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1. Look through the article and find words and word partnerships corresponding to the words and word partnerships given below.

Выйти (вывести компанию) на рынок; проводить SWOT анализ; оценка внутренней и внешней среды организации; другими словами; определять сильные и слабые стороны; сталкиваться с угрозами; работать на рынке; испытывать (ощущать) чувство собственности; специалисты по исследованию рынка высшей категории; заключаться в (находиться в); дублировать (повторять); взаимоотношения с поставщиками; оказывать положительное или отрицательное влияние;

государственное регулирование; использовать как средство

(инструмент); облегчать понимание;

общая стратегия;


предпринимать (браться за) стратегическое планирование;


оценку сильным и слабым сторонам;

сочетать сильные и слабые

стороны с возможностями и угрозами;

определить настоящее

положение компании на рынке; формировать (выдавать) информацию; соотносить (сопоставлять) цели организации и её мощности с социальной средой; появляться в результате; пробел (брешь) на рынке;

использовать сильные стороны;

воспользоваться преимуществом

сильных сторон; решать проблемы с недостатками (слабыми


предвидеть угрозы;

определять (находить)


широко использовать возможности.

2. Match the definitions on the right to the words from the text on the left.

1 to make something possible or easier to do

a) to undertake

2 to copy something exactly

b) to anticipate

3 things such as buildings, shops or services that

c) to assess

help someone do something

d) strategy

4 to use something to one’s advantage

e) ownership

5 to imagine or expect something will happen

f) to duplicate

6 the amount a factory can produce

g) a tool

7 to make a judgement about a situation after

h) to generate



considering all the information

i) capacity

8 to see or recognize

j) to emerge

9 the state of owning something

k) to capitalize on

10) a method of doing a particular task

l) to spot

11) to appear; to become known

m) facilities

12) to produce something that will help a firm

n) to facilitate

improve its work


13)a plan or series of plans for achieving success in future

14)to do or begin something, especially something difficult

3.Complete the sentences using words from below. Translate the sentences into Russian.













1.If a company decides to ____ a strategic planning, it needs to carry out a SWOT analysis first.

2.It’s very difficult for our competitors to ____ our goods because of their high quality and original design.

3.We have to be very careful while ____ the data we collect from customers. Their judgement about our products can influence the choice of goods to be produced.

4.It is necessary to follow the market trends in order to ____ future major changes.

5.Doing a SWOT analysis ____ the understanding of a firm’s position on the market.

6.It’s very important for a company to ____ opportunities in time and be able to ____ on them.

7.This factory has a productive ____ of 200 cars a week.

8.Our hotel offers an up-to-date training ____ to its business clients.

9.He is now the proud owner of a new car and experiencing a great sense of

____ he has never felt before.

10.There are lots of different marketing ____ to attract new customers to a company’s goods.


4.This is a SWOT analysis of PetraServe, a company which runs motorway service stations. Read and translate the information.


Superior distribution network – we have one of the best.

We are the specialist in meeting long-distance petrol needs for lorry and truck drivers

– we have experience, knowledge and skill. Consumers see us as a quality brand.

Our innovative loyalty program is unique on the market. We are a profitable company – we are making money. Our brand is highly recognizable, a global brand.


Undifferentiated offer in terms of basic product – petrol is the same whatever the brand.

Lack of new products – we need more.

Ineffective usage of specialist image – we don’t use our specialist image well.

Inferior communication – we could communicate better. Consumer loyalty is weak.


Developing market for service station shop (confectionary, car maintenance products, etc.).

Gap in the market – hybrid cars and electric cars will need fuel.

Huge potential for growth – there is a lot of room to expand into new markets.


Our main competitor is strong.

Price war in the fuel market is becoming more threatening – all our competitors are cutting prices.

Emerging trend towards hybrid cars and electric cars. Consumer fears about environment and pollution.

5.This is the report made on the basis of the SWOT analysis conducted by PetraServe Company. Read and translate the following report paying attention to the words in bold.


As a result of the conducted SWOT analysis, the following marketing strategy was shaped:

“We need to exploit our strengths by making the most of our distribution network and loyalty program. If we can build on strengths such as our brand image and current profitability, it will be easier to deal with weaknesses such as the lack of new products.

We need to anticipate the threat of new hybrid cars and seize the new opportunity – providing service points for these cars. The potential price war in the fuel market poses a serious threat and we will need to minimize the weaknesses this may create. Our sector is also under threat from the trend towards greater consumer concerns about the environment, but we believe we can create an opportunity by strengthening our communication and informing consumers about what we are doing to preserve the environment.

6. Match the word partnerships on the left from the report to their definitions on the right.

1) to exploit strengths

a) to foresee or expect

2) to build on strengths

b) to get the best advantage from

3) to seize the opportunity

c) to be the cause of something; to present

4) to make the most of something

d) to take action about; to tackle

5) to pose a threat to

e) to try or be eager to take

6) to anticipate the threat

f) to use fully so as to get profit

7) to deal with weaknesses

g) to use as a base for future development

7. Translate the following sentences into English using word partnerships from exercises 5 – 6 above.

1.В своей новой работе она сможет опереться на свой предыдущий опыт работы в маркетинге.

2.Озабоченность потребителей загрязнением окружающей среды представляет угрозу выпуску нашего нового товара.

3.Наша уличная реклама привлекает молодых людей, и мы должны полностью воспользоваться этим. Необходимо сделать рекламу ещё более яркой, чтобы не потерять их интерес.

4.У нас много конкурентов. Нам нужно предвидеть угрозу их проникновения на наш рынок.


5.Чтобы быть впереди конкурентов нам необходимо использовать наши сильные стороны и быстрее справляться с нашими недостатками.

6.Учитывая интерес наших покупателей к нашему товару, мы должны воспользоваться возможностью расширить наш потребительский рынок.

8. The following comments are from a SWOT analysis of Caffe’ Italia, a UK coffee retail outlet. Arrange them as factors in the SWOT diagram below. Pay attention to the words in bold. Translate into Russian.

1.Caffe’ Italia is a UK coffee brand built upon a reputation for fine product and services.

2.Some of the company’s personnel still lack essential skills.

3.Caffe’ Italia is opening new locations and branches to exploit market development and expand its range.

4.Another type of beverage or leisure activity may replace coffee in the future.

5.The company is over-dependent on the retailing of coffee, and should consider diversifying.

6.This global retailer is a respected employer that values its workforce.

7.Caffe’ Italia is exposed to (not protected from) rises in the cost of coffee.

8.Co-branding with other manufacturers of food and drink and brand franchising to manufacturers of other goods and services have potential.

9.The organization has strong ethical values and an ethical mission statement.

10.Caffe’ Italia should consider extending its market presence into Asia.

11.The success of Caffe’ Italia has led to the market entry of many copycat brands that now pose a potential threat.





9. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Наша компания является всемирным розничным торговцем кофе.


2.Репутация компании строится на отличном продукте и высококачественном обслуживании.

3.Компания уважает и ценит своих работников.

4.Компания постоянно создаёт новые филиалы с целью освоения рынка и расширяет ассортимент продуктов.

5.К сожалению, сотрудникам компании часто не хватает профессиональных навыков.

6.Прибыль компания слишком зависит от розничной продажи кофе. Руководству компанией следует рассмотреть возможность стратегии диверсификации, т.е. расширения ассортимента.

7.Сотрудничество двух марок для создания новой марки достаточно перспективно. Кроме того, право предоставляемое другим компаниям торговать марочным товаром Caffe’ Italia, облегчит вступление Caffe’ Italia на Азиатский рынок.

8.Расширить своё присутствие на Азиатском рынке одна из стратегических задач компании.

9.Потенциальной угрозой для Caffe’ Italia является появление на рынке марок-подражателей.

10.Рост стоимости кофе также представляет собой угрозу для компании.

11.Put the stages of the SWOT analysis in the correct order. Then read the text to check.

1.Decide which points will help the organization reach its strategic goals.

2.Collect the information.

3.Make the report available.

4.Record the information.

5.Write a report.

6.Decide how the information is to be collected and who is going to collect it.

7.Identify appropriate sources of information.

Doing a SWOT analysis can be very straightforward. Firstly, the organization needs to identify what data they need and who is responsible for collecting it. The data should then be gathered and recorded in a diagram so that it will be easy to discuss the information. The next step is to determine what the most important points are and what planning choices the organization has to choose. After that, the team should create a

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