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Задания для новичков 21.01.doc
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2. Match the English words from the text with their Russian equivalents- this work will help you to understand the text better.

to establish commissions

амортизатор для смягчения ударов судьбы

huge implications for our life paths

подлинная и неизменная само­оценка

setting out upon careers

плохое, жестокое обращение с детьми

cushion for those times when life lets us down

наделять людей силой и ставить прививку от...

to weather the storm


social vaccine

самоуверенность, настойчивость

empower people and inoculate them against something

переждать шторм

authentic and abiding self-esteem

преисполненный самоуважения


огромное применение на нашем жизненном пути

to engage in destructive behaviour

проявлять высокую самооценку

child abuse

цельность личности

to exhibit high self-esteem

общественная вакцина


сделать профессиональный выбор


заниматься саморазрушением

brim with self esteem

установить гонорар

  1. Pay attention to the key fragments put in italics that might be of help

to you.

  1. Think of the theme and the idea of the text. What is the appropriate interpretation of the title?

  2. Make a plan of the abstract to be, join or regroup the paragraphs where necessary, exclude the details.

  3. Write an abstract following your logics, then reread and correct it and arrange the obligatory bibliography and title.


Self-esteem means 'appreciating your own worth and importance' - and it helps you to cope better with the chal­lenges of life.


Definitions of self-esteem vary in their breadth and sophistication. But all agree that high self-esteem means that we appreciate ourselves and our personal worth. More specifically, it means:

  • we have a positive attitude

  • we value ourselves highly

  • we're convinced of our own abilities

  • we see ourselves as competent, in control of our own lives and able to do what we want.

In addition, we compare ourselves favourably with others. Low self­esteem can mean helplessness, powerlessness and even depression.

Some American states have gone so far as to establish commissions to study the effect of self-esteem, and make recommendations promoting this concept. But how do you promote an idea everyone thinks they under­stand - but few can define? Is this even the role of the Government?


Though it's impossible to legislate high self-esteem, our own self­esteem has huge implications for our life paths. Our history of self­esteem begins as children, and follows us throughout our lives; it affects all our decisions - and, like a garden, needs constant tending.

One example of self-esteem can be seen in setting out upon our ca­reers. For a person to make a non-traditional career choice, for example, a woman becoming a commercial pilot, or to go against family desires, re­quires someone to have a belief in their ability to make appropriate deci­sions, even though significant others in their life disagree with them.