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Unit 14 Present Perfect

1.1 Mб




Listen to the text

Read and translate the text


Elmer is a college student from Kansas, USA. Eight days ago he went on his trip to Europe. It is the first time he has travelled abroad alone.

Elmer: Hello, Mom? Is that you?

Mrs. Colt: Oh, Elmer, yes. How are you?

Elmer: I’m fine. I’ve just arrived in Prague, Mom.

Mrs. Colt: You haven’t sent us any postcards yet.

Elmer: Yes, I have. I’ve sent one from every city.

Mrs. Colt: Have you been to Paris yet, Elmer?

Elmer: Yes, I have.

Mrs. Colt: Have you been to Vienna yet?

Elmer: No, I haven’t. We are going to Vienna tomorrow.

Mrs. Colt: Elmer! Are you still there?

Elmer: Yes, Mom.

Mrs. Colt: How many countries have you seen so far?

Elmer: Well, it is the eighth day, so I’ve already seen eight countries.

Mrs. Colt: Have you spent much money?

Elmer: Well, uh, yes, Mom. I’ve bought a lot of souvenirs, and I want to buy some more. Can you send me a thousand dollars?

Mrs. Colt: All right, Elmer. Elmer, are you listening to me?

Elmer: Sure, Mom.

Mrs. Colt: Have you taken many pictures, Elmer?

Elmer: Yes, I’ve taken hundreds of pictures.

Mrs. Colt: Have you made any new friends yet?

Elmer: Oh, yes, Mom. There’s a girl from Texas on the tour. She’s become my best friend.

Mrs. Colt: Elmer! Elmer! Are you still there?


Prague [pr ɑː ɡ] Прага

Paris [ˈpærɪs] Париж

Vienna [vi ˈ enə] Вена

Texas [teksəs] Техас


1. abroad [ əˈbrɔːd]

за границей, за границу

to travel abroad

путешествовать за границу

2. to send postcards [send ˈpəʊstˌkɑːdz ]

посылать открытки

3. to buy souvenirs [baɪ ˌsuːvəˈnɪəz ]

покупать сувениры

She has spent all her money on souvenirs.

Она потратила все свои деньги на сувениры.

4. to take pictures [teɪk ˈpɪktʃəz]

фотографировать, делать фото

He has taken pictures of some famous sights.

Он сфотографировал знаменитые достопримечательности.

5. to make friends [meɪk frendz]

подружиться, завести друзей

He has made friends with many new people.

Он завел много новых друзей.

6. tour [tʊə]


to make a tour of smth

совершить тур, поездку по ч-л

to tour smth

совершать тур, поездку по ч-л

to tour Europe

совершить тур по Европе

7. itinerary [aɪˈtɪnərəri]


to plan the itinerary

планировать маршрут

8. travel agent [ˈtrævəl ˈeɪdʒənt]

агент бюро путешествий

I’ve just seen my travel agent.

Я только что встречался с агентом бюро путешестивий.

9. travel insurance [ˈtrævəl ɪnˈʃʊərəns]

туристическая страховка

to get travel insurance

получить туристическую страховку

10. hotel reservation [həʊˈtel ˌrezəˈveɪʃn]

бронирование номера в отеле

to make hotel reservation

забронировать номер в отеле

11. to pay for smth [peɪ fə]

платить за ч-л

to pay for the plane ticket

платить за авиабилет

12. pack [pæk]


to pack a suitcase [ˈsuːtˌkeɪs]

паковать чемодан


1. Answer the questions:

  1. Where is Elmer now?

  2. Has he sent any postcards to his family?

  3. Has Elmer been to Paris and Vienna so far?

  4. How many countries has he seen?

  5. How long has he been on tour?

  6. Has Elmer spent much money? What has he bought?

  7. How many pictures has he taken?

  8. Has he made any new friends?

  9. And what about you? Have you ever travelled to Europe?

  10. Have you ever sent a postcard?

  11. Have you ever spent much money on a trip?

  12. Have you ever taken pictures on a trip?

  13. Have you ever made friends on a trip?


1. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect.

Today is my seventieth birthday. When I look back on the last seventy years, I think about all the things I (do) in my lifetime. I (be) to college, and I (see) the world. I (be) to twenty countries. I (drive) across the Sahara Desert, and I (take) a boat up the Nile River. Of course, I (do) this, when I was very young. I went to Africa in 1946. I (live) in two foreign countries: Spain and Colombia. I (write) a book about my experiences in Spain in 1952. I also (write) several other books about travel. I (work) for forty-eight years, and I still work every day. I (move) nine times, and I (have) thirteen different jobs. I (take) English courses in college, so most of my jobs (be) in writing and publishing. I (be married) twice. My first husband died in 1975. I got married again in1980, and I am still married. I have four children and six grandchildren. Last month, one of my grandchildren had a baby, and I became a great-grandmother for the first time.

2. Mind the difference between been to (побывал) and gone to (уехал, ушел) in Present Perfect. Complete the sentence, use been or gone.

1. He’s on holiday at the moment. He has … to Prague.

2. Where’s Jill? – She’s not here. I think she has … to the bank.

3. Hello, Pat. Where have you …? – I’ve … to the bank.

4. Have you ever … to Mexico? – No, never.

5. My parents are not at home this evening. They have … out.

6. There is a new restaurant in town. Have you … to it.

7. Paris is a wonderful city. I have … there many times.

8. Helen was here earlier but I think she has already … now.

3. Jack and Tim are planning to make a trip to Egypt. Here is their list of things to do before the trip. Complete the sentences to say what each of them has done so far. Use already and yet.

E.g. Jack has already planned his itinerary, but Tim has not planned his yet. Both Jack and Tim have already seen their travel agent. None of them has been to the doctor yet.


plan my itinerary

Jack +

Tim -

see a travel agent

Jack +

Tim +

go to the doctor

Jack -

Tim -

go to the bank

Jack +

Tim +

get travel insurance

Jack +

Tim +

make hotel reservations

Jack +

Tim +

pay for my plane ticket

Jack +

Tim +

pick up my plane ticket

Jack +

Tim -

get a passport

Jack +

Tim +

pack my suitcase

Jack -

Tim +

4. Respond to the statements. Tell, if you ever done the following things. Use never or too in your sentences.

  1. My friend was in Egypt last month. – I have been to Egypt too.

  2. She flew in a supersonic jet. – I’ve never flown in a supersonic jet.

  3. She met an Egyptian.

  4. She ate Egypian food.

  5. She drank mint tea.

  6. She saw a wall painting.

  7. She spoke Arabic.

  8. She heard Egyptian music.

  9. She swam in the Mideterranean.

  10. She drove through the deset.

  11. She slept in a tent.

  12. She kept a diary.

5. Respond to the statements by making a question with ever.

1. My friend was in Egypt last month. – Have you ever been to Egypt?

2. She spent Egyptian money.

3. She went to a bazaar.

4. She bought Egyptian jewelry.

5. She took a boat trip up the Nile.

6. She rode a camel.

7. She saw the pyramids.

8. She read a book on the history of Egypt.

9. She got up at 4.30 to see the sunrise.

10. She wore a veil.

11. She brought home souvenirs from the trip.

6. Interview your partner. Find out if he/ she has done the following things.

drive a motorcycle/ go to South America/ see Disneyland/ read English novels/ eat oysters/ ride a camel/ wear a wig/ be on TV/ climb a mountain/ win a prize/ meet a famous person/ smoke a cigar/ write a book/ swim in the Atlantic/ go bungee jumping/ rent a car/ be in love

7. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Мой друг никогда не был за границей.

2. Мы купили много интересных сувениров.

3. Майк сделал сотни фото разных достопримечательностей.

4. Ты уже с кем-нибудь познакомился (завел новых друзей)?

5. Он никогда не совершал тур по Европе.

6. Мои друзья уже дважды пересекали пустыню Сахара.

7. Она уже написала несколько книг о путешествиях.

8. Тима сейчас нет, он уехал в Египет.

9. Она еще не забронировала отель.

10. Мы уже забрали страховку.

English for fun


Have you ever seen the beaches of Mexico?

Have you ever walked the streets of San Juan?

Have you ever been to Haiti?

Have you ever been to Spain?

Have you ever walked barefoot in a heavy rain?

Have you ever been in trouble?

Have you ever been in pain?

Have you ever been in love?

Would you do it all again?

Well, I’ve never seen the beaches of Mexico.

I’ve never walked the streets of San Juan.

I’ve never been to Haiti.

I’ve never been to Spain.

I’ve never walked barefoot in a heavy rain.

But I’ve sure been in trouble.

I’ve sure been in pain.

I’ve sure been in love.

I’d do it all again.