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b)the Amazon

c)the Mississippi

4. Where is the motor-car industry concentrated?

a)along the Atlantic coast

b)in and around Detroit

c)in San Francisco

2.Переведите письменно 1-ый и 2-ой абзацы текста.

Грамматические упражнения

1.Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного.

1.Which is (large): the United States or Canada?

2.What is the name of the (big) port in the United States?

3.Moscow is the (large) city in Russia.

4.The London underground is the (old) in the world.

5.There is a (great) number of cars in Moscow than in any other

Russian city.

6.St. Petersburg is one of the (beautiful) cities in the world.

7.The rivers in America are much (big) than those in England.

8.The island of Great Britain is (small) than Greenland.

9.What is the name of the (high) mountain in Asia? 1

10.The English Channel is (wide) than the straits of Gibraltar.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или

Past Simple.

1.At last I (to do) all my homework: now I shall go out.

2.If everybody (to read) this new novel, let's discuss it

3.He (to be) ill last week, but now he (to recover).

4.We already (to solve) the problem.

5.He (to come) a moment ago.

6.I never (to speak) to him.

7.He just (to finish) his work.

8.You (to make) any spelling mistakes in your dictation?

9.It (to be) very cold yesterday.

10.The new court (to begin) working last year.

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или

Present Perfect Continuous.

I. (lost) my key. Can you help me look for it?

2.Look! Somebody …(break) that window.

3.I … (read) the book you gave me but I … (not/finished) it yet.

4.'Sorry I'm late.' 'That's all right. I …(not/wait) long.


5.Hello! I … (clean) the windows. So far I … (clean) five of them and there are two more to do.

6.There is a strange smell here … (you/cook) something?

7.My brother is an actor. He … (appear) in several films.


Выберите правильную форму глагола.


I … (take) a shower when you called.


a) was taking

b) took

c) was taken


My brother … (have) never been to Europe until he went there last





a) has

b) had

c) hadn't


Diane … (feel) very sick but she decided to go out anyway.

a) was feeling

b) has been feeling

c) has felt


He … (call) her all night.


a) has called

b) call

c) was calling


I … (want) to go swimming but the water was too cold.

a) have wanted

b) wanted

c) am want


I … (be) able to sleep well for a week now.

a) didn't was

b) was not

c) haven't been


When I first saw her, she … (stand) on the balcony.

a) was standing

b) has stood

c) has been standing


Really? You moved to a new apartment? How long … (live) there?

a) have you been living b) did you live

c) did you living


Every time I see that movie, it … (make) me cry.

a) has made

b) made

c) makes

10. I … (stop) smoking three years ago.


a) have stopped

b) have been stopping c) stopped




























































ТЕМА № 4. Recruitment

Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting a qualified person for a job. At the strategic level it may involve the development of an employer brand which includes an 'employee offering'.

The stages of the recruitment process include: job analysis and developing a person specification; the sourcing of candidates by networking, advertising, or other search methods; matching candidates to job requirements and screening individuals using testing (skills or personality assessment); assessment of candidates' motivations and their fit with organizational requirements by interviewing and other assessment techniques. The recruitment process also includes the making and finalizing of job offers and the induction and on boarding of new employees.

Depending on the size and culture of the organization recruitment may be undertaken in-house by managers, human resource generalists and / or recruitment specialists. Alternatively parts of all of the process might be undertaken by either public sector employment agencies, or commercial recruitment agencies, or specialist search consultancies.

There are a variety of recruitment approaches and most organizations will utilize a combination of two or more of these. In summary five basic models more commonly found are:

An in-house personnel or human resources function may in some case still conduct all stages of the recruitment process. In the smallest organizations recruitment may be left to individual managers. More frequently external service providers may undertake the more specialized aspects of the recruitment process.

Outsourcing of recruitment to an external provider may be the solution for some small businesses and at the other extreme very large organizations

Employment agencies are established as both publicly-funded services and as commercial private sector operations. Services may support permanent, temporary, or casual worker recruitment.

Executive search firms for executive and professional positions. These firms operate across a range of models such as continge ncy or retained approaches and also hybrid models where advertising is also used to ensure a flow of candidates alongside relying on networking as their main

source of candidates.

Internet recruitment services including recruitment websites and job search engines used to gather as many candidates as possible by advertising a position over a wide geographic area.


1. Прочитайте текст и выполните письменно следующее


1.Write out the definition of the word “recruitment”.

2.Enumerate the stages of the recruitment process.

3.Enumerate the five basic recruitment approaches.

2. Заполните пропуски подходящим по смыслу словом из


Temporary, advertize, search methods, finalizing, interviewing.

1.Advertising is one of the ... of sourcing of candidates.

2.Employment agencies may support permanent or ... worker


3.Internet recruitment services can ... a position over a wide

geographic area.

4.Assessment of candidates' motivations can be tested by ... .

5.The recruitment process also includes the ... of job offers.

3. Переведите письменно абзац 2

Грамматические упражнения.

1. Употребите подчеркнутые глаголы в соответствующей форме Simple Passive:

1.We clean the rooms on Saturdays. – As for our family, the rooms … on Fridays.

2.I finished the report yesterday. - And my report … next week.

3.The police arrested one of the criminals 2 days ago - We hope all the members of the gang … soon.

4.The teacher tested the students of our group last month. –

Really? The students of our group … every week.

5.The history conference is being hold now. – I know, that the

language conference … in 3 days.

6. We are translating a text about types of crimes now. – I am sure, this text … by our group at the previous lesson.

1. Ответьте на вопросы, используя Present Perfect


Model: Are you still translating the article?

No, the article has already been translated.

1. Are you still learning the traffic rules?


2.Are you still studying Theory of State and Law?

3.Is he still typing the letter?

4.Is she still preparing for the seminar?

5.Are they still painting the house?

6.Are they still planting the flowers?

7.Are they still investigating that case?

8.Is he still collecting evidence?

3. Определите в каком из времен страдательного залога употреблены глаголы и переведите предложения на русский язык:

Model: Her new book will be translated into some foreign languages. (Future Simple Passive) – Ее новая книга будет переведена на несколько иностранных языков.

1.My bicycle was stolen in the street yesterday.

2.The machine has been repaired already.

3.The report will have been finished by 4 p.m.

4.New rules are being explained by the teacher now.

5.Several special subjects will be studied next year.

6.How much are you paid?

7.This man is suspected of committing a bank robbery.

8.This crime has been solved very quickly.

9.The criminal is being identified at the moment.

10.The suspect was being interviewed by the investigator, when the expert arrived.

11.People’s rights are often violated.















































ТЕМА № 5. Employee relations

Employee relations

The term employee relation describes the relationship that exists between employees at the work place. It involves aspects of trade union and union practices with the aim of looking after the welfare and conditions of employees at the work place. Employee relations may be defined as those policies and practices which are concerned with the management and regulation of relationships between the organization, the individual, staff members, an d groups of staff within the working environment. It involves the induction


programs that make the new employees understand what they are supposed to do in relation with other employees of the organization. It involves team work, group processes and team leader training.

Employee relations look at an individual as someone who should uphold ethics and professional conduct. All workers whether from top management or middle management should behave responsibly that uphold the image of the organization. There should be a high level of integrity, honesty, trust and so on.

Employee relations put into perspective the safe and pleasant atmosphere for workers. Each worker is supposed to have respect for other workers so as to live in peace and improve the work en vironment.

There is also the aspect of trust as far as employee relations are concerned. Trust is defined as a firm belief that a person may be relied on. Trust is also the belief that those on whom we depend will meet our expectations on them. In employee relations, an organization that trusts its employees is more likely to produce better results at the work place than in one where trust is not taken seriously.

Employee relations are governed by existing labor laws, related jurisprudence and administrative rules and regulations on the matter. The laws are primarily focused on the relationship between employers and employee who, for practical reasons, group themselves into union for more effective bargaining power. Employees are granted by these laws the right to unionize, picket and strike while employers are granted the right to seek injunction and lockouts. Issues that usually arise out of this employer-employee relationship include, but not limited to, the following: hours of work, overtime pay, benefits, working conditions and so on.

1. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.

1.What does the term employee relation describe?

2.How can you define “employee relations”?

3.Why is each worker supposed to have respect for other


4.How can you define “trust”?

5.What are employee relations governed by?

6.What issues arise out of employer-employee relationship?




Сопоставьте следующие термины с их определениями:






a) an individual who was hired by an employer;



b) a firm belief that a person may be relied on;



c) working together to achieve a common goal;



d) an organization, institution or individual who puts to work an


labor laws



team work

e) the location at which an employee provides work for an






f) laws providing protections in the workplace.



Переведите письменно абзац 4.

Грамматические упражнения.

1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастие I

и II.

1. We see a growing interest to the economic situation of the


2. Having discussed all the problems the students closed the


3.Having been translated by the students before the texts did not

seem difficult.

4.The bill signed by the President becomes a law.

5.The problem being discussed at the conference must be


2.Сгруппируйте предложения с причастными оборотами

согласно таблице и переведите их.



Accusative with

Accusative with





the Participle I

the Participle II














1.The police felt him knowing something about the crime.

2.The article about the functions of the police being interesting,

I used it in my report.

3. The witness saw the criminal trying to steal a bag from the


4.He has the article about the American police translated.

5.The investigator is seen interrogating an offender.


6.The police having many functions, their work is very difficult.

7.They had a new rule explained.

8.The criminal having been caught at the crime scene, the

investigation didn’t last long.

9.The crime was thought investigated.

10.People want the public order being always maintained.

11.They had the pictures of the American police at work shown.

12.The suspect is considered being guilty of a murder.



































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