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Английский язык (методичка)

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-где жители города могут провести уик-енд;

-какие достопримечательности (памятники) есть в Барнауле;

-много ли культурных заведений нашем городе;

-чье имя носит краевая библиотека;

-какие вокзалы в нашем городе.

V. Act out the situations:

1.В Барнаул приехал ваш зарубежный друг. Он расспрашивает вас о том, какие достопримечательности ему можно осмотреть в свободное время в первую очередь и как туда добраться.

2.Спросите у своего зарубежного друга, где он уже побывал в Барнауле. Посоветуйте ему посетить картинную галерею и краеведческий музей. Сообщите, как лучше туда добраться.

3.Спросите у своего зарубежного друга, какие у него планы на выходные и предложите прокатиться по городу. Сообщите, что вы сможете заехать за ним в гостиницу. Узнайте, какое время его устроит.

VI. Act out the following situations:

1.You are waiting for your British friends coming to Barnaul. Discuss with your family the sights and places you want to show them.

Your grandpa thinks you must take them to the Glory Memorial and the Eternal fire.

Your grandma suggests to take them to the Museum of Local History and then to the Concert Hall with the organ.

Your father says that you should take them to the Park of Melange Mill with Planetarium and attractions, lake and stadium.

Your mother says that you should have a stroll along the Lenin Avenue which is a busy shopping street.

Your sister thinks that you shouldn't forget to show them "Coliseum". You think that you should take them to the boat trip along the river


So you think your British friends will enjoy their staying in Barnaul.

2.Your friends meet you in the street and invite you to the cinema. But you are very tired because you have been taking your friends from Great Britain round Barnaul. You have had enough impressions for today.

Your first friend asks you if you took them on a bus tour round the



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You answer that you saw a lot of historical buildings, sights and state offices.

Your second friend wants to know if it was interesting for your guests to know more about the history of the city.

You say that they were glad, but it was a pity they couldn't enjoy much of the beauty of the streets, all of them swept past the bus window, besides there wasn't a chance to examine museum at leisure.

Your third friend is eager to get acquainted with your guests from Great Britain and promises to help you take them to a stroll or to drive them round the city suburbs or anywhere else any time.


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The Altai Region

I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered:

to border on



rural district






to be the personal property


быть частной cобственностью

you can’t but admire


нельзя не восхищаться

formed by the junction



radon baths



curing mud



consumer goods



tourist equipment



to call the «Breadwinner»


называть житницей




to become the foremost producer


стать передовым




crop production


производство зерна

maral breeding



bee keeping



livestock farming



artistic articles



The State Hermitage



Altai gave birth to


Алтай - это родина

to rank first in the output


занимать 1-е место по







II. Read, translate and retell the text:

The Altai Region

The Altai Region is situated in the South East of Western Siberia at an equal distance from the four oceans. Its territory covers 1691 thousand sq. km., the population numbers 2,7 mln.people including urban –1,4 mln. and rural - 1,3 mln. people. The region has 12 towns (Aleisk, Barnaul, Belokurikha, Bijsk, Gorniak, Zarinsk, Zmeinogorsk, Kamen'–na–Obe, Novoaltaisk, Rubtsovsk, Slavgorod, Yarovoye), 7 urban and 60 rural districts. The capital of the Altai Region is Barnaul. Its population runs to 700 thousand people. Altai borders on Novosibirsk and Kemerovo regions in the North; Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, and the Republic of Altai in the South.


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In the XVIII century the territory of Altai was «the Silver Treasury of Russia». It had been the personal property of the Cabinet and Russian tzars.

You can’t but admire the nature of the territory we live in. One of the greatest rivers of the world– the Ob formed by the junction of the two rivers the Katun and the Beya flows through the Altai Territory.

There are 3 thousand lakes in our Altai. The largest one is Kulundinskoye Lake (728 sq.km.). Two types of landscape prevail in the region: mountainous in the East and steppen in the West. Considerable areas are covered with virgin taiga forests. True hunters and fishermen highly appreciate the wealth of the taiga and the lakes. "The Belokurikha" health resort with its famous radon baths is situated in a picturesque corner of the Altai foothills. Visitors of Yarovoye Lake use its curing mud. Herbs are prepared in Altai in large quantities. A great number of tourist paths lead to the mountainous Altai.

During the Soviet period such important industries as agricultural machine building, petrochemestry, textile industry and others have been founded in the Altai and they are constantly developing. Today Altai produces engines, tractors, power-station boilers, tractor ploughs, freight railway cars, tyres, electric pumps, radio-apparatuses, cotton and synthetic fibres. The production of consumer goods has been organized here lately: washing machines, TV-sets, chemical goods, furniture, sports goods and tourist equipment.

The largest plants are joint-stock companies «Altai Tractor», «Barnaultransmash», «Sibenergomash», «Altaiselmash-Holding», «Altaivagon», «Chemical Fibre plant» etc.

They call Altai «the Breadwinner» and the people are right. Altai is a major agricultural producer in Russia. It produces millions of tons of grain, meat, milk, vegetables and potatoes. Altai has become the foremost producer of sugar beet, oil-giving sunflowers and soy. A number of other crops are grown here: buckwheat, pears, oats and flax. It also produces berries and fruits.

Altai ranks first in Russia in the output of cheese and second in the output of butter. Breeding animals for furs is highly developed in Altai. Principle brunches of agriculture are crop production, livestock farming, fodder production, maral breeding and bee keeping. Livestock farming specializes in meat, milk, wool and eggs. Food processing industry is the second in the industrial structure of the region. There are dairy, meat processing, confectionery, baking, liquor, wine-making, sugar and cheese making enterprises in the Altai Region.


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Altai has 10 higher educational institutions, 1620 secondary schools, private schools, lyceums, gymnasium and a number of schools where pupils are taught in German, Kazakh and Kumandin. The number of books and magazines in public libraries runs to 18 mln. volumes. Representatives of more than 110 nationalities peacefully co-exist in Altai.

World famous is the Altai stone-cutting art. Artistic articles made by Kolyvan masters decorate many palaces and museums. The unique «Queen of Vases» is kept in the State Hermitage.

Altai gave birth to many talented people: Valerii Zolotukhin – an actor, Alexander Zalygin – a writer and editor, Ivan Pyryev – a film producer, Michael Evdokimov – an actor, Margarita Terekhova – an actress, Vassily Shukshin – a writer, actor and film producer. The name of the academician Michael Lisavenko who headed scientific research institute of Siberian gardening is well known all over the country too. Altai is the Motherland of Cosmonaut II German Titov.

Nikolai Rerikh viewed Altai as the most important geo-cosmic center of our planet.

III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

Dialogue 1.

-Could you tell me a few words about Altai and its peculiarities?

-One of the peculiar features of Altai is that it is situated at an equal distance from the four oceans, at the crossing of ancient trade routes. Besides it was the place where people came in search for land and freedom. In the XVIII century the territory of Altai was «the Silver Treasury of Russia»

-How many towns are there in Altai?

-The region has 12 towns but the capital city is Barnaul.

-When was the Altai territory founded?

-As far as I remember, Barnaul became the center of the Altai territory in 1937. But in former times Altai was included in Tomsk province.

Dialogue 2.

-What is the climate like in the Altai Region?

-The climate is sharply continental with long and cold winter, which lasts as long as six months and hot summer due to which Altai is called «a Corner of Paradise»

-What can you say about the landscape of Altai?

-The landscape of Altai is varied. It’s hilly and mountainous in the east; the smooth plane surface turns into steppe in the west. The unique belt pine forests stretch for hundreds kilometers.


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-Are there many lakes? What are they famous for?

-Altai is famous for a thousand of blue lakes. The largest is Kulundinskoye lake and the most attractive is lake Teletskoye. More than one hundred rivers flow into it and only one the Beya outflows.

-Why is the Ob treated to be the most important water route?

-There are few such rivers on the globe. Its length is five thousand kilometers. Only the Nile, then the Mississippi with its inflow the Missouri and the Amur, the Yenisei and the Lena are longer than the Ob. It begins in glaciers of the Altai Mountains, carries in itself the waters of two rivers – the Katun and the Beya, and flows up to the Arctic Ocean. It washes the area of about 3 mln. square kilometers and links Altai with the Northern regions of Western Siberia.

-Have you ever been to the Mountainous Altai?

-Naturally. Why?

-How did it impress you?

-Oh, I’ve been to the Belokurikha health resort with its famous radon springs and I was greatly impressed by a picturesque corner of the Altai foothills with a mountain river and rich vegetation.

Dialogue 3.

-What are the main industries in Altai?

-During the Soviet period such important industries as electropower engineering, agricultural machine-building, chemistry, oil-industry, timber-industry, production of building materials and others have been founded and are constantly developing here.

-What does Altai produce?

-Today Altai produces engines for machinery, diesels and metal-cutting lathes, forge presses and tyres, electric pumps and steam-boilers, chemical and textile goods, furniture and sophisticated home appliances, faceted diamonds and tourist equipment and what not.

-Why is Altai named the"Breadwinner of Siberia"?

-To tell you the truth, Altai is a major agricultural producer in Russia. It produces millions of tons of grain, meat, milk, vegetables and potatoes, sugar beet, oil-giving sunflowers, soy, berries and fruits, etc.

-What are the main branches of agriculture?

-They include grain-production, stock-breeding, fodder producing, maral-breeding and bee-keeping.

-Thank you. I appreciate your willingness to answer my numerous questions.


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Dialogue 4.

-What places in Altai are connected with the development of the stone-cutting art ?

-Kolyvan and Lokot are the two places connected with the stone-cutting art. Vases made of Altai precious stones came into history of Russian decorative applied art.

-We know, Russia is a multinational country. Can we mean the same speaking of Altai?

-Yes, of course. Represantatives of more than 110 nationalities peacefully co-exist in Altai.

-What famous people did the Altai give birth to?

-Fortunately, Altai is the Motherland of many talented people such as German Titiov, Vassily Shukshin, Ivan Pyryev, Michael Evdokimov, Margarita Terekhova, Michael Kalashnikov, Robert Rozhdestvensky and others.

-Thank you, N. It was very kind of you to tell me about your region.

IV. Ask your friend:

-где расположен Алтайский край;

-какая общая площадь Алтайскогокрая;

-какова численностьнаселения;

-какой город является столицей Алтайского края;

-с какими регионами граничит Алтай;

-какие рекипротекают потерритории края;

-какой ландшафт преобладает в регионе;

-есть ли в крае курорты;

-что производится на Алтае;

-почемуАлтай называютжитницей/кормилицей;

-какое искусство Алтая приобрело всемирную известность;

-родиной какихзнаменитостей является Алтай.

V.Act out the situations:

1.Ваш зарубежный друг приехал на Алтай. Он спрашивает вас о том, когда образовался Алтайский край и каковы его особенности.

2.Расспросите своего друга с Алтая о том, какая там природа, о местах, где он отдыхал, какое впечатление у него осталось.

3.Ваш зарубежный партнер интересуется промышленностью и сельским хозяйством Алтая. Проинформируйте его.

4.Ваш друг спрашивает, чем знаменит Алтай. Расскажите ему о знаменитых людяхи культурныхтрадициях Алтая.


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I. Words and word combinations to be remembered:



легкий ветер

to be cast with clouds


быть затянутым облаками

to be soaked to the skin


промокнуть донитки

to brighten up





вьюга, метель




chilly (brisk) wind


холодный (свежий) ветер
















flash of lightning



to freeze











иней, изморось

haze (mist)


легкий туман, дымка












зд. временами









маленькая грязнаялужица



зд. местами

to rumble











дождь со снегом, мокрый снег




to turn bad



to turn for the better



to thaw









weather forecast


прогноз погоды




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II. Read, translate and retell the text:


The naughtiest thing in the world is the weather. It's like a capricious woman who always does the opposite to what you ask her.

When you want to go for a picnic in the open air you ask the skies to remain clear and the day to be fine. Nervously you switch on the radio and listen to the weather forecast. You tremble with joy to hear that it'll stay warm and dry with bright sunshine, and moderate breeze. Your imagination draws a hot summer afternoon and yourself saying: “Nice weather we are having today!” You take a lot of food and no warm clothes, go to the countryside but... do not get anything sunny.

You get it cloudy and cool with intermittent drizzle, which ends with a thundery shower. The sky is so heavily cast with clouds, the downpours follow one another with such frequency, the rumbling of thunder and flashes of lightning are so frightening that you've got no illusions left. You throw away the food and go back hungry and angry. And when you are already approaching your home soaked to the skin it suddenly brightens up. Oh, Goodness!

Each summer, every student survives through the best time of his or her life - an examination session. Then many students plead: “Please, weather, stay cloudy, chilly or even cold with brisk northerly wind and rain torrents leaving pools and puddles everywhere, especially on the playground. And I'll be a good student.” The radio promises: “'Patchy light drizzle with showery outbreaks of rain.” But the “patch” is never in the right place. Instead the skies send heat and excellent weather for a sun tan. Everyone knows that sun tan never helps at exams.

And it is always like this. When you go skiing and want to have frosty weather with a lot of snow, it starts thawing and your skis sink in the slash. Instead of a snowfall and hoarfrost on the trees you get excellent sleet. The weather does not feel any pangs of remorse.

When you go in the car to the country, enjoying nice weather and a beautiful view of a rainbow in the blue sky, you pay no attention to some haze on the horizon. Some time later a thin mist in the distance turns into a thick fog and you spend a lovely two hours instead of one at the steering wheel.

When you plant some much-cared-for flowers in the garden, either a ground frost or a hail storm kills them. Digging muddy flowerbeds one feels exasperated: “What beastly weather we've had this week! And it keeps nasty! Wretched!”


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To tell the truth, sometimes the weather is ashamed and turns for the better. But not always. More often it sticks to its own pattern and after a short warm spell turns bad again. Why is it always like this? Maybe, because the weather likes surprises and wants to bring in adventures to our life, breaking the boring routine with marvellous happenings?

III. Words and word combinations to be remembered:

to be awake






to blossom


цвести, расцветать

to dig


копать, рыть

to drizzle



to fade


вянуть, увядать






уборка урожая

lily of the valley






to ripen


зреть, созревать



спелый, зрелый

to sow












to yield



Conversational Formulas

I am chilled to the bone. – Я продрог до костей. I am drenched through. – Я вымок до нитки.

I am freezing. – Мне холодно. I feel hot. – Мне жарко.

It’s pouring. – Льет как из ведра.

The weather is fine (warm, dry, cool, nasty, windy). – Погода прекрасная

(теплая, сухая, прохладная, ненастная, ветреная). The weather keeps nice. – Стоит хорошая погода.

IV. Read, translate and retell the text:


March, April and May are spring months. Spring has come, and everything is awakening from its winter sleep. The fields and meadows are dressed in green. There are buds on the trees, and the wild flowers once more begin to


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