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Вариант №3

  1. Use the appropriate form of the possessive pronoun:

    1. She put out … hand and took out … .(her, hers, my, mine).

    2. ”Let me see your passports,”- I gave him … and Catherine got of … handbag … (my, mine, her, hers).

    3. Mind … own business and I’ll mind … .(your, yours, her, hers).

    4. The next voice to speak up was not Lieutenant’s, but … (my, mine).

    5. …. nerves are as bad as … (your,yours,my,mine).

      1. Insert the article where necessary:

  1. Yesterday I saw … new film, but .. film wasn’t very interesting.

  2. …. Washington is situated on … Potomac River, and … London is situated on … Thames.

  3. Lomonosov was … great Russian scientist . He was born in … small village on … shore of … White Sea.

  4. One of my neighbours is … student of … the faculty of … Philosophy. …Philosophy is … very difficult discipline.

    1. Use the appropriate form of the verb(do, to be, have):

      1. ”There … money in my pocket,” I said to the porter.

      2. I know my hair … beautiful, everybody says so.

      3. Tthese white swine … live.

      4. ”Good,” I said. “No one shall tell me again that fish … no sense with them.”

      5. The paper … dull, the news … local and state, and the war news … all old.

  1. Use the possessive case of the pronoun:

    1. ”I think … friendships are much deeper than …,” Mrs. Thompson said.(men, women).

    2. As he passed through the … room he saw an evening paper spread out conspicuously on the desk of the … nephew.(clerks, director).

    3. With one cold glance could she send me back into childhood with all a lonely … terrors and shames.(child).

    4. He had never thought that a mere … hand could be sweetly soft.(woman).

    5. But he was daunted the next moment by his own and … insignificance. (Milly).

  1. Use the adjective in the comparative or superlative degree:

    1. They had dined well and were now drinking hard, their faces getting … and … .(red, red).

    2. Was there anything in the world … than indecision.(bad).

    3. He was only five years … than I was.(young).

    4. She received congratulations as if she was … of women.(happy).

    5. From that moment may be dated the downfall of … and … of the Indian nations. (great, civilized).

    6. Things went from bad to … .(bad).

  1. Ask all possible questions:

    1. At that moment the postman, looking like a German army officer, came in with the mail.

    2. A flight of grey stone steps leads up to the house.

  1. Insert all the necessary tense-form:

  1. I have not visited the place yet. I (to go) there tomorrow.

  2. Our train (to start) at 8 p. m. tomorrow, so if you (to come) at 5 o’clock we (to pack) still.

  3. You (to have) dinner by the time I come back?

  4. You probably (not, to see) her since those summer holidays.

  5. Gerald, if you (to go away) with Lord Illingworth, go at once. Go before it (to kill) me.

  6. As she turns to go , she finds that Bella ( to enter) and (to star) at her.

  7. When the Gadfly raised his head the sun (to set) and the red glow (to die) in the west.

  1. Translate the text and make 8 questions of different types.


I have a very good friend. Her name is Ann. Friends are very important in our life. I think one cannot live without friends. The most important thing for being good friends, to my mind, is to be ready to help one another in any situation, nevertheless how difficult it is, to support one another and to solve all the problems together.

My friend and I always do our best to help one another. We discuss all our troubles and try to find the best decision in any situation. My friend is a very good, kind and clever girl. We often spend our free time together. It is not very easy now, because both of us are very busy.

My friend is going to become a doctor. Our future professions are different and the subjects we have to study are different too, but we like to work together and to help one another in our study.

When we have some free time, we go for walks, read and discuss books, watch films, go to discoes or play computer games. Playing computer games is our hobby. Both of us are fond of sport. We go in for swimming and often go to the swimming pool together. We are football fans and we like to watch and discuss football matches on TV or to go to the stadium. I love my friend very much. I think she is a true friend. Our friendship is very dear to me and I try to do my best to be a good friend too.

  1. they say - говорят

  2. to do one’s best – делать все возможное

  3. trouble - тревога

  4. both of us – мы оба

  5. fan – болельщик

  6. to help one another – помогать друг другу