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Improved safety

Aside from the advent of self-driving cars, another big Technological advancement in the automotive industry is, generally speaking, the safety of motor vehicles. It was only in the 1980s that wearing seat belts became a requirement; similarly, it took lower-end automotive brands until the early 2000s to begin rolling out airbags across their models. Not only are standards improving across the industry, but so is the underlying technology. Most recently, automotive manufacturers have begun introducing emergency brake assist systems to their vehicles, vastly reducing the likelihood of front end collisions.

  1. You are a business analyst (BA). Submit PEST\SWOT analysis of the company you work for.


  1. You are a university graduate (alumnus). Make a SWOT analysis of yourself.

A SWOT analysis is a technique used to determine and define your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. 


  • Well educated

  • Grasp of 2 languages

  • Patient and prudent

  • Eageness to learn quickly

  • Creative

  • Interpersonal skills


  • Easily distracted

  • Often procrastinate

  • Very emotional and loud

  • Lack of direct work experience.


  • Networking events.

  • Being an alumni.

  • May have to start in entry level role.


  • Not developing confidence going forward.

  • Expectations, experience does not match expected role.

  • Lack of self knowledge.

  1. You are a project manager supervising a multinational team responsible for project implementation. Suggest ideas/strategies with regard to improving communication among team members. Take into account the cultural specifics which can affect communication among your subordinates.

With companies focusing on diversity in the workplace, it has become increasingly important to learn how to communicate in spite of cultural differences. This talent is especially needed for project managers who are directly responsible for projects implementation and their results. Here are some techniques that improve communication within a team.

An open-door policy in place sets the precedent that anyone can ask questions, voice concerns, and pitch ideas at any time. This is an important part of building trust within your team.

No one can effectively complete an assignment if they are unsure what tasks they are responsible for. Make sure that the entire team knows the scope of the project and that each team member is clear about exactly what is expected of them. Getting the team together regularly to check progress, ask questions, and address any issues is another good way to keep everyone on track and assure that all team members are aware of their responsibilities in the project.

Different situations require different ways of communication. For a project involving team members working remotely, a video conference is an excellent way for everyone to keep in contact about progress and milestones. For in-house projects, face-to-face meetings are often the best method of communication.

Utilize Project Management Software For More Transparency. These days it seems as though everyone is turning to cloud-based storage and software, and for good reason. Cloud-based project management software allows for transparency across the board, giving team members the ability to track their progress, collaborate with other members, and check details and due dates.

Last but not the least, the best managers are the managers that can relate to their employees. That includes owning up to the decisions (and errors) that you make and admitting when you could have done something differently. Everyone makes mistakes, so by confessing your flaws, you are showing your employees that you are just as human as they are.

By utilizing some (or all) of these tips, you can bring your team together, improve communication, and generally make the workplace a more enjoyable and stress-free place to be.

  1. You work for a company that has grown rapidly over the last few years. Growth is now slowing down due to high staff

turnover because of the insufficient salary package. Brainstorm some perks/fringe benefits likely to increase the efficiency for the staff.

In today’s competitive hiring market, many employers find it harder than ever to both attract and retain high-performing professionals. However, focusing on HR and offering certain perks can significantly improve your company’s success in both attracting top talent and retaining your existing employees. 

Salary is still hugely important, but it is no longer the only factor. For many people, especially those just starting their careers, lifestyle benefits also matter and can potentially balance out salary concerns.

Perks and benefits are key to attracting and keeping employees.

The most persuasive perks and benefits to enhance recruitment and retention

Healthcare. After salary, this benefits staple is of the utmost importance to many job candidates and typically includes medical, dental, vision and/or life insurance coverage for employees and their families. In our survey, health insurance was one of the two most wanted employee benefits, along with paid time off.

Professional development. Now more than ever, employees want opportunities for professional development, to master new skills and to grow into other roles. (This is especially important to millennials who are particularly concerned about career path options.) Funding training and continuing education can be incredibly beneficial to both employee and employer.

Work from anywhere. We’re all familiar with the work-from-home option, but how about the ability to work from anywhere, even when you’re in the office? More and more companies are loosening up and allowing employees to choose the location and space that is most conducive to getting the job done. As highlighted above, telecommuting and flexible work schedules were the most desired perks among employees we surveyed.

Free food (and good coffee). Some companies, like Google and Pixar, go all out, offering every meal, snack and treat for free. This appetizing perk can save employees a lot of time and money. (Plus, it’s great for spontaneous eaters/poor meal planners.)

In this situation, our company have faced the problem of high staff turnover. Moreover, the company experiences not the best of times, because after a sharp increase in production, the recession stage has begun. Employees are unhappy with the level of salaries and lack of additional benefits. In this situation, the company management can take the following measures:

- make an additional unpaid day off (employees can spend time with the family, and the company does not spend money)

- shorten the working day by a few hours

- introduce a system of non-financial benefits for employees (discounts on company products)

- start an active search for investors or partners

- organize an active advertising and PR company to return the economic potential of the company

In general, it is important to explain to employees that economic difficulties are temporary and management is working on the development of the company's economic potential.

  1. You work as a HR-manager for a big multinational company. Comment on the strategies you are going to implement with regard to conflict resolution if any should arise in one of the departments.

Conflict may be managed in order to diminish its negative and strengthen its positive effects. Conflict constructive sequence: Conflict - Modified behaviors - Adaptation and decision - Survival and cooperation "No Lose" conflict solving strategy: Step 1. Define the problem Step 2. Generate possible solutions Step 3. Evaluate the solutions Step 4. Decide on the solution Steps 5 Implementing the solution Steps 6 Evaluate the solution Conflict-management Strategies: 1. physical separation (take a time out; arrange a coffee-break); 2. hierarchy (the Boss decides); 3. bureaucratic approaches (rules, procedures are employed); 4. mediation (invite integrators or a third-party, arbitration or widely recognized authority); 5. negotiation (employ conflict-related tactics and tools); 6. rotating members (exchange with experts, replace some team members); 7. interdependent tasks and superordinate goals (like "We are all in this together..."); 8. intergroup and interpersonal training (develop negotiation skills) 9. voting (make a decision on a conflicting challenge by the majority of voices) 10. use sense of humor! Potential Positive Outcomes of a Conflict: * Motivates us to try harder-to "win" * Enhances group loyalty * Increased clarity about the problem * Leads to innovative breakthroughs and new approaches * Focuses attention on basic issues and leads to solution * Reveals negotiating skills and key values.

  1. You are a corporate culture specialist. Speak on the issue of cultural differences in the approach to conflict and the way they can affect working relations.

Team members work in increasingly diverse environments: in terms of age, gender, race, language, and nationality. Beyond these differences, there are also deeper cultural differences that influence the way conflict is approached.

Culture should be considered as a constant variable in the conflict resolution process. To analyze the conflict resolution process in a multinational team, it is necessary to consider different types of cultures.

Let's start with the individualism-collectivism factor. In individualistic cultures (USA, Germany) conflicts are resolved one-on-one, without the intervention of third parties. On the other hand, collectivist cultures (Asia) give preference to group discussion and resolution of situations. In collectivist cultures, mediators are often expected to provide counsel, evaluate and advise in an effort to restore harmony.

Another factor is the distance of power. In societies and organizations with a strictly hierarchical vertical power, the main “judge” of the conflict is a senior representative. However, in countries with a horizontal structure, the resolution of the conflict without the intervention of the leadership prevails.

Also I’d like to mention negotiation style in the conflict resolution process. During negotiations, cultures that prefer a direct communication style will seek direct, face to face communication rather than indirect shuttle diplomacy.

There are other cultural factors that have a bearing on the way a team will approach conflict prevention and resolution. These include:

· our relationship to time (Whether we are monochromic and do one thing at a time or polychromic and do several things at once. Whether we expect the process to have a start and end or to be an ongoing process)

· our relationship to rules (Whether we value rules and order over feelings and relationships)

· our relationship to venue (Whether we are private or public, indoor or outdoor, formal or informal)

  1. Speak on how the changes in communications technology affect the working procedures, flexibility, and company structure and how it can improve the efficiency at the workplace.

Technological advancements have entirely reshaped the organizations by making their business processes highly integrated, and more streamlined.

Firs of all, Technology has changed the way people used to communicate in the workplace. The arrival of smartphones, social networking sites, chat apps has brought communication to a new level. Communication among the employees, or management to subordinates, or management to management has become fast and collaborative, and unified. With the help of technology, you no longer need to be present at your workplace every time. You can engage in other important works outside the office, and keep in touch even face-to-face with your colleagues at the office through video chats and conference.

Moreover, Technology helps in keeping the business fully organized. Systems like Project Management Software helps in building, delegating, reviewing, and assessing a task. Employers and managers can easily supervise workplace activities that help in keeping everything on track.

Also, technological advancements are connected with the time-management sphere. Time management is important in the modern workplace as poor time management can cause deadlines to be missed leading to an unhappy client. Time management has now become easier with the help of modern technological tools. These tools have helped in optimizing the daily working routine and enabling the employees to focus on the most important task.

To sum up, the impact of technology in the workplace is incredible, because it has changed the way traditional workplaces used to work and brought changes to the structure and speed of work.

Every workplace can benefit from technology. Even a small plumbing business with three employees can use software to track clients and document all aspects of work. Accounting and marketing software programs are available to help small and large businesses. Although software is designed to save time and energy, it's important to remember that technology can erase the human touch if it’s carried too far.

Speed of Connections

Technology helps organize the work environment. Everything from payroll to inventory is managed more efficiently with well-designed software in place. Documents, such as letters or government proposals for contract work, are easier to write and edit on the computer. Phone systems include technology for three-way or four-way calling, for example, to save time. Conference calls also save plane fare and hotel costs if group calls are productive.

Flexible Options

Virtually all modern technology, from cellphones to e-readers, saves time and energy. Instead of having to stay in the office, as workers did little more than a decade ago, businesspeople can take calls on the go. Electronic readers help business travelers access newspapers, mobile messages and the Internet quite easily. This makes traveling less cumbersome, because paper materials can stay in the office. Emailing business associates from an electronic device means there is no need to return to the office after work if you're traveling around town or already headed home.

Judgment Calls

One disadvantage to technology is it’s possible to actually slow down work with it. For example, checking one’s email too often negatively affects productivity. It’s better to stay focused in making 20 calls versus checking email every 15 minutes. Distractions, such as phone calls, are often best managed by voice mail. Employees, however, hurt relationships with clients and slow down business projects when voice messages pile up.

Live Operators

Technology can frustrate clients who need to reach you. For example, individuals calling a help desk for answers to a question might not reach a live person. Pressing numbers to communicate your needs, such as “1 for yes” or “2 for no,” depersonalizes the relationship between customers and the companies they patronize. Having a live operator as an early option keeps callers much happier. Otherwise, they may take their business elsewhere.

Accountability Concerns

It’s likely that technology can help workers dodge true responsibilities. Every business owner knows voice mail and email can work against a company’s bottom line. An employee who wants to slack off for an hour or two in a private office might let voice mail take calls and ignore important emails. During this downtime, business calls that might have resulted in sales or important relationships are diffused or gone for good.

Global Interfacing

Work projects and business profits all connect to globalization enabled by technology. Everyone can connect with those in foreign countries with the click of a mouse. Decades ago, it would have taken months or years to find an inroad with a foreign partner or associate. Today, you can build a business with someone in another country in a matter of weeks -- or even days.

  1. You work as a personal development coach. You’ve been invited to give a speech for the employees how to make a good impression and “get on” a fast track in the career.

I’m a personal development coach, and today I want to discuss with you topic of “getting on” in the career and your professional development/

Let me start from presenting 2 career paths that you can choose as appropriate for your type of character. The first one is ladders. It can be described as a straight coming up on the career ladder. This path implies certain characteristics, for example, standing up for what you believe in, taking the initiative, getting on with your life outside work and so on.

On the other hand, there are snakes, whose characteristics are being determined to success, keeping in with key people, standing out from the crowd and some others.

You may ask me: what is better to be a snake or a ladder? I certainly have no answer to the question. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages. Time and my personal experience have shown that it’s good to poses strong points from both lists, because no single snake can climb up without a footstep or pillar.

Now, let me continue with another topic – professional qualities. The main idea here is that all these snakes and ladders are simply types of career paths. And they are not enough to be pro in any sphere. You also should poses certain qualities that benefit you as a worker. Let me enumerate some general ones: responsibility, stress-resistance, communication skills, ability of multitasking, self-management and so on. And what is much more important, if you don’t have any of these qualities you can always cultivate them.

Last but not the least point for today is how your company can help you in your career-development. First of all, mentoring system and special training courses, based on your preferences + recomendation of the head of department. And, of course, appraisals system that implies qualification test once in a year.

My main message for today: stay open-minded, stay hungry for smth new. Remember, that there are no limits to perfection!

Thank you for your attention. I’ll be happy to answer all your questions.


  1. You are a corporate culture specialist. Prepare to give a short talk for new employees from a different cultureon how some aspects of your culture influence expected behavior. (Meetings, relationships among staff, teamwork, responsibilities, company policy and social events).

  1. You are a PR-manager. Your responsibility is to support the positive atmosphere of the department. What will you do in a “conflict” situation when your boss is planning to get rid of the coffee area for the employees? Give grounds.


Being an HR specialist in case of having a 'conflict' between boss and staff, I will ask about the problem both parties.

If the boss is angry that the staff spends too much time on having coffee breaks, I will talk to staff and try to know why there is such a high level of absenteeism.

In other words, I will look for the roots of the problem.

Probably, the system of work organization needs updates.

In this case, I will develop a program of improving the situation and change the mode of doing business.

Maybe; some additional and bonuses are needed.

If it's true, I will discuss about the possibility of perks attribution with the top management of the company.

If the top management agrees, I will put my plan into actions.

If the problem is not possible to solve in this way, I will allow to have 3 breaks per day each staff with a length of 10-15 minutes or divide this pauses into 6, 5 minutes each.

Hope, these ideas will solve problems.

If I were a PR-manager, in this situation I would have the following conversation with the employees: “Dear employees, I’m glad to see you all and thank you so much for coming. Probably some of you have already heard about the topic of our conversation, but still I’ll repeat it for those who haven’t heard it yet. I don’t know if you are aware, but our management is going to get rid of the coffee area. But please, let’s try not to get personal here. It’s just a pure organizational necessity and they themselves tried to do their best to prevent it. The real issue here is the new space planning proposed by our designers and approved by the

senior manager. I’m myself really not happy with that either but we can deal with it, am I right? We are still a stable company which cares about its employees and this small problem just can’t cross it all out. Do you understand what I’m trying to say? I hope you’ll understand this correctly and, moreover, I promise that we’ll do our best to compensate this inconvenience to you. Thank you one more time for your patience and understanding.”

As the PR manager of our company, my main responsibility is to maintain a positive atmosphere within the team. In the current conflict situation it is important to find out why the boss decided to get rid of the coffee area. Depending on his answer, I will plan my further actions.

If the Boss says that he has made such a decision, as he needs additional working space, I will suggest to equip each department with a coffee machine in replacement of a separate coffee area.

He can also tell me that he wants to remove the coffee area because the staff spend too much time there. In such a situation, it is important to work with both parties of the conflict: explain to the boss that employees often go to the coffee area, but spend less time at dinner. Moreover, it is important to explain the situation to the staff, that so much time out of their workplace can affect the top-management satisfaction with their performance.

All in all, in my opinion, in this conflict situation, the most appropriate solution is to introduce a coffee break schedule. Each employee will receive his schedule, which will allow to avoid overcrowding of the coffee zone and the absence of the majority of employees in the workplace.

Nokarashvili Mariya, group 4