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отрицательный, неблагоприятный,




лицо, ведущее переговоры, посредник



вести переговоры, обсуждать условия


negotiation (s)

переговоры, обсуждение условий



сходный, близкий



сделать необходимым, требовать, вызывать


regulatory agency

орган власти, орган управления


result in

привести к



урегулирование, уплата, расчет



компетенция, должность



адвокат, защитник, заступник; защищать, отстаивать



защита, отстаивание


administrative agency

административный орган


legislative body

законодательный орган






дать возможность


hearing officer

должностное лицо, слушающее дело

5.2 Assignment

5.2.1 Read the text and find equivalents of the following Russia word combinations or sentences; note the use of the grammatical forms in brackets:

(1)1 более постоянные отношения с юристами, чем в прошлом (the comparison)

(2)2 Юрист получает общую подготовку.

3 Именно эта общая подготовка и способность дают юристу возможность выполнять различные индивидуализированные задачи (the emphatic construction “It is … that …”).

(3)4 Юрист выполняет профилактическую работу путем дачи советов клиенту, занимающемуся бизнесом (the Gerund)

5 юридические последствия слияния компаний

(4)6 извлечь данные, относящиеся к конкретной задаче

7 Для этого требуется сотрудничество с клиентом (the meaning of the verb “to take”).

8 свидетельство преступной деятельности

9 Поверенный обязан быть лояльным по отношению к клиенту (the meaning of the verb “to owe”).

10 этические нормы в том виде, как они сложились в настоящее время (the use of “as”)

11 не требуют, чтобы поверенный «сообщал куда надо» (the Complex Object)


(5)12 заявления в связи с регистрацией ценных бумаг (the attributive word chain) 13 Составление проектов документов – это форма превентивного права.

(6)14 Роль лица, ведущего переговоры, близка к роли адвоката (the pronoun “that”).

15 Необходимость переговоров может быть вызвана спором с управленческим органом, другой фирмой или покупателем (the Passive).

16 успешные переговоры, приводящие к урегулированию (Participle I)

(7)17 в качестве адвоката

18 прежде чем прийти к обоснованному решению (the Gerund)

5.2.2Read the text again and answer the following questions:

(1)1 When did a business usually contact a lawyer in the past?

2 Are more and more businesses concerned with preventive law?

(2)3 What kind of training do lawyer receive in law schools?

(3)4 How does a lawyer practice preventive law?

(4)5 How must the business lawyer work in a business firm if he or she has position of counselor?

6 What is the role of an investigator?

7 What happens if the investigator uncovers some damaging information during the course of the investigation?

(5)8 What documents does the business lawyer draft?

9 Why is good drafting important?

(6)10 Which of the client’s arguments does a good negotiator present? 11 Who may disputes arise with?

(7)12 When does the lawyer have to act in the capacity of advocate?

5.2.3Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

(1)1 more and more businesses are concerned … preventive law

(2)2 to adapt .. a wide range of tasks

3 to apply it … particular circumstances

4 equip a lawyer … various specialized tasks

(3)5 practices preventive law … counseling the business client

6 a host … problems

7 alternative courses … action

(4)8 preliminary … the role of counselor or advocate

9 cooperation … the business client

10 during the course … the investigation

11 evidence … criminal activity

12 owes an allegiance … the firm


(5)13 drafts documents … the firm

(6)14 successful negotiation resulting … a settlement

(7)15 in the light most favorable … the client

5.3Read the text and try to understand it. Consult the vocabulary notes that


Selecting a lawyer

(1)No lawyer is an expert in all of the above roles or in every substantive area of the law. Some lawyers concentrate their practice in the area of counseling, while others develop and utilize specialized skills in advocacy. Some attorneys concentrate on antitrust law, while others specialize in tax law. For these reasons, it might seem desirable for the corporate client to choose a lawyer based on the specific problem that arises. However, this is not always feasible. First, lawyers do not normally “hang specialty shingles”, and in most states they are prohibited to do so. Consequently it is difficult for the business manager to know whom to call upon among the ranks of specialists. Second, specialists have a narrow focus on their specialty and lack a perception of the big picture. Selecting a generalist as corporate counsel has its advantages. The general practitioner can effectively handle most of the routine problems that confront a business firm. When a problem arises that necessitates a specialist, the general corporate practitioner is in a position to refer the client to one. The general practitioner will then be in a position to assist the client by briefing the specialist on the problem, thus saving valuable time.

(2)Large companies hire lawyer and establish their own inside law firm. In house lawyers have the advantage of being closer to and more familiar with the business firm. They are hence in a better position than outside counsel to quickly identify and react to potential legal pitfalls and render on-the-spot advice. When a problem necessitates specialized attention, it can be referred to outside counsel.

(3)A lawyer is not permitted to solicit clients by direct contact. A person needing a lawyer's service must take the initiative and should contact counsel early and not wait until the problem intensifies. It is better to have a lawyer draft a contract than to call a lawyer to remedy a problem arising from a contract poorly drafted by the client. If a firm has retained counsel or has an ongoing professional relationship with counsel, then that counsel can take the initiative when aware of an activity or law that will affect the firm's business. This is not deemed solicitation since a lawyer-client relationship already exists.

(4)It is important that the make a full disclosure of the facts relevant to the given problem. If an attorney's opinion is based on anything less, the opinion is incomplete. A general understanding of the law affecting the business will help a business client to detail the material facts and avoid irrelevancies when communicating with a lawyer. Understanding the lawyer's role will facilitate communication. For example, a lawyer's questioning when seeking information from a client may sometimes seem accusatory.


This questioning is deliberate however, and it may be designed to prepare a client for intensive cross-examination at a court trial. The informed business client does not take offense at such questioning and recognizes that when the time for advocacy occurs, the lawyer will exert his or her skills toward defending the client.

(5)The client should not take a passive role but should be actively engaged in assisting the lawyer's search for solutions. The business client needs to clearly inform the lawyer of the business purpose so that the lawyer will seek solutions compatible with that purpose. Finally, the client should expect high-quality service from counsel and should communicate that expectation. After all, the client in paying the bill.

(6)The law encourages clients to fully communicate with their counsel by protecting such communication from disclosure to a third person. The attorney client privilege gives the client the right to conceal matters relating to his or her counsel's advice. The canons of ethics do not permit an attorney to disclose communications regarding legal advice to the client. The client may, however, waive the privilege and authorize the attorney to make disclosure. The privilege only applies to confidential communications. Communications made to an attorney in the presence of third parties other than the client's agents or employees are not privileged.

5.3.1Vocabulary notes


selecting a lawyer

подбор юриста





antitrust law

антитрестовское законодательство


tax law

налоговое законодательство


corporate client

корпоративный клиент



осуществимый, выполнимый



амер.разг.: вывеска



восприятие, понимание





general practitioner

юрист общей практики


corporate counsel

юрисконсульт корпорации



давать инструкции адвокату, составлять краткое



изложение; краткое письменное изложение дела




in-house lawyer

штатный юрисконсульт



в результате, тем самым






опасность, ловушка, западня






на месте



предлагать свои услуги клиенту, ходатайствовать




солиситор, адвокат, поверенный, юрисконсульт



подбор клиентов, ведение в дел в суде



средство судебной защиты; исправлять



приглашать/нанимать адвоката



поручение адвокату вести дело, соглашение между



клиентом и адвокатом, предварительный гонорар








раскрытие, обнаружение



раскрывать, обнаруживать



имеющий отношение



подробно рассказывать, детализировать



важный, существенный



ненужность, что-либо безотносительное









обвинительный, содержащий обвинение






перекрестный допрос


court trial

судебное разбирательство


take offense




прилагать (усилия), напрягать (силы)



решать, разрешать



решение, разрешение



совместимый, сочетаемый



право клиента на конфиденциальность общения



с адвокатом



скрывать, утаивать


canons of ethics

этические нормы



общение, сообщение



отказаться (от права, привилегии)




5.4 Assignment

5.4.1 Read the text and find equivalents of the following Russia word combinations or sentences; note the use of the grammatical forms in brackets:

(1)1. может представиться желательным ("might")

2. им запрещается это делать (the passive, the Gerund)


3.к кому из специалистов обратиться

4.большинство повседневных проблем, встающих перед фирмой (the Attributive Clause)

5.порекомендовать клиенту специалиста

(3)6. лучше, чтобы проект контракта составил юрист ("to have somebody do something")

7.Это не считается подыскиванием клиентов (the Passive).

(4)8. Важно, чтобы клиент полностью раскрыл факты (the Subjunctive).

9.вопросы юриста при получении информации от клиента (Participle I the conjunction "when")

10.Информированный клиент не обижается (the definite article). 11.приложит все усилия и умения, чтобы защитить клиента (the preposition


(5)12.четко проинформировать юриста о целях фирмы (the adverb)

(6)13.Привилегия в отношениях между поверенным и клиентом дает право клиенту скрывать советы своего поверенного (the possessive pronoun).

5.4.2Read the text again and answer the following questions:

(1)1 What are some areas of the law in which lawyers usually specialize? 2 Do the lawyers usually "hang specialty shingles"?

3 What are advantages of selecting a generalist as corporate counsel?

4 What relationship can there be between the general practitioner and a specialist invited when a special problem arise?

(2)5 What are the advantages of hiring an in-house lawyer?

6 What lawyer can quickly identify legal pitfalls and give on-the-spot advice?

(3)7 Do you think the opinion that "a lawyer is not permitted to solicit clients by direct contact" is true today?

8 If a person needs a lawyer's service, who must take the initiative?

9 Why is a contract drafted by the client himself usually poorly drafted?

(4)10 Why should the client, in his or her relations with the attorney, make a full disclosure of the facts relevant to the problem?

11 Why may the attorney's questioning, when seeking information from the client, sometimes seem accusatory?

12 Why doesn't the informed business client take offense at accusatory questioning?

(5)13 What is the attorney - client privilege?

14 What do the canons of ethics not permit an attorney to disclose?


5.4.3Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

(1)1 Some attorneys concentrate … antitrust law.

2 Others specialize … tax law.

3 They are prohibited … doing so.

4 It is difficult … the business manager to know 5 will then be … a position to assist the client

6 by briefing the specialist … the problem

(2)7 closer … and more familiar … the business firm 8 It can be referred … outside counsel.

(3)9 a problem arising … a contract poorly drafted … the client

(4)10 the facts relevant … the given question or problem 11when seeking information … a client

12 intensive cross-examination … a court trial

13 does not take offense … such questioning

(5)14 should be actively engaged … assisting the lawyer's search … solutions 15 to clearly inform the lawyer … the business purpose

16 solutions compatible … that purpose

17 expect high quality service … counsel

(6)18 the law encourages clients to fully communicate … their counsel 19 by protecting such communication … disclosure … a third party

5.4.4Give a summary of the text


6 Keys

Key to 1.3




1 – 7

1 – 6

1 – 5

1 – 4

2 – 1

2 – 7

2 – 3

2 – 6

3 – 5

3 – 5

3 – 1

3 – 1

4 – 2

4 – 2

4 – 7

4 – 2

5 - 4

5 - 4

5 - 2

5 - 3

Key to 1.4




1 – 8


6 – 2


2 – 6


7 – 10


3 – 3


8 – 4


4 – 7


9 – 5


5 - 1


10 – 9


Key to 1.5




1 faculty


6 graduate


2 academic staff


7 profession


3 research


8 semester


4 scholarship


9 career


5 employer


10 tutorial


Key to 1.6




1 institutions


6 housed


2 intellectual


7 constantly


3 employers


8 academic


4 background


9 passing


5 opportunity


10 groups


Key to 1.7




1 – 6


6 – 8


2 – 7


7 – 4


3 – 2


8 – 5


4 – 9


9 – 3


5 - 10


10 – 1



Key to 2.2.1


a – T

d – T

b – F

e – F

c – F

f - F

g – T

j - T

h – F


i - F



7 Supplement

Юридические выражения, имеющие в своем составе глагол to be

be under an accusation of … be against

be of age be under age be alive

be alleged be authorized

be empowered be entrusted be aware

be accounted to be guilty

be accountable for one’s action be at the bar

be under ban be bound to be obliged to be under care

be charged with be concerned with be contrary to

be convinced of be out of court be in custody

be different from be on duty

be eligible be entitled to be equal

be excused from be fit for

be in force

be free from bias be found guilty be guilty

be heard by counsel be hostile to

be included in the amnesty

быть обвиненным в … возражать против быть совершеннолетним

быть несовершеннолетним быть живым обвиняться в чем-либо

быть уполномоченным, иметь полномочия сознавать, понимать быть признанным виновным отвечать за свои поступки быть барристером находиться под запретом быть обязанным

находиться под опекой быть ответственным за … быть связанным с …

противоречить чему-л. (кому-л.) быть убежденным в чем-либо потерять право на иск находиться под арестом отличаться от дежурить подлежать избранию иметь право на быть равноправным освобождаться от

соответствовать чему-либо действовать быть беспристрастным

быть признанным виновным быть виновным вести дело через адвоката

быть враждебно настроенным подпадать под амнистию


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