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Unit 5 PERMANENT WAY (2).doc
1.43 Mб

6.2 Match the numbers (1-6) and the letters (a-f).

  1. Midtec Cables Ltd.

150 Cotton Road

(2) Exeter (3) EX4 9DT


(4) Robert Peterson

113 (5) Parklane Drive

Williston FL 665466

(6) USA

  1. the ZIP Code in the return address

  2. the addressee

  3. the sender

  4. the country in the mailing address

  5. the addressee’s street

f) the town the letter comes from


7.1 Do you know ………

a) What does LWR (CWR) denote?

b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?

7.2 Use the Internet to gather information on these issues. Http://en.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Track_(rail_transport) http://www.Nt.Gov.Au/aarc/info/factsheets/rail_welding.Pdf



7.3 Read the Russian text and render it in English.

Бесстыковой путь.

Достоинства (за счет устранения стыков):

1) снижение динамического воздействие на путь;

2) уменьшение износа колес подвижного состава;

3) уменьшение сопротивления движению;

4) сокращение расхода топлива и электроэнергии на тягу поездов;

5) экономия металла до 1.8 т на каждый км пути;

6) увеличение срока службы рельсов на 20%, шпал на 8-13%, балласта на 25 %;

7) сокращение затрат труда на текущее содержание пути на 20-30 %.


    1. значительные продольные растягивающие или сжимающие силы (до 100-200 кН), опасность выброса или разрыва пути;

    2. значительные затраты на содержание уравнительных пролетов (до 25% от всех затрат на содержание бесстыкового пути)

Script (Listening)

In comparison to ballasted track, the advantages of slab track (or ballastless track) are in general reduction of maintenance and a higher stability of the track:

- Maintenance costs amount to 20-30% of the maintenance costs of ballasted track. (Maintenance work like tamping, ballast cleaning and track lining is unnecessary);

- Increased service life;

- Near maximum availability and hardly any hindrance to residents due to scarce nightly maintenance works;

- No drag forces at ballast with the passing of high-speed trains;

- The unconditional use of electro-magnetic wheel brakes;

- The excess of superelevation and cant deficiency of the track with mixed use of freight-and-passenger trains does not cause altering of the track position;

- Simple corrections up to 26 mm in vertical position and 5 mm in horizontal position are possible to counteract small deformations;

- Reduced structure height and weight.

Other reasons for applying slab track can be:

- The lack of suitable ballast material;

- Track accessibility to road vehicles;

- The abatement of noise and, in particular, vibration nuisance;

- Preventing the release of dust from the ballast bed into the environment.

In comparison to ballasted track, the disadvantages of slab track are in general:

- Higher construction costs;

- Higher airborne noise reflection;

- Large alterations in track position and superelevation can only be made possible by substantial amounts of work;

- In case of derailment, repair works will take much more time and effort;

- Transitions between ballasted track and slab track require attention.

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