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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права»

О. Ю. Семиделихина

Английский язык


Учебное пособие для студентов специальности «Связи с общественностью»

Хабаровск 2010


ББК Ш 143.21

X 12

Английский язык. PR Writing : учеб. пособие для студентов специальности «Связи с общественностью» / сост. О. Ю. Семиделихина. – Хабаровск : РИЦ ХГАЭП, 2010. – 96 с.

Рецензенты : В. В. Васюк, завкафедрой английской филологии ДВГГУ, канд. филолог. наук; И. Г. Гирина, завкафедрой

переводоведения и межкультурной коммуникации ИЛМК ДВГГУ, канд. филолог. наук.

Утверждено издательско-библиотечным советом в качестве учебного пособия

Учебное издание

О.Ю. Семиделихина

Английский язык


Учебное пособие для студентов специальности «Связи с общественностью»

Редактор Г.С. Одинцова

Подписано в печать

Формат 60х84/16.

Бумага писчая.

Печать цифровая. Усл. п.л.5,6.

Уч.-изд. л. 4,0

Тираж 50 экз.

Заказ №



680042, Хабаровск, ул. Тихоокеанская, 134, ХГАЭП, РИЦ

© Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права 2010



Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов специальности «Связи с общественностью – PR», владеющих языком на уровне Intermediate.

Цель данного пособия – развитие письменных коммуникативных навыков, столь необходимых для профессиональной деятельности специалиста в области связей с общественностью.

Пособие состоит из двух частей. Первая часть содержит информацию об особенностях стиля, содержания и оформления основных видов PRдокументации (пресс-релизов, рекламно-информационных писем, приглашений, заявлений позиции компании, социальной рекламы). В пособии представлены образцы данных документов. Вторая часть пособия – это комплекс упражнений, направленный на развитие и закрепление письменных коммуникативных навыков.

При составлении данного пособия автором были использованы аутентичные иностранные источники, а также материалы с официальных сайтов компаний, что позволяет составить представление о многообразии форм документов, с которыми на практике сталкивается специалист по связям с общественностью. Во избежание неточного понимания некоторых терминов и обозначений автором предложен глоссарий терминов.


The difficulty is not to write, but to write what you mean, not to affect your reader,

but to affect him precisely as you wish. (Robert L. Stevenson)

Writing is an integral part of the public relations process of research, planning, communication and evaluation. It is designed to initiate, develop or sustain positive attitudes and behavior in groups of people who can affect an organization’s wellbeing. Successful PR professionals must have the skill to communicate ideas, information, and emotions. They must be able to write in many styles, tones and voices for many different audiences. They must be prepared to respond immediately and react efficiently to demands placed on them by media requests. Their writing should be effective and based on facts that are presented clearly, concisely, and accurately. Effective writing is born of many factors, such as clear thinking, avid reading, and – most elusive of all – original, imaginative ideas. It also draws on many basic skills that can be practiced and honed. Any good writing is probably 20 percent writing and 80 percent rewriting. In PP, expect 90 percent rewriting because a number of people will make suggestions and changes during the approval process.



A press release is a standardized informative message sent to editorial staff encouraging them to publish it in the news section of an edition. Whether a company is launching a new product, making a major announcement, or highlighting an innovative trade practice, a well-crafted press-release can go far in generating publicity about its business. Press releases are often sent alone by e-mail, fax, or even overnight carrier.

The goal is to get it to journalists’ hands on the same day you distribute it.

The first step in preparing a press release, as with all other effective PR writing, is to research the story. Learn as much as you can about the subject of the release. For example, review any existing client material, such as press kits or news releases that could illuminate the topic. If you are writing about a product, study its development, and use the product yourself. If you are writing about a television program, watch it and learn about its background and production. If you are announcing an event,


familiarize yourself with all available details – even those you will not include in the release.

Press releases are always written from the point of view that the announcement has already taken place, or that the news event is now ongoing. (For example, ‘Mayor Cline today announced a new initiative…’ or ‘The Cline administration is taking legal action to…’). Press releases are always wrong if they say something like, ’Mayor Jimmy Cline will appear at the press conference today where he will announce…’

Press releases should always be written and distributed before a new event, and not afterwards.

A press release can stand alone, can be a part of a full press kit, or may be accompanied by a pitch letter.

Press releases can be divided into two categories: hard news and soft (or feature) stories. Typical hard press releases cover such areas as personnel appointments, new products, companies, services, events, and survey results. Feature story releases typically cover such areas as trends, human interest items, and ongoing projects.

Standard press releases adhere to the basic principle of answering the fundamental questions of who, what, when, where, why and how. They tell a brief story and often include a call to action. Some press releases contain news, such as a major acquisition, a merger, an organizational shakeup, or national accolades for an exciting new product, so timeliness is a key component.

For the composition of the press release, it’s important to write in jargon-free, straightforward language, in the third-person voice. Paragraphing is also very important because it indicates logical progression and concise expression of the message. Information should be conveyed in one page double-spaced document; wide margins – at least one inch around – provide for ease in reading and allow editors and reporters to take notes in them. If there is more than one page put “more” at the bottom to point to the following page. No hype, exclamation mark or short forms should be used in the release. Careful attention should be paid to grammar, spelling, and factual accuracy.


Press releases vary in appearance, but the media is accustomed to some general practices. A press release is written in an inverted pyramid style. Releases that are mailed or faxed are usually on a company letterhead, and electronic releases often include the company logo.



It is important to include all pertinent contact information about your company and especially the primary contact for the disseminated information. In most cases the author of the news release suffices, though sometimes the CEO or another high ranking employee with the appropriate breadth of knowledge to answer questions might be a better choice. When possible, include business, cell, and home telephone numbers plus an e-mail and company Web site address. Many PR specialists write contact information at the beginning of the release, but it’s also possible to place it at the end of the message.


Upper left corner should include one of the following; For Immediate Release, For Release Before (Date), For Release On (Date), Embargoed Until (Date).


To get the media to pay attention to your press release, you need a bold but short attention-grabbing line; the pithier the better. The headline should summarize the main point of the press release. For effect, the headlines are often written in larger type than the body of the press release and they may be followed by a secondary headline to add punch. Try to make the headline one of the following: mystery-creating, compelling, off-beat, shocking, and avoid clichés and catch-phrases.


The body of the press release commonly begins with a dateline, signaling where the release originates, as well as the release date. (Example: Miami, Fl – 22 August 2010). Many press releases fall short by trying to include too much information; so stay focused. The first paragraph is the lead, and it contains the most important information. The lead paragraph includes the who, what, when, where, and how information and consists of 3-4 sentences. The least important information is at the end. Quotations may be used, but it is more usual to find these in the second or third paragraphs; they are always attributed. Also subheads can be used on long or complex copies so readers can grasp your meaning at a glance. Visual aids give your release greater impact. Some publications want 8 - 10inch or 5 – 7- inch photos. The photo caption should also explain who, where, when, why and what of the picture. News writers and editors take about five seconds to decide whether or not to use the release.


Offer some facts, but not adjectives. Journalists get dozens of press releases a day, and words like ‘revolutionary’, ‘ground-breaking’, and ‘unique’ get old very quickly, especially when these words are describing very ordinary events.


Most press releases conclude by presenting background or a boilerplate information about the company or product. This paragraph describes in about 100 words what the organization is and does. It usually includes the organization’s years in operation, address and/or locations, business structure (e.g. public corporation, partnership, etc.), size and activities. While the description may have some promotional or persuasive elements, it is first and foremost a statement of facts. It may or may not refer to principal executives by name and to specific products and services. Its purpose is to provide a snapshot of the organization in order to quickly answer the questions, “What does XYZ organization do?” and, ideally, “How does it stand out from the competition?” Because you may not be able to anticipate all possible uses for such a paragraph, it should be written broadly and at a level to be understood by a very broad audience.


To denote the end of the news release, it is customary to type three pound symbols (###) in a row or “30”, a line or two after your text ends.

Seven-Point Formula (SOLAADS)

Here is a well-tried formula for checking data to be included in a release, for which its creator Frank Jefkins is well-known. The formula does not mean that there should be as many as seven paragraphs, or no more than seven paragraphs. It only proposes a sequence of information.

1.Subject – what is the story about?

2.Organization – what is the name of the organization?

3.Location – where is the organization located?

4.Advantages – what is new? What are the benefits?

5.Applications – who are the users?

6.Details – what are the sizes, colors, or other details?

7.Source – is this different from location? Location might be where the work is done, source will be the head office address.


Sample 1.1

Read and translate Vadi Vision’s press release. Review carefully to assess its physical layout and news value. Does it include every point from SOLAADS? (Share your ideas with the group).

Contact: Claudia Ferber, Marketing Director Telephone: + 41 20 759 29 55

Night line: 41 20 759 29 60 www:vadivision.com


March 12, 20__

Vadi Vision Releases a New Ultra-hard Lens

Tremont, 13 March, 20__ – Vadi Vision is pleased to announce the release of a new ultra-hard lens.

This lens is more durable than any other product on the market. The Diamond Line ultra-hard lens is suitable for glasses wearers with single and bifocal vision problems. And not only are the lenses ultra-hard, but they are also extra-thin. This makes them especially attractive for those glasses wearers requiring high-prescription lenses. As Chris Baker of Eye Care Central in

London testifies: “Our customers often ask for Vadi Vision lenses by name.”

Eyecare professional interested in information and samples should contract their Vadi Vision representative or send an e-mail inquiry to diamondline@vadivision.com.

Since 1982, Vadi Vision has been a major player in the ophthalmic lens industry in Europe. It serves customers with excellence and constantly invests in the latest technology to give them the best products available.

# # #


Sample 1.2

Read and translate Ericson Electronics’ news release. Compare its layout with Vadi Vision’s one. Are there any differences in their structures? (Share your ideas with the group).


Ericson Electronics, Inc. 1111 Maitland Plaza

Tremont, Massachusetts 52131 (800) 555-1234

April Frank Editor-in-Chief Audio-Video Dealer (111) 123-4567


7/7/ 20____


Tremont, July 7, 20__. Ericson Electronics announced significantly higher secondquarter earnings despite slightly lower revenues. A spokesperson for Ericson credited a combination of improved sales mix and operating efficiencies in North America as well as a generally stronger overseas performance for the improvement.

For the three months, the TV and radio manufacturer had a net of $56 million, up

21.7% from last year’s $46 million while revenue of $2.81 million declined 1.3%.

Ericson said its unit shipments in North America were down, but less than the industry’s overall 3% decline, and a combination of product mix, manufacturing efficiencies, and more favorable material costs resulted in improved margins. The company expects that, along with the industry, its total shipments will be down from last year’s record because of the currently high level of TV inventories at retail.

“Overall, we’re pleased with the quarter and with the progress it represents toward our full-year goals,” said chairman Kwow Joogn. “Our North and Latin American divisions again put up outstanding numbers, and our European and Asian results met our expectations. We look forward to significant operating improvement through this year.”



Sample 1.3

Read and translate the following press release. Discuss the layout of it and details of the event held by LEGO Group and Wood Wood team.


August 6, 20___

LEGO brick centre of graphic art exhibition at Wood Wood

Playful exhibition brings together the best graphic artists and LEGO model builders in Europe

(Billund, August 20__) The LEGO brick has served as a tool for creativity and play for many generations. With the Brickism exhibition, the trendsetting Danish design team Wood Wood and the LEGO Group are now introducing the brick and creative play into the more informal and playful part of the art world.

Wood Wood and the LEGO Group have invited four of Europe’s most inspiring graphic artists to create a work of art, and then put them in touch with four adult LEGO fans who have converted their artwork into LEGO models; all done to stimulate the playful creativity of the artists, the model makers and, ultimately, the general public.

From August, the original works of art and the LEGO models will be on display in four different fashion shops around Europe: Wood Wood, Kovenhavn (August); Colette, Paris (September); Goodhood, London (October) and 290 SQM, Amsterdam (November).

“To me personally, the exhibition is about having a playful approach to life, and about passing this on from generation to generation. Now that I have become a father, LEGO bricks have once again become part of my everyday life, and so the Brickism exhibition is a perfect link between my professional life and my private life,” says Brian Jensen. ”LEGO bricks are not only simple and easy to put together; they also bring out the creative side in us all which is precisely what this exhibition is about.”


The artists in the exhibition are So Me from France, DELTA from Holland, Will

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