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4 Thomas Alva Edison


I. Read the following words:

technical, laboratory, due, humanity, throughout, further, contribution, public, genius, widespread.

II. Read and translate the text.

T he name of Thomas Alva Edison is widely known throughout the world. The most famous of all his contributions was the improvement of the electric lamp. Thus, highly appreciating Lodygin’s invention, Edison went further and worked out a more efficient incandescent filament lamp that was durable, cheap and suitable for the large-scale production. It is also owing to Edison that an efficient system of electric distribution

Thomas Edison was carried out, due to which the widespread use of this

(1847-1931) lamp became possible. Edison was a self-taught man, his schooling being limited to three months in a public school. In spite of this, from early childhood he displayed an intense curiosity as well as a great capacity for work and study. He began to experiment at the age of ten or eleven. Instead of a laboratory he used the cellar of his parents’ house.

Later on, Edison had to overcome many difficulties because of the lack of money and assistance. Thanks to his native genius, his capacity for work, (for months he slept no more than one or two hours a day) he headed technical research in his country and enriched humanity with his numerous inventions.


III. Remember these words:

incandescent, filament, distribution, to overcome, suitable, research, to enrich, capacity.


IV. Read the words of the same root and translate them into Russian:

  • to differ, different, difference, indifferent, indifference;

  • to act, action, interaction, active, reaction;

  • to accelerate, acceleration, deceleration;

  • to calculate, calculation, calculator.

V. Form nouns using suffixes -or, -er.

Work, translate, act, speak, steam, boil, conduct, engine, fact, heat.

VI. Form verbs using the prefix over-.

Load, throw, grow, come, estimate, power, take, heat.

VII. Complete the table














VIII. Answer the following questions:

1. How did Thomas Alva Edison improve the electric lamp?

2. At what age did he begin to experiment?

3. What can you say about his education?

4. Why did he have to overcome many difficulties?

5 The science of electricity


I. Read the following key words:

universe, head, nucleus, protons, neutrons, electrical charge, positive, negative, electricity.

II. Read and translate the text.

I n order to understand how electric charge moves from one atom to another, we need to know something about atoms. Everything in the universe is made of atoms — every star, every tree, every animal. The human body is made of atoms. Air and water are, too. Atoms are the building blocks of the universe. Atoms are so small that millions of them would fit on the head of a pin.

Atoms are made of even smaller particles. The center of an atom is called the nucleus. It is made of particles called protons and neutrons. The protons and neutrons are very small, but electrons are much, much smaller. Electrons spin around the nucleus in shells a great distance from the nucleus and are held in their shells by an electrical force.

The protons and electrons of an atom are attracted to each other. They both carry an electrical charge. An electrical charge is a force within the particle. Protons have a positive charge (+) and electrons have a negative charge (-). The positive charge of the protons is equal to the negative charge of the electrons. Opposite charges attract each other. When an atom is in balance, it has an equal number of protons and electrons. The neutrons carry no charge and their number can vary.

The number of protons in an atom determines the kind of atom, or element, it is. An element is a substance in which all of the atoms are identical (the Periodic Table shows all the known elements). Every atom of hydrogen, for example, has one proton and one electron, with no neutrons. Every atom of carbon has six protons, six electrons, and six neutrons. The number of protons determines which element it is.


III. Remember these words:

particle, shell, empty, force, both, equal, to determine, hydrogen, carbon, to push, to apply.

IV. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the words in bold type.

1. If the water is heated in a closed container, the temperature and the pressure both rise.

2. Both Lomonosov and his friend Rihman worked at atmospheric electricity. Both of them made experiments on that subject.

3. Take both a small cup of boiling water and a large container also full of boiling water; you will find that both of them have the same temperature.


V. Find suitable attributes in (a) for the nouns in (b).

    1. 1.famous; 2.boiling; 3.glass; 4.cold; 5.scientific; 6.electrical; 7.mercury.

    2. 1.water; 2.problem; 3.thermometer; 4.device; bulb; 6.scientist; 7.point.

VI. Give the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives.

Example: long – longer – the longest

  1. fast __________

  2. small __________

  3. hot __________

  4. dark __________

  5. strong __________

VII. Use the comparative form of the adjectives to complete the sentences.

Example: A particle of light / small / an electron.

A particle of light is smaller than an electron.

  1. The waves in white light /long / the waves in red light.

  2. Maldacena’s theory of light /interesting/ Newton’s.

  3. Nothing travels /fast/ than light.

  4. Blue light /hot/ red light.

VIII. Complete with the comparative form of the adjectives below.

easy, famous, complete

Maldacena is an Argentine scientist. In the USA many scientists know him. He’s _______ there than in Argentina. He used other theories to make a new theory that is _______ than Newton’s and Einstein’s. Thanks to Maldacena, the structure of matter ______ to understand now than a few years ago.

IX. Read and translate the following pairs of words:

to use — use, to subject — subject, to present — present, to object — object, to increase — increase, to export —export, to transport — transport, to perfect — perfect.

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