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IX.Translate the sentences paying attention to the forms and functions of Participle I and Participle II.

  1. An off job training program being developed now may break the normal work schedule.

  2. If hired by this company you must go through orientation procedure.

  3. Having noticed some disciplinary problems I decided to talk to HR manager.

  4. Filling out an application form you must be very attentive.

  5. Being interviewed for a job you should not show your nerves.

  6. Having been rejected this job he applied for another one.

  7. While waiting for an interview I was talking to another applicant.

Text a. Workplace ethics

HR professionals primarily are responsible for developing HRM practices that enhance a firm's competitive advantage. HR professionals also have the responsibility to ensure that employees are treated ethically. Almost all HRM decisions have ethical consequences. Despite the abundance of laws designed to ensure fair treatment at the workplace, employees often are treated in an unethical manner. In some instances, employers skirt the law; in others, the letter of the law is followed, but employees are nonetheless treated unfairly by management or by other employees. One survey revealed that the most serious ethical problems involve managerial decisions regarding employment, promotion, pay, and discipline that are based on favoritism, rather than ability or job performance.

HR professionals play three roles in the area of workplace ethics. One role is monitoring: they must observe the actions of organizational members to ensure that all individuals are treated fairly and legally. Second, HR professionals investigate complaints bearing on ethical issues, such as sexual harassmentorviolationsof employees' privacy rights.

Third, HR professionals serve as company spokespeople by defending the company's actions when confronted by a regulatory agency or the media.

Furthermore, HR professionals should act ethically themselves. When faced with ethical dilemmas, HR professionals must be willing to take a strong stand, even if it means putting their jobs at risk. If they choose to turn a blind eye, they become part of the problem and thus must assume some of the blame.

HR professionals should be guided by the Society for Human Resource Management Code of Ethics, which dictates that HR professionals should always:

*Maintain the highest standards of professional and personal conduct

*Encourage employers to make fair and equitable treatment of all employees a primary concern

*Maintain loyalty to employers and pursue company objectives in ways consistent with the public interest

*Uphold all laws and regulations relating to employer activities

*Maintain the confidentiality of privileged information

X.Say as simply and directly as you can what is meant by the fol­lowing expressions in the text:

A primary concern, to turn a blind eye, to occupy a firm position, to skirt the law, to pursue company objectives, to observe the actions of organizational members, equitable treatment.

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