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Job InterviewДокумент Microsoft Word.doc
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Example Questions and Answers

TIP In English-speaking countries, it is normal for the interviewer to ask you a question that has a negative answer. You need to demonstrate that you are mature enough to identify your weaknesses, and are aware of how you can improve in your work skills.


Give me an example of a time when you set a goal, but you could not achieve it. 


Last year my manager asked me to reduce the budget by 20%. I tried many different strategies, but in the end I only reduced it by 10%. However, I believe it was a good outcome because I didn't want to lower the quality of our customer service. 




Can you give me an example of when you showed initiative and took charge


I remember when a colleague was having a difficult time learning a new software program. She was embarrassed to tell our manager that she was having trouble, so I went to the training department and explained her situation. It turned out another employee was also struggling, so they set up a training day for all of us. I actually learned a lot, so it was a good outcome. 




What tools do you use to keep organized? 


Being organized is very important to me. Like many people, I use a Blackberry for emails and appointments. I also write a daily 'to do' list so I have a visual of the tasks I need to achieve for the day. 




Tell me about a situation where you had to deal with an angry customer. 


During the summer sales period this year, we were unable to deliver enough stock to a large department store. The purchasing manager was very upset because she placed the order 3 months in advance. The best thing I could do at the time was offer to send a similar product at a 10% discount. She agreed, and in the end that product sold better than the original order. So, everyone was happy! 



Give me an example of a time when you had to motivate others. 


A few years ago, the travel company I was working for had a very bad sales period. Nobody was earning commission and 2 people were retrenched. As the supervisor, I had to think of ways to make the staff more enthusiastic. I came up with a shared commission structure that required everybody to work as a team. It was successful because people felt like they were working together, not against each other for the same business. In fact the management team is still using that structure today. 



Final Question


This is a very popular question that is often asked at the end of an interview. This is the final point where you can 'sell' yourself. You should already know the answer to this question.

Never say you plan to be in the same role in five years - this does not show very much ambition.

Do not talk about your personal life goals, only talk about you career goals. Think about the role you are applying for and where you can develop from this position.


Where do you see yourself in five years? 


I know I will still be in sales. A role like this one will give me more experience as a sales manager. In five years I imagine myself in the position you are in, or running my own business. 



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