3.93 Mб

Приложение г Функции для работы с генератором на языке Си

Ниже приведены типы данных, определенные для работы с библиотекой функций.


* Pointer to a device handle



typedef FT_HANDLE GHandle;


* Signal forms



typedef enum _signalForm {




} SignalForm;


* Reserved addreses for calibration data



typedef enum _address {

ADRS_SIN_1 = 0,







} Address;


* Operation codes



typedef enum _code {

FREQ_CODE = 0x80,

FORM_CODE = 0x90,


C_SET_CODE = 0xB0,


} Code;

С использованием типов данных, указанных выше были написаны функции для работы с устройством, код которых указан ниже.

#include "dds.h"


* Function: open

* -------------------

* opens the device with particular description


* handle: pointer to a device handle

* description: USB name of the device


* returns: not zero when there is no errors.

* return zero on error (device closed, io error)



boolean open_g(GHandle * handle, char * description)


FT_STATUS status =

FT_OpenEx(description, FT_OPEN_BY_DESCRIPTION, handle);

if (status == FT_OK)

status = FT_SetTimeouts(*handle, 1000, 1000); // Read and write timeout 1sec

return status == FT_OK;



* Function: close

* -------------------

* closes device handle


* handle: pointer to a device handle


* returns: not zero when there is no errors

* return zero on error (device closed, io error)


boolean close_g(GHandle handle)


FT_STATUS status = FT_Close(handle);

return status == FT_OK;



* Function: setFreq

* -------------------

* writes frequency to the device


* handle: pointer to a device handle

* freqCode: frequency code (0 - 0xfffffff)

* real frequency may be computed by multiplication on 0.02Hz


* returns: not null when there is no errors.

* return zero on error (device closed, io error)


boolean setFreq_g(GHandle handle, unsigned int freqCode)


FT_STATUS status;

DWORD written;

unsigned int header = FREQ_CODE;

status = FT_Write(handle, &header, 1, &written);

if (status != FT_OK)

return FALSE;

status = FT_Write(handle, &freqCode, 4, &written);

return status == FT_OK && written == 4;



* Function: setAmpl

* -------------------

* writes amplitude to the device


* handle: pointer to a device handle

* amplCode: amplitude code (0 - 0xffff)


* returns: not null when there is no errors.

* return zero on error (device closed, io error)


boolean setAmpl_g(GHandle handle, unsigned int amplCode)


FT_STATUS status;

DWORD written;

unsigned int header = AMPL_CODE;

status = FT_Write(handle, &header, 1, &written);

if (status != FT_OK)

return FALSE;

status = FT_Write(handle, &amplCode, 4, &written);

return status == FT_OK && written == 4;



* Function: setForm

* -------------------

* writes signal form to the device


* handle: pointer to a device handle

* form: one of three possible signal forms (sin, triangle, square)


* returns: not null when there is no errors.

* return zero on error (device closed, io error)


boolean setForm_g(GHandle handle, SignalForm form)


FT_STATUS status;

DWORD written;

unsigned int message = FORM_CODE | form;

status = FT_Write(handle, &message, 1, &written);

return status == FT_OK && written == 1;



* Function: setFlashDataInt

* -------------------

* writes int data to the device flash memory on address adrs


* handle: pointer to a device handle

* adrs: address to write data

* data: writting data


* returns: not null when there is no errors.

* return zero on error (device closed, io error)


boolean setFlashDataInt_g

(GHandle handle, Address adrs, int data)


FT_STATUS status;

DWORD written;

unsigned int message = C_SET_CODE | adrs;

status = FT_Write(handle, &message, 1, &written);

if (status != FT_OK)

return FALSE;

status = FT_Write(handle, &data, 4, &written);

return status == FT_OK && written == 4;



* Function: setFlashDataFloat

* -------------------

* writes float data to the device flash memory on address adrs


* handle: pointer to a device handle

* adrs: address to write data

* data: writting data


* returns: not null when there is no errors.

* return zero on error (device closed, io error)


boolean setFlashDataFloat_g

(GHandle handle, Address adrs, float data)


FT_STATUS status;

DWORD written;

unsigned int message = C_SET_CODE | adrs;

status = FT_Write(handle, &message, 1, &written);

if (status != FT_OK)

return FALSE;

status = FT_Write(handle, &data, 4, &written);

return status == FT_OK && written == 4;



* Function: setFlashData

* -------------------

* reads int data from device flash memory


* handle: pointer to a device handle

* adrs: address to read data


* returns: read data from device flash memory

* return -1 on error (device closed, io error)


int getFlashDataInt_g(GHandle handle, Address adrs)


FT_STATUS status;

int message;

DWORD header = C_GET_CODE | adrs;

DWORD written;

status = FT_Write(handle, &header, 1, &written);

status = FT_Read(handle, &header, 1, &written);

status = FT_Read(handle, &message, 4, &written);

if (status != FT_OK || written != 4)

return -1;

return message;



* Function: setFlashData

* -------------------

* reads float data from device flash memory


* handle: pointer to a device handle

* adrs: address to read data


* returns: read data from device flash memory

* return -1 on error (device closed, io error)


float getFlashDataFloat_g(GHandle handle, Address adrs)


FT_STATUS status;

float message;

DWORD header = C_GET_CODE | adrs;

DWORD written;

status = FT_Write(handle, &header, 1, &written);

status = FT_Read(handle, &header, 1, &written);

status = FT_Read(handle, &message, 4, &written);

if (status != FT_OK || written != 4)

return -1;

return message;
