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Applying for a job

Job search is a long process, which needs lots of time and effort. Employment and recruitment agencies may help you to find a job. It is also useful to visit job fairs, ask your family, friends to help you in job search. You can use web pages in the Internet such as www.jobs.ru or www.hro.ru and other web sites.

When a company needs to hire or employ new people, it may decide to advertise the job or position in a newspaper. If you are interested you can apply for the job by sending in an application letter and a curriculum vitae or CV (US "resume") containing details of your education and experience. Your main purpose is to interest a prospective employee enough so that to be invited for an interview.

An application letter contains all the relevant information about the training, qualifications, reasons for applying and so on. The body of your letter should provide the information that will convince your reader of your qualifications. Above all, mention your "strengths" (strong points). End your letter with a statement of your ability to do the job.

Developing a resume begins with listing the skills a person has already gained. In addition, a resume specifies how and where those skills were acquired. A resume states the qualifications and work history of an applicant. It usually contains the following sections: personal information, education, languages you speak (if necessary), work experience, interests, referees.

The applicant for the job usually wants to know if there are chances of promotion, if there is a probationary period, if there are transport facilities to or from work, if the job involves job-related travel, if there are some extra benefits such as company cars, company organized holidays and trips, children's holiday camps. Though a job interview has some disadvantages they may be ignored as insignificant against the statement that many applicants look quite good on paper.

Writing business letters

Everyone writes business letters from time to time - to request information, to order a product, to complain about something, to apply for employment or to a training programme. Examples are: letters of application for jobs, scholarships, etc; letters asking for information about courses, services, etc; letters demanding money (which include complains, a demand for a refund).

Before you sit down to write a business letter you should think carefully about your purpose. Decide in advance why you are writing your letter. Most businesses receive hundreds of letters each day, so your letter should be brief and to the point, it should be well organised and laid out very clearly. Important information should appear early in the letter and you should not digress from the main subject. Stilted, very formal, unnatural or flowery language very often gets in the way of clear communication.

The first paragraph of your letter should introduce your subject and mention any relevant previous correspondence or conversation. The rest of your letter should present your reader with the fact needed to understand what you are saying. Your conclusion should reinforce your message.

When typing your business letter or composing it on a computer, leave wide margins, at least an inch (=2.25 cm) all around. Type your letter single-spaced and use an acceptable format. One of the most common is the block format. The block format letter begins every line at the left-hand margin and separates paragraphs with a double space. If you use letterhead paper, supply only the date typing it two spaces below the letterhead.

The style of business letters is changing rapidly. Every year it gets simpler and less formal. Time is more precious than ever to a busy executive and he does not want to have to read a lot of unnecessary words. But the writer of a business letter must create a good impression, especially if he is writing a letter of application, so a few words to promote a feeling of exactness and goodwill are quite appropriate. However, compliments must not be exaggerated, as they may produce the opposite effect, and the reader may feel that the writer is being insincere.

Вопросы к устным разговорным экзаменационным темам

The English we study

  1. Nowadays English is one of the major languages in the world, isn’t it?

  2. Why do people study English?

  3. How many words are there in English?

  4. Is English difficult or easy to learn?

  5. What problems are there in learning English?

  6. What are the varieties of English?

  7. Do you study English for general or special purposes?

  8. What are common features of the language of science?

  9. What are your reasons for learning English?

  10. What do you like and dislike in learning English?

Our University

  1. When was Kemerovo State University founded?

  2. How many students study at the University?

  3. Are there any university branches in other cities?

  4. On what basis are the applicants admitted to the University?

  5. Do students have to pay for their tuition?

  6. Do all students get scholarships?

  7. What facilities do students have for studies and rest?

  8. What helps the University to train students for their professional activities?

  9. Where do non-resident students live?

  10. How does Kemerovo State University cooperate with foreign institutions?

The Faculty of Mathematics

  1. How many students study at the Faculty of Mathematics?

  2. What specialities are taught at the faculty?

  3. How many departments are there at the faculty? What are they?

  4. Who is responsible for teaching process?

  5. Why are the faculty teachers considered to be highly qualified?

  6. What subjects does the curriculum include?

  7. When do students start to specialize in particular field?

  8. What is the faculty famous for?

  9. How does the faculty cooperate with other institutions?

  10. Where can the graduates of the faculty work?

Uses and types of computers

  1. What is a computer?

  2. What elements does a computer consist of?

  3. What is the basic function of a computer?

  4. What is a program?

  5. What are data?

  6. Where do computers store information and instructions?

  7. What three basic powers do computers have?

  8. What are the ways of inputting information into a computer?

  9. What is the function of an input device?

  10. What devices are used for outputting information?

Writing business letters

  1. Why do people write business letters?

  2. Is a business letter usually long and very formal?

  3. Is it necessary to follow any rules typing or composing a business letter on a computer?

  4. What is a block format of a business letter?

  5. What makes a business letter stylistically balanced?

  6. 6. What are the main parts of a business letter?

  7. What does the heading of a business letter include?

  8. Is there any difference in writing dates in British and American English? What is it?

  9. What does the body of a letter consist of?

  10. What is usually written in conclusion?

Applying for a job

  1. How do you usually learn about vacancies?

  2. What documents should an applicant send to apply for a job?

  3. What is the primary objective when one applies for a job?

  4. In what cases sending a letter of application is preferable?

  5. What information should an application letter contain?

  6. What information should be listed in resume?

  7. What’s the main aim of a resume?

  8. What is the difference between the screening interview and the selection interview?

  9. What is the applicant usually interested in when interviewed?

  10. What disadvantages of a job interview can be mentioned as especially damaging?