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Cosmology. The Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Structure - Coles P., Lucchin F

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328 Models of Structure Formation

These considerations specify the shape of the fluctuation spectrum, but not its amplitude. The discovery of temperature fluctuations in the CMB by COBE has plugged that gap. We discuss the COBE normalisation in Chapter 17 but it is also worth mentioning that the abundance of galaxy clusters also provides a viable method for fixing the primordial amplitude; see, for example, Viana and Liddle (1996).

The power spectrum is particularly important because it provides a complete statistical characterisation of a particular kind of stochastic process: a Gaussian random field. This class of field is the generic prediction of inflationary models, in which the density perturbations are generated by Gaussian quantum fluctuations in a scalar field during the inflationary epoch (Guth and Pi 1982; Brandenberger 1985).

15.5 The Transfer Function

We have hitherto assumed that the e ects of pressure and other astrophysical processes on the gravitational evolution of perturbations are negligible. In fact, depending on the form of any dark matter, and the parameters of the background cosmology, the growth of perturbations on particular length scales can be suppressed relative to the growth laws discussed above.

We need first to specify the fluctuation mode. In cosmology, the two relevant alternatives are adiabatic and isocurvature. The former involve coupled fluctuations in the matter and radiation component in such a way that the entropy does not vary spatially; the latter have zero net fluctuation in the energy density and involve entropy fluctuations. Adiabatic fluctuations are the generic prediction from inflation and form the basis of most currently fashionable models.

In the classical Jeans instability, pressure inhibits the growth of structure on scales smaller than the distance traversed by an acoustic wave during the free-fall collapse time of a perturbation. If there are collisionless particles of hot dark matter, they can travel rapidly through the background and this free streaming can damp away perturbations completely. Radiation and relativistic particles may also cause kinematic suppression of growth. The imperfect coupling of photons and baryons can also cause dissipation of perturbations in the baryonic component. The net e ect of these processes, for the case of statistically homogeneous initial Gaussian fluctuations, is to change the shape of the original power spectrum in a manner described by a simple function of wave-number – the transfer function T(k) – which relates the processed power spectrum P(k) to its primordial form P0(k) via P(k) = P0(k) × T2(k). The results of full numerical calculations of all the physical processes we have discussed can be encoded in the transfer function of a particular model (Bardeen et al. 1986; Holtzmann 1989). For example, fastmoving or ‘hot’ dark-matter (HDM) particles erase structure on small scales by the free-streaming e ects mentioned above so that T(k) → 0 exponentially for large k; slow-moving or ‘cold’ dark matter (CDM) does not su er such strong dissipation, but there is a kinematic suppression of growth on small scales (to be more

The Transfer Function











iso baryons









| Tk |














iso CDM


















k /h2 (Mpc−1)



Figure 15.1 Examples of adiabatic transfer functions for baryons, hot dark matter (HDM), cold dark matter (CDM) and mixed dark matter (MDM; also known as CHDM). Isocurvature modes are also shown. Picture courtesy of John Peacock.

precise, on scales less than the horizon size at matter–radiation equality); significant small-scale power nevertheless survives in the latter case. These two alternatives thus furnish two very di erent scenarios for the late stages of structure formation: the ‘top-down’ picture exemplified by HDM first produces superclusters, which subsequently fragment to form galaxies; CDM is a ‘bottom-up’ model because small-scale structures form first and then merge to form larger ones. The general picture that emerges is that, while the amplitude of each Fourier mode remains small, i.e. δ(k) 1, linear theory applies. In this regime, each Fourier mode evolves independently and the power spectrum therefore just scales as



(k, t)





(k, t)







P(k, t) = P(k, t1)

D2 (k, t1)

= P0(k)T



D2 (k, t1)









For scales larger than the Jeans length, this means that D+(k, t) = D+(t) only, so that the shape of the power spectrum is preserved during linear evolution on large scales. The quantity D+(t) is then just the growth factor δ+ we discussed in Chapter 10.

Examples of transfer functions are shown in Figure 15.1. Note that the adiabatic transfer functions for CDM and HDM are all smooth, while the baryonic version has strong oscillations. The latter are produced by the acoustic oscillations we remarked upon in Chapter 11. Waves with di erent modes have di erent temporal phases which result in the waves arriving at recombination at di erent stages of their cycle. At recombination the restoring force for the oscillations supplied

330 Models of Structure Formation

by pressure disappears and the waves become stranded with an amplitude that depends on wavelength. Since both HDM and CDM are collisionless, there is never any restoring force. Acoustic oscillations therefore do not occur.

The HDM transfer function shows a rapid cut-o at high k caused by free streaming, while CDM displays a graceful ‘knee’ produced by the Meszarossuppression of fluctuations inside the horizon prior to matter–radiation equivalence. A characteristic scale for this knee is supplied by 0h2: the lower the value of 0 the later the time of matter–radiation equivalence, the bigger the horizon at that point and the larger the scale of the knee.

15.6 Beyond Linear Theory

The linearised equations of motion provide an excellent description of gravitational instability at very early times when density fluctuations are still small (δ 1). The linear regime of gravitational instability breaks down when δ becomes comparable with unity, marking the commencement of the quasilinear (or weakly nonlinear) regime. During this regime the density contrast may remain small (δ < 1), but the phases of the Fourier components δk become substantially di erent from their initial values resulting in the gradual development of a non-Gaussian distribution function if the primordial density field was Gaussian. In this regime the shape of the power spectrum changes by virtue of a complicated cross-talk between di erent wave-modes. The usual approach is to use N- body experiments for strongly nonlinear analyses (Davis et al. 1985; Jenkins et al. 1998).

Further into the nonlinear regime, bound structures form. The baryonic content of these objects may then become important dynamically: hydrodynamical e ects (e.g. shocks), star formation and heating and cooling of gas all come into play. The spatial distribution of galaxies may therefore be very di erent from the distribution of the (dark) matter, even on large scales. Attempts are only just being made to model some of these processes with cosmological hydrodynamics codes, but it is some measure of the di culty of understanding the formation of galaxies and clusters that most studies have only just begun to attempt to include modelling the detailed physics of galaxy formation. In the front rank of theoretical e orts in this area are the so-called semi-analytical models, which encode simple rules for the formation of stars within a framework of merger trees that allow the hierarchical nature of gravitational instability to be explicitly taken into account (Baugh et al. 1998).

The usual approach is instead simply to assume that the point-like distribution of galaxies, galaxy clusters or whatever,

n(r) = δD(r − ri), (15.6.1)


bears a simple functional relationship to the underlying δ(r). An assumption often invoked is that relative fluctuations in the object number-counts and matter

Recipes for Structure Formation


density fluctuations are proportional to each other, at least within su ciently large volumes, according to the linear biasing prescription:


= b







where b is what is usually called the biasing parameter. For more detailed discussion see Section 14.8.

15.7 Recipes for Structure Formation

It should now be clear that models of structure formation involve many ingredients which may interact in a complicated way. In the following list, notice that most of these ingredients involve at least one assumption that may well turn out not to be true.

1.A background cosmology. This basically means a choice of 0, H0 and Λ, assuming we are prepared to stick with the Robertson–Walker metric and the Einstein equations.

2.An initial fluctuation spectrum. This is usually taken to be a power law, but may not be. The most common choice is n = 1.

3.A choice of fluctuation mode: usually adiabatic.

4.A statistical distribution of the initial fluctuations. This is often assumed to be Gaussian.

5.A normalisation of the power spectrum, usually taken to be the COBE microwave background measurements but there are other possibilities, such as requiring the abundance of clusters produced by the model to match observations.

6.The transfer function, which requires knowledge of the relevant proportions of ‘hot’, ‘cold’ and baryonic material as well as the number of relativistic particle species.

7.A ‘machine’ for handling nonlinear evolution, so that the distribution of galaxies and other structures can be predicted. This could be an N-body or hydrodynamics code, an approximated dynamical calculation or simply, with fingers crossed, linear theory.

8.A prescription for relating fluctuations in mass to fluctuations in light, frequently the linear bias model.

Historically speaking, the first model incorporating non-baryonic dark matter to be seriously considered was the HDM scenario, in which the universe is dominated by a massive neutrino with mass around 10–30 eV. This scenario has fallen into disrepute because the copious free streaming it produces smooths the matter fluctuations on small scales and means that galaxies form very late. The favoured alternative for most of the 1980s was the CDM model in which the dark-matter

332 Models of Structure Formation

particles undergo negligible free streaming owing to their higher mass or nonthermal behaviour. A ‘standard’ CDM model (SCDM) then emerged in which the cosmological parameters were fixed at 0 = 1 and h = 0.5, the spectrum was of the Harrison–Zel’dovich form with n = 1 and a significant bias, b = 1.5–2.5, was required to fit the observations (Davis et al. 1985).

The SCDM model was ruled out by a combination of the COBE-inferred amplitude of primordial density fluctuations, galaxy-clustering power-spectrum estimates on large scales, rich cluster abundances and small-scale velocity dispersions (e.g. Peacock and Dodds 1996). It seems that the standard version of this theory simply has a transfer function with the wrong shape to accommodate all the available data with an n = 1 initial spectrum. Nevertheless, because CDM is such a successful first approximation and seems to have gone a long way to providing an answer to the puzzle of structure formation, the response of the community has not been to abandon it entirely, but to seek ways of relaxing the constituent assumptions in order to get a better agreement with observations. Various possibilities have been suggested.

If the total density is reduced to 0 0.3, which is favoured by many arguments, then the size of the horizon at matter–radiation equivalence increases compared with SCDM and much more large-scale clustering is generated. This is called the open CDM model, or OCDM for short. The simplest way to describe this e ect is to look at the shape of the CDM transfer function shown in Figure 15.1. This shows that position of the ‘knee’ scales with Ωh if k is measured in Mpc/h. This means that the knee pushes to lower physical wavenumbers, i.e. to larger scales, for low-density models. This is usually taken to define a shape parameter Γ = Ω0h so that the SCDM model has Γ = 0.5 and the OCDM version might have a shape parameter more like 0.2. The scaling with is not quite exact, however: it is broken by the presence of baryons (Peacock and Dodds 1994).

Those unwilling to dispense with the inflationary predilection for flat spatial sections have invoked 0 = 0.2 and a positive cosmological constant (Efstathiou et al. 1990) to ensure that k = 0; this can be called ΛCDM and is apparently also favoured by the observations of distant supernovae we have mentioned previously (Riess et al. 1998; Perlmutter et al. 1999). Much the same e ect on the power spectrum may be obtained in Ω = 1 CDM models if matter–radiation equivalence is delayed, such as by the addition of an additional relativistic particle species. The resulting models are usually called τCDM (White et al. 1995).

Another alternative to SCDM involves a mixture of hot and cold dark matter (CHDM), having perhaps hot = 0.3 for the fractional density contributed by the hot particles. For a fixed large-scale normalisation, adding a hot component has the e ect of suppressing the power-spectrum amplitude at small wavelengths (Davis et al. 1992; Klypin et al. 1993). A variation on this theme would be to invoke a ‘volatile’ rather than ‘hot’ component of matter produced by the decay of a heavier particle (Pierpaoli et al. 1996). The non-thermal character of the decay products results in subtle di erences in the shape of the transfer function in the CVDM model compared with the CHDM version. Another possi-


Recipes for Structure Formation


z = 3

z = 1

z = 0






Figure 15.2 Some of the candidate models described in the text, as simulated by the Virgo consortium. Notice that SCDM shows very di erent structure at z = 0 than the three alternatives shown. The models also di er significantly at di erent epochs. These simulations show the distribution of dark matter only. Picture courtesy of the Virgo Consortium.

bility is to invoke non-flat initial fluctuation spectra, while keeping everything else in SCDM fixed. The resulting ‘tilted’ models (TCDM) usually have n < 1 power-law spectra for extra large-scale power and, perhaps, a significant fraction of tensor perturbations (Lidsey and Coles 1992). Models have also been constructed in which non-power-law behaviour is invoked to produce the required extra power: these are the broken scale-invariance (BSI) models (Gottlober et al. 1994).

334 Models of Structure Formation

But diverse though this collection of alternatives may seem, it does not include any models in which the assumption of Gaussian statistics is relaxed. This is at least as important as the other ingredients which have been varied in some of the above models. The reason for this is that fully specified non-Gaussian models are hard to construct, even if they are based on purely phenomenological considerations (Weinberg and Cole 1992; Coles et al. 1993b). Models based on topological defects rather than inflation generally produce non-Gaussian features but are computationally challenging (Avelino et al. 1998). A notable exception is the ingenious isocurvature model of Peebles (1999).


The models we have described in this chapter are not the only possible constructions of the basic gravitational instability scenario, but the list includes most of the current front runners. Our purpose was however not to try guessing the precise combination of parameters describing our universe but instead to set up a set of plausible models so that we can see in Part 4 how the di erences between them might be probed.

It is interesting how the appealing simplicity of the standard cold dark matter has been superseded by a collection of apparently more complex third-generation models, all of which have extra free parameters to cover the basic deficiencies of SCDM. There is something very similar to Ptolemy’s epicycles in this development and it would be somewhat depressing were it not for the fact that the field has entered a period not only of dramatic observational breakthroughs but of intense interplay between theory and observation.

Bibliographic Notes on Chapter 15

An excellent account of the field of structure-formation theory is given in Peacock (1999) and, with an emphasis on inflation models, by Liddle and Lyth (2000).


1.Account for the behaviour of the CDM isocurvature transfer function shown in Figure 15.1.

2.Calculate the radius of a sphere within which the average mass corresponds to that of a rich cluster MC 1014M . Use this radius within the Press–Schechter formalism described in the previous chapter to derive an expression for the number-density of clusters of mass exceeding MC and investigate how this number varies with powerspectral index and 0.

3.Rich clusters of galaxies have velocity dispersions of order 1000 km s1 Mpc1 or larger. Show that these objects correspond to metric perturbations of order 105.


Observational Tests


Statistics of



16.1 Introduction

We now turn to the question of how to test theories of structure formation using observations of galaxy clustering. As we have seen, a theory for the origin of galaxies and clusters contains several ingredients which interact in a complicated way to produce the final structure. First, there is the background cosmological model which, in ‘standard’ theories, will be a Friedmann model specified by two parameters H0 and . Then we need to know the breakdown of the global mass density into baryons and non-baryonic matter. If the latter exists, we need to know whether it is hot or cold, or a mixture of the two. These two sets of information allow us to supply the transfer function (Section 14.7). If we then assume a spectrum for the primordial fluctuations, either in an ad hoc manner or by appealing to an inflationary model, we can use the transfer function to predict the shape of the fluctuation spectrum in the linear regime. But, importantly, we have no way to calculate a priori the normalisation, or amplitude, of the spectrum.

There are two ways one can attempt to normalise the power spectrum. One is to compare the properties of mass fluctuations predicted within the framework of the model using either linear theory (on su ciently large scales) or N-body simulations. There are several problems with these approaches. One problem with linear theory is that one cannot be sure how accurate it will be for fluctuations of finite (i.e. measurable) amplitude. One therefore needs to be very careful to

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