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Карнышева Е.В. Методические рекомендации по английскому языку.doc
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Text prospects of fusion power

Thermonuclear fusion is the basic energy process of the stars and the sun. There the fusion reaction occurs spontaneously. Now the problem is to make this reaction controllable. Such a reaction can only take place at very high temperatures (about 140 million degrees Celsius). So the problem is how to keep plasma (hot ionized gas) at temperatures which are about ten times the temperature of the sun.

Obviously no solid substances can be used to withstand such heat. If plasma would touch the walls of the reactor it would immediately lose all of its energy and fusion would stop. Therefore the only way to make thermonuclear reaction possible on the earth is to control plasma by a magnetic field. Scientists carry out a great deal of research to solve this problem. They look into the future and hope to demonstrate fusion as a viable energy source for producing electricity.

Fusion has a number of advantages over fission. It is able to produce much more energy than any other energy source and it may use materials that are not harmful to the environment.

A list of active words and expressions

  1. obvious (-ly)

– очевидный (-но)

  1. viable

– жизнеспособный

  1. a great deal of

– огромное количество

  1. to contain plasma

– удерживать плазму

  1. to touch

– прикасаться

  1. Celsius

– Цельсий

  1. due to /owing to

– благодаря

  1. feature

– особенность, свойство

  1. immediately

– тотчас же, мгновенно

  1. lose(lost, lost)

– терять

Ex. 1. Fill in the blanks

1. Thermonuclear fusion is the ... energy process of the ... and the sun. 2. The fusion reaction ... spontaneously. 3. The reaction of fusion can only … place at a ... temperature. 4. Obviously no ... substances can be used to ... such heats. 5. If plasma would … the walls of the reactor it would immediately … all of its energy and fusion would stop. 6. The only way to make thermonuclear reaction … on the earth is to … plasma by a … field. 7. The fusion reaction may use materials that are not … to the environment. 8. Scientists hope to demonstrate fusion as a … energy source for producing electricity. 9. Fusion is able to produce … more energy than … other energy source.

Ex. 2. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. происходить спонтанно

  2. только при высоких температурах

  3. в десять раз выше

  4. единственный способ

  5. проводить большую исследовательскую работу

  1. управлять плазмой с помощью магнитного поля

  2. смотреть дальше в будущее

  3. твердое вещество

  4. надеяться, полагать

  5. жизнеспособный

Ex. 3. Learn the dialogues.

1. – What do you know about fusion?

– Thermonuclear fusion is the basic energy process of the stars. When two light nuclei fuse together they produce a substantial amount of energy. Nowadays physicists are trying to make this reaction controllable.

– Could you tell us about the advantages of fusion over fission power?

– Certainly. A fusion reaction releases several times more energy, it does not produce radioactive waste, and, besides, it is less harmful to the environment.

2. – What materials are used for fusion?

– Two hydrogen isotopes are usually used for fusion. They are deuterium and tritium.

– What temperatures are necessary for this reaction to take place?

– Oh, such a reaction can only take place at a very high temperature, more than 100 million degrees C.

– Can you say a few words about the ways of containing hot plasma?

– Well, there are quite a lot of approaches to fusion, but they are all based on magnetic confinement.

Ex. 4. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is fusion?

  1. What materials are used for fusion?

  1. What temperature is necessary for fusion to take place?

  1. What are the advantages of fusion?

Ex. 5. Speak about the fusion reaction