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1. Прочитайте следующие словосочетания. Скажите, где вы тренируетесь. Следите за ударениями в словах. Начните так: Ihave training sessions....

in the gym — в спортзале

in the swimming pool — в бассейне

at the stadium — на стадионе

at the sports ground — на спортплощадке

hold (held [held], held) — проводить (соревнования и т.п.)

sports facilities — спортивное оборудование

training session— тренировка

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The structure of Lesgaft University includes many sports facilities: the swimming pool, the training complex in the settlement Kavgolovo, the Olympic cycling centre, the rowing station, the stadium and gyms. All the students have regular training sessions. Swimmers train in the swimming pool, gymnasts — in the gym. The race takes place on the sports ground.

Восходящий тон

При общем восходящем направлении тона каждый последую­щий ударный слог произносится несколько выше другого. Восхо­дящий тон изображается стрелкой, направленной вверх и стоящей перед ударным слогом: is he?

Восходящий тон употребляется:

1) в общих вопросах;

2) при перечислении однородных членов предложения;

3) при расставании и в других случаях. Например: 'Are you an athlete?

'Have you a coach? One, two, three. Bye!


1. Прочитайте тексты, соблюдая правильную интонацию.

a) The University during its 100-year history has trained more than 30,000 highly-qualified specialists. Among them there are a lot of Masters of Sports, Merited Masters of Sports, Masters of Sports of International Level, European, world record-holders and Olympic champions.


Mr. Smith is a football coach. John is a football player. Mr. Smith is John's coach. Mr. Smith is a Merited Master of Sports. John has the first grade. He is a very good football player. He often takes part in competitions.

When the weather is warm, football players often have training sessions outdoors — on the sports ground or on the football pitch (поле). In winter, athletes have their training sessions indoors.

Mr. Smith is a good professional coach and a former amateur football player. He trains and motivates his athletes. There are two Masters of Sports in the team. The team often participates in the city competitions and wins prizes. It's one of the city top teams.

Who is Mr. Smith? He is a coach. What's his sports level? He is a Merited Master of Sports. Is John a Master of Sports? No, he isn't. He has the first grade. Is Mr. Smith a former football player? Yes, he is. He was one of the top football players in the past.

Запомните! Если название вида спорта на английском языке заканчи­вается на -ing — например: boxing, то, заменив окончание -ing на - еr, мы назовем спортсмена, который занимается данным видом спорта, — boxer — боксер.

Если речь идет об игровых видах спорта, то используется слово player. Например: hockey — hockey player.

Тренировочное упражнение

A boxer practises boxing.

A swimmer practises swimming.

A wrestler practises wrestling.

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