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Периодические издания СНЛАД

222.Аль-ард. Тараблюс (Триполи).

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224.Аль-джамахирия. Тараблюс (Триполи).

225.Аль-джихад. Тараблюс (Триполи).

226.Аз-захф аль-ахдар. Тараблюс (Триполи).

227.Либийа аль-мусаввара. Тараблюс (Триполи).

228.Ас-саура. Тараблюс (Триполи).

229.Аль-фаджр аль-джадид. Тараблюс (Триполи).

230.Аш-ша’аб аль-мусаллях. Тараблюс (Триполи).

231.Аш-шамс. Тараблюс (Триполи).

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“Left in the Arab world: the experience of Libya” is an attempt of presenting formation and development of Muammar Qathafi’s political conception and practice of Jamahiriya (the power of the masses) as a significant example of theoretical evolution and practical realization of the “left principles” in the Arabic countries. This analysis allows comprehending the main aspects of ideological evolution of Qathafi’s theory and the dynamics of social and political changes in Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (SPLAJ).

Chapter One presents reconstruction of historical and ideological background of transformation of the “left thought” in the Arab world, which determinates main forms of ideological evolution of these ideas in Libya.

Chapter Two deals with the period preceding the proclamation of Jamahiriya and the thirst “republican” stage of September 1969 revolution. The main aspects of this paragraph are: social stratification of traditional Libyan society, the impact of the ideology of sinuses and Italian colonial politics on the transformation of parochial political culture of Libyans. This chapter examines the prerequisites of appearing “left ideas” in Libya; the particular attention is given to the analysis of formation of Qathafi’s ideological platform: need in appeal to “left slogans”, an attempt of applying the model of G. Nasser and development of original political conception, based on “left values”.

Chapter Three presents the detailed comparative analysis of the main Libyan ideological documents, Qathafi’s theoretical works and some principles of European, Russian and Arabic “left political doctrines”, which determinates legitimism of proclaiming “third international theory” a “left conception”. The main conclusion of the chapter is: all main principles of “Green book” duplicate the different aspects of the “left thought” classics.

Chapter Four gives the characteristic to Jamahiriya regime, studies the structure of Libyan political system, examines the variety of Jamahiriya’s foreign policy course, observes the liberalization processes, which began in the country in late 80-s. The particular attention is given to problems of social mobilization, “nation-state” building and inevitability of permanent reinterpretation of the basic theoretical principles for ideological justification of concrete political actions.


In early 90-s Qathafi’s conception entered into a crisis faze. Unilateral transformation of world political system brought up the devaluation of socialist slogans and the basic ideological principles of Jamahiriya, but the ambivalence of the “the third international theory” permitted to modernize the political system without radical decline of such elements of power as Popular Congresses and People's Committees, so that the old conceptual scheme was exploited by political elite again.

In fact, Qathafi’s example allowed comprehending the whole history of ideological transformation of “left thought” in the second part of XX century. Libyan lieder undoubtedly promoted the devaluation of “left thought” in the Arab world and to a certain extent supported the delegitimization of world “left political spectrum”.


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