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  1. Find a statement or sentence in each paragraph that can be a

title to it.

  1. Answer questions to the text.

  1. What did the establishing and development of the company depend

upon not long ago?

  1. How did this situation change in the last three or four years?

  2. Why are companies adopting collaboration-minded software?

  3. What is the final result of usage of collaboration software and


  1. What should a company first look at before implementing a

collaboration solution?

  1. In what way will better collaboration and communication be

beneficial for companies?

  1. Write down a summary of these passages.


  1. instilled

установленный, введённый

  1. dispersed

рассредоточенный, распределённый, рассеянный

  1. collaboration-minded software

программное обеспечение коллективной работы; программное обеспечение для сотрудничества

  1. prompting

продвижение, осуществление

  1. roadblocks


  1. silo(s)

индивидуальное хранилище информации в несвязанных приложениях (против интегрированного хранения для использования откуда угодно

  1. to move around

передвигаться, перемещаться, ездить в командировку

  1. to unlock

открывать, выявлять, раскрывать, найти ключ к чему-либо

  1. to envision

представить, представлять,

вообразить, представить себе,

мечтать, воображать

  1. Read the following two passages and say what they are


Apply the tools

Among tools companies have available for prompting collaboration/communication are blogs, wikis, and corporate social networks, all of which enable information sharing. Activity streams allow employees to post questions and share information, including links to news, photos, and videos. Cloud-based file-sharing tools, meanwhile, enable colleagues to easily access, edit, and comment on current versions of presentations, spreadsheets or other files, regardless of location. Elsewhere, social task management tools help teams collaborate on projects, and Web conferencing and chat tools enable collaborating in real-time. Ultimately, the more integrated these tools are, the more effective they tend to be.

Make tools relevant

Picking the right collaboration tools is rarely a company’s toughest challenge. More challenging is making tools relevant to those employees who are expected to use them on a daily basis. Businesses should work towards viewing collaborative technologies as part of how employees do their job and not provided as destinations that people are encouraged to visit from time to time. This requires understanding things like organization’s roles. Who do people in these roles communicate or collaborate with? What information do they need? Or what triggers the need to collaborate with others?’

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