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Chapters 6-10

II. Choose 15 useful word expressions from each and learn them.


1) There is hardly a single person (врятли есть кто-то)

2) Far too wise (слишком мудрый)

3) To approve of sth (одобрить что-то)

4) To be of value (иметь какую-то ценность)

5) To be overdraw one`s account (превысить кредит)

6) To be enthralled (быть очарованным)

7) Formal proposal (предложение)

8) Nuisance (помеха)

9) To worship (преклоняться)

10) To commit (совершать)

11) To sip sth (прихлёбывать что-то)

12) To become blurred (затуманиться, расплыться)

13) Flashing lights (мерцающие огни)

14) Sense of loss (чувство утраты)

15) To overcharge for sth (переплачивать)


1) To assure (убеждать кого-то)

2) Opera-glass (бинокль)

3) Adoration (обожание)

4) To tremble (дрожать)

5) To gaze (уставиться на кого-то)

6) Ivory (слоновая кость)

7) Bars of music (музыкальные такты)

8) Turmoil of applause (гром аплодисментов)

9) To grew worse (стать хуже)

10) Second-rate professor (низкопробный, второсортный профессор)

11) To be a complete failure (провалиться полностью)

12) Pit (амфитеатр)

13) Dress-circle (бельэтаж)

14) To stir (остужать что-то)

15) Dew-drenched garden (росистый сад)


1) On tiptoe (на цыпочках)

2) Tray (разнос)

3) China (фарфор)

4) To hesitate (колебаться)

5) Silk-embroidered (расшитый шёлком)

6) Dressing-gown (ночная рубашка)

7) To murmur (пробормотать, бормотать)

8) Recollection (воспоминания)

9) Luxurious (роскошный)

10) Unjust (нечестный)

11) To accuse sb of sth (обвинять кого-то в чём-то)

12) To interfere with (вмешиваться)

13) Put ashes on one`s head (посыпать пеплом чью-то голову)

14) Eternal (вечный)

15) Burden (обуза)


1) Miserable (жалкий)

2) Divine (божественный)

3) To get rid of sth (избавиться от чего-то)

4) Affectionate (нежный)

5) To be vain (быть тщеславным)

6) Martyr (ореол мученичества)

7) To suffer (страдать)

8) Annul (скука)

9) Indifference (безразличие)

10) Inquest (следствие, расследование)

11) Annoyance (раздражение)

12) To get on with sb (ладить с кем-то)

13) To be pallid with rage (побледнеть от гнева)

14) Beads of perspiration (капли пота)

15) Intolerable fascination (неодолимые чары)


1) Cobweb (паутина)

2) To wreathe in smiles (расплываться в улыбке)

3) Denial (отречение)

4) Outlet (выход)

5) Alter (менять, изменяться)

6) Florid (румяный)

7) Red-whiskered (рыжие бакенбарды)

8) Stern (суровый)

9) To lean (прислонять)

10) To blackmail (шантажировать)

11) Evidence (показания)

12) To sigh (вздыхать)

13) To pour (наливать)

14) Unconscious (бессознательный)

15) Fault (вина)

III. Explain the meaning of the following word expressions and use them in your own sentences:

-to become fascinated by someone (быть очарованным кем-то)-to be attractive by sb or interested in sb very much

(When he saw her dancing on the stage he became fascinated by her at once)

-to overdraw an account (превысить кредит)-to take out more money from a bank account that it contains

(Customers who overdraw their accounts will be charged a fee)

-to be of age (достигнуть совершеннолетия)-when a person is of age they have an adult’s legal rights and responsibilities

(It is illegal to sell alcohol to a person who is not of age)

-to be overcharged for sth (переплачивать за что-то)-to make sb pay too much for something

(Make sure they don’t overcharged you for your education)

-to become blurred to sth (расплываться, рассеиваться в глазах)-to become not clear

(I had never believed in coincidence until one day when I met a person who looked like myself and she became blurred in my eyes)

-to be divine beyond all living things (быть намного выше других)-to be much more wonderful than other people around

(He couldn’t help admiring her because she was divine beyond all living things)

-to be curiously listless (быть абсолютно бездарным, безучастным)-to have no energy or enthusiasm

(During her illness she was curiously listless)

-amidst a turmoil of applause (под гром рукоплесканий)-during the noise made by audience clapping their hands and sometimes shouting to show their approval

(Amidst an extraordinary turmoil of applause John Lennon finished his performance)

-to get restless (зашуметь, начать двигаться)-unable to stay still or to be happy because you are bored

(After 5 years in the job, her was beginning to feel restless)

-to produce no effect (не произвести никакого впечатления)-to produce a change that sb or sth causes in sb/sth else

(I tried to persuade him but produced no effect)

-to make a scene with sb (устроить скандал, «сцену»)-to argue loudly and angrily

(He was furious, because she had made a scene in the middle of the party the day before)

-to be mixed up in sth (быть в чём-то замешенным)-to be involved in sth, especially sth illegal or dishonest

(She got to know that he had been mixed up in sth illegal and refused to date with him)

-to break one’s word to sb (нарушить своё слово)-to refuse doing sth that you have promised

(He is not going to break his word to marry her, because she is very rich)

-to hold the key to everything (подобрать, найти ключ (ответ) ко всему)-to find a thing that makes you able to understand sth

(The federal government’s control the inflation rate, and it holds the key to everything)

-to inquire too closely into sth (зачем слишком вникать, влезать во всё это)-to ask sb for too much information

(He didn’t want to inquire too closely into gossip about celebrities, that is why he didn’t buy that magazine)

-to console sb (утешать кого-либо)-to give sympathy to sb who is unhappy or disappointed

(Console yourself with the thought that you did your best)

-on my word of honour (дать слово чести, поклясться)-to promise sth

(He said in court that on his word of honour he would never steal again)

-to be thunderstruck (быть поражённым, потрясённым)-to be extremely surprised and shocked

(He was thunderstruck when he got to know that his girlfriend was preghant)

-to be absorbed in sb (быть одержимым кем-то)-to be very interested in sb so that you are not pay attention to anything

(She seemed totally absorbed in Bob Marley)

-at all costs (во чтобы то ни стало, любой ценой)-whatever is needed to achieve sth

(You must stop the press from publishing this article at all costs)

-to be on guard (быть на стороже)-to be very careful and prepared for sth difficult or dangerous

(Be on your guard against pickpockets)

-to put straight (наводить порядок, прибираться)-to make sth clean and neat

(It took him hours to put the house straight)

-wreathed in smiles (очень довольный, расплывшийся в улыбке)-to ba smiling a lot

(He wreathed in smiles when his mother presented him the Ferrari car as a birthday gift)

-to be of any service to sb (помогать кому-либо чем-либо)-to be useful or helpful

(I need the services of a lawyer, can you be of any service to me?)

-to blackmail (шантажировать)-to force sb to give you money or do sth for you by threatening them

(She blackmailed him for years by threatening to tell the newspapers about their affair)

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