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Grammar review and development

Assignment 15

Review the Grammar material «The Perfect Tense Form». Study the charts.

Pay special attention to the adverbs and the words denoting time. They are very often used with this Tense Form. You will find them in the first chart.

The main patterns of the Perfect Tense Form are those presented in the sentences that come next. Study the patterns. Make sure you are familiar with all of them and you know how to translate the sentences from English into Russian.

Present: already Just, not... yet, ever, never, recently, lately, of late, for, today, since, this (week, month), by now, etc.

Past: by (yesterday, last Friday, etc.), hardly (scarcely, barely, nearly) ... when, no sooner ... than, sequence of tenses, etc.

Future: by (tomorrow, next week, etc.), etc.

Since the Second World War Britain's service industries, especially banking and retailing, have expanded.

He has just given a considerable part of his income to numerous acts of charity.

I have not seen him since he left our company.

People have really become better off lately, haven't they?

Joel felt that he had found a new blend of coffee.

By the 1990s, the investment had climbed to more than $400 billion, even though farms had dropped in number from 6 million to fewer that 3 million.

How long had you stayed with the firm by the time you resigned?

Hardly had they announced the dollar devaluation, when the prices started rising.

(They had hardly announced the dollar devaluation, when the prices started rising.)

By next morning, the delegation will have left.

He said (that) by the next month he would have written his final paper.

Assignment 16

Open the brackets; use the correct form of the verb. The italicized words will help you do it. Wherever necessary, change the word order. Write the correct sentence in the space opposite the original one.

World War II (to cost) Britain more

than a quarter of its national wealth.

Throughout the 1980s budgets (to re-

duce) income tax.

By the time of the Great Depression,

Wall Street (to symbolize) the route to

quick riches.

In an attempt to stabilize farm in-

come, the US Government (to pay)

farmers billions of dollars.

The price of the membership (to

vary) considerably over the years.

They said that for many years Wall

Street (to be) the location of some of

the chief financial institutions of the

United States.

The amazing productivity of American farmers (to ensure) that much of

the world will have enough to eat for

the next 20 or 30 years.

He thought that Wall Street as a

worldwide symbol of high finance

and investment (to enter) modern


By next century, Britain (to enjoy)

great possessions of knowledge,

wealth, and communications.

By the time she returns from London,

he (to graduate) from the university.

Assignment 17

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Write your translation in the space opposite the original sentence.

Долгое время Лондон является одним из важнейших финансовых центров мира

К началу прошлого века в Великобритании уже появились профсоюзы.

Согласно статистических данных

производство возрастет к началу


В течение многих десятилетий Великобритания была «мастерской


К середине 1950-х годов цены стабилизировались.

Зарплата выросла на 20% или 25%?

Правительство предприняло суровые меры с момента девальвации


Гид сказала, что туризм стал важной отраслью экономики страны.

Не успели владельцы закрыть

шахты, как началась забастовка.

Когда началась первая мировая

война, США и Германия уже обогнали Великобританию в экономическом развитии.

Assignment 18

Review the Grammar material of Units I and II. Choose the correct item.

1. We find other nations able to compete with us to such an extent as we

a) were never before experiencing

b) have never before experienced

c) never before experienced

d) had never before experienced

2. The Morgan Motor Company ______________________ élite cars.

a) produces

b) was producing

c) has produced

d) had produced

3. By next year farm output

a) will double

b) has doubled

c) is doubling

d) will have doubled

4. The amount of cultivated land __________________about the same next year

a) will have remained

b) will remain

c) would have remained

d) will remain

5. At present large companies ________________________ a lot of money in research and development.

a) invest

b) are investing

c) have invested

d) had invested

6. They told us that two days before the spokesmen for the consumers

_______________________ farmers and the food-processing industry with

sacrificing nutrition and taste.

a) have charged

b) was charging

c) had charged

d) charged

7. Unfortunately, many small businesses __________________ lately.

a) fail

b) are failing

c) have failed

d) will be failing

8. Agriculture feeds the nation and _______________ raw materials to most industries.

a) was supplying

b) supplied

c) has supplied

d) supplies

9. London _____________________ an important centre for finance for many years.

a) has been

b) had been

c) was

d) is

10. Joel knew that the Maxwell House Hotel ______________ where the

president, senators, diplomats, and leading Europeans met and stayed.

a) has been

b) is

c) had been

d) was

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