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4) bed&breakfast

d) breakfast, lunch and evening meals are included in the price you have paid for


your accommodation/holiday package



5) all inclusive

e) settle one's hotel bill before leaving

6) shuttle service

f) arrive and register at a hotel or airport

7) full board

g) a series of linked hotels owned by the same company

8) entertainment

h) all meals and locally produced drinks are included

9) self-catering

i) the action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment

10) to confirm

j) breakfast is included in the price you have paid for your accommodation/holiday





3. Do the crossword.


2) a room in a house, hotel, or institution where clothes and linen can be washed and ironed 8) a prize or other mark of recognition given in honour of an achievement

10)the action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjyoment

11)to protect and care for someone or something lovingly

12)the place where something happens, especially an organized event such as a concert, conference, or sports competition

13)given or supplied free of charge

14)beautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching way

16)an establishment which provides inexpensive food and lodging for a specific group of people, such as students, workers, or travellers

17)a wooden house with overhanging eaves, typically found in the Swiss Alpes


1) a large country house with lands

3)the formal or ceremonious welcoming of guests

4)astonishing or awe-inspiring in quality, so as to take one's breath away

5)having ample space, especially of a room or building

6)a roadside hotel designed primarily for motorists, typically having the rooms arranged in low blocks with parking directly outside

7)a waterside hotel with facilities for mooring boats

9) a soft quilt filled with down or feathers, used instead of an upper sheet and blankets 11) clients collectively

15) extremely beautiful and delicate




1.Harding K., Henderson P. High Season: English for the hotel and tourist industry. Oxford University Press, 2004.

2.Redman S. English Vocabulary in Use: pre-intermediate and intermediate. Cambridge University Press, 2007.

3.McCarthy M., O’Dell F. English Vocabulary in Use: upper-intermediate and advance. Cambridge University Press, 2007.

4.Ladousse G.P. Going Places: English for work and travel. Macmillan Heinemann, 2009.

5.Harding K. Going International: English for Tourism. Oxford University Press, 2011.

6.Stott T., Holt R. First Class: English for Tourism. Oxford University Press, 2006.

7.Evans V., Dooley J. Mission: course book, 2. Express Publishing, 2007.

8.Walker R., Harding K. Tourism 2. Oxford University Press, 2011.

9.Walton R., Bartrain M. Initiative. Cambridge University Press, 2006.

10.Klekovkina E., Mann M. Practice Tests for the Russian State Exam. Macmillan, 2010.

11.English dictionary for advanced learners. Macmillan, 2006.

12.The website: http://www.sleepinginairports.net/bestof.htm

13.The website: http://www.celebritycruises.com/

14.The website: www.globalexplorers.org/.../why_travel/

15.The website: www.wikipedia.com


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