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Maglev Trains.ppt
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•Noise Pollution

•The train makes little noise because it does not touch the track and it has no motor. Therefore, all noise comes from moving air. This sound is equivalent to the noise produced by city traffic.

Magnetic Field:

•The magnetic field created is low, therefore there are no adverse effects.

Transrapid Projects

China is building a 20 mile system between Shanghai Pudong and Pudong International Airport. It will open in January of 2004, and it will reach speeds of over 250 mph. If the project is successful, then China will build a system from Beijing to Shanghai, a journey of over 800 miles.

•The United States Congress is planning to spend $1 billion for a test project that either connects Pittsburgh’s suburbs with its airport or Baltimore to the Washington International Airport.

•Germany was going to build a magnetic lift system between Berlin and Hamburg (200 miles) in 1996, but never did because a new political party came in and decided that the improvements over ICE was not worth $7 billion dollars.

How Chuo Shinkansen Works

Type of Magnet Uses

•This train uses superconducting electric magnets in the vehicle to levitate and propel the train. These magnets are cooled by liquid helium or liquid nitrogen. This means that once electrified these magnets do not require additional energy.


•An alternating current is ran through electromagnet coils on the guide walls of the guide way. This creates a magnetic field that attracts and repels the superconducting magnets on the train and propels the train forward.

•Braking is accomplished by sending an alternating current in the reverse direction so that it is slowed by attractive and repulsive forces.


•The passing of the superconducting magnets by figure eight levitation coils on the side of the tract induces a current in the coils and creates a magnetic field. This pushes the train upward so that it can levitate 10 cm above the track.

•The train does not levitate until it reaches 50 mph, so it is equipped with retractable wheels.

Lateral Guidance

•When one side of the train nears the side of the guideway, the super conducting magnet on the train induces a repulsive force from the levitation coils on the side closer to the train and an attractive force from the coils on the farther side. This keeps the train in the center.

Application Information

This system is not ready for use now, but it should be ready in a few years.

It’s top speed with people aboard is 350 mph.

The super conducting magnets create a strong magnetic field that could be a problem for some passengers.

•The train is earthquake proof because the greater space (10 cm) between the track and the train leaves more room for track deformation

•Linear generators will produce all the electricity needed in the train’s interior.

•Only the part of the track that is used will be electrified so no energy is wasted.

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