on the second day after her crucial conversation with her husband?

  2. What did the city look like at that time of the day?

  3. What kind of person approached Kitty in the city?

  4. Did Kitty have to wait for the Mother Superior for a long time? Why?

  5. What had happened in the convent that made the Mother Superior cry?

  6. Why were the nuns especially shorthanded at that particular moment?

  7. What kind of help did Kitty offer the Mother Superior? What work was she ready to do?

  8. What job did the Mother Superior offer Kitty? What were Kitty’s responsibilities?

  9. Did she have any makings for the job she was entrusted?

  10. Who was Kitty's closest companion in the convent? When and where did they communicate?

Questions and Tasks for Analytical Reading.

  1. Why did the Mother Superior think it was wicked of her to grieve for the dead sister? What two forces were struggling in this lady? Why was the dead nun especially dear to the Mother Superior?

  2. Why was Kitty so eager to work in the convent? Why was the Mother Superior unwilling to take her at first? Why did Kitty volunteer to take part in nursing though she was awfully afraid of the disease and had no experience? Why did the Mother Superior call the most unpleasant and hard work the nuns’ “business and privilege” (p. 149)?

  3. Comment on the Mother Superior’s saying: “one cannot find peace in work or in pleasure, in the world or in a convent, but only in one’s soul” (p. 150). Why did she tell that Kitty? Was it an answer to some Kitty’s questions she didn’t dare to ask?

  4. Why was work a refreshment for Kitty? Why did she still want to do something more arduous? What was the main challenge for Kitty in her work which wasn’t physically difficult by itself? What qualities did Kitty develop thanks to her work with children?

  5. Comment on the situation with the little idiot girl. Why couldn’t Kitty bring herself to touch her? What made her overcome her distaste and change her attitude? Why do you think the girl lost interest in Kitty since that moment? What is the significance of this episode for Kitty’s personal development? Can this particular situation be projected somehow onto Kitty’s life?

  6. Speak about Sister St Joseph. What position did she occupy in the convent? What can you say about her appearance, her background, her temper, her personal concerns? What were her favourite topics of conversation? What qualities of hers made people's hearts go out to her? Why did Kitty like her company?

  7. Compare the Mother Superior and Sister St Joseph not as human beings but as two images of Church. What differs them, what do they have in common? Why isn’t the Mother Superior given any earthly name while the Sister bears the name of St Joseph? What parallels can be drawn considering the Mother Superior's royal roots and the Sister's originating from a farmer's family. (Recall also Sister St Fransis Xavier and her originating from "fisher folk" (p. 146) and her role in the Mother Superior's life.) What lessons did Kitty learn from each of them? Which spiritual way was easier for her to follow, which was a more challenging one?

  8. Retell Chapters XLVIII-L. Make a conclusion concerning Kitty’s personal development inspired by her work in the convent.

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