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Індивідуальне завдання № 7

TASK 1. Read and translate the following text.

Civil Responsibility”

What do you think of when you see or hear the word responsibility? Responsibility is the duty to do something or not to do something. For example, Ellen ironed her blouse and turnrd off the iron afterwards. Ellen has s responsibility to remember to turn the iron off as protection from fire. Give some examples of what you do and don’t do to protect someone or keep them from getting hurt. What happens if you don’t do it?

Responsible behaviour keeps our families and communities safe. A responsible person acts in the way the community or the family expects. If you do not stop to think before you act or if you forget to do something, your behaviour might be irresponsible toward other people. You might violate the rights of others. You could even be breaking the law.

If a person is harmed by someone, should the person who is responsible for the injury pay the cost of medical care? If a person’s property is damaged by someone, should the person who is responsible pay to repair the damage? If the responsible person doesn’t want to pay or take responsibility for his or her actions, the person could go to civil court.

Laws fall into two groups: civil and criminal. A civil law applies to two people or to groups of people. Usually one person goes to court because he or she feels wronged or injured by the other person.

A civil case is a legal action brought by one person or business against another person or business. Civil cases involve settling private conflicts or disputes. For example, Mike Goldberg, was injured in an automobile accident when the brakes on the car he was driving failed. Mika had just had his brakes repaired at Speedy Brakes Repair. Mika gets a lawyer and sues Speedy Brake Repair in court. He wants the repair shop to pay for his medical bills and for the repair of his car. When Mika goes to court, the case is Mike Goldberg versus Speedy Brakes Repair.

TASK 2. Write down the Ukrainian equivalents for the words and expressions in bold type and memorize them.

TASK 3. State the difference between civil and criminal court and complete the table below.





People involved:

People involved:



Індивідуальне завдання № 8

TASK 1. Read and translate the following text.


Judicial precedent is one of the sources of law, particularly English Common Law which, itself, is the basis of legal systems in many parts of the world (e.g. the USA and Commonweath countries).

Essential to the common law is the hierarchy of the courts and the principle of binding precedent. In practice, this means that the decision of a higher court is binding on a lower court, and in the course of a trial the judges must refer to existing precedents. This is known as stare decisis “stand by what has been decided”. The judges will also consider decisions made by a lower court, although they are not bound to follow them. However, a rule set by a court of greater or equal status must be applied if it is relevant.

During a trial, a counsel will cite cases and either attempt to distinguish the case at trial from those referred to, or alternatively, argue that the rule established in a previous case is applicable and should be followed. At the end of each legal case the Judge gives a summary of the facts of the case; then a review of the arguments (defence and prosecution) and an explanation of the principles of law he/she is using to come to a decision. Only the legal principles used to come to a decision are referred to as the ratio – decidendi’ which means ‘the reason for deciding’.Sometimes the Judge will consider what his/her decision would have been if the facts of the case had been different; this hypothetical situation is referred to as the ‘obiter dicta’(i.e. other things said) and the legal reasoning put forward may be used in future cases.

The great body of legal precedent contained in law books is the result of appeals to higher courts against the decisions of lower courts. The appeals have resulted in the clarification of specifiс principles, either by improving them or by overturning the original court’s decision through the introduction of a new precedent.

So, put in broad terms, judicial precedent is the body of legal principles established by past court decisions which have survived the process of appeal to higher courts and have consequently become binding on all courts.

TASK 2. Write down the Ukrainian equivalents for the words and expressions in bold type and memorize them.

TASK 3. Describe in writing the process of making new law in your country. What are the strengths and the weaknessof the process (up to 250 words).

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