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Dental course in the USA

A person wishing to get dental education usually spends about 9-12 years after high school to become a practicing dentist. Any college student or graduate can apply for admission to the four-year program of dental surgery doctor training. The average age of applicants is 24 years, so dentists are usually 30-32 years old when they start their practice.

Educational programs, which are very similar, are coordinated by the American Dental Association. It is mandatory for dental schools to be members of this Association. Each year the dental schools receive about 8,000 applications and admit 4,200 students, 36% of them being female.

The general admission requirements are as follows:

• Three or four years of college. Though a bachelor's degree is not specially required, 75% of students in the freshmen's class have this degree.

• All applicants for admission are required to take the Dental Admission Test.

• They also must present two or three letters of recommendation.

• Selected applicants are invited to the school for personal interview.

After admission a student spends four years in the dental school where he gets 5,000 hours of training, 80% of which are in clinical subjects, 17% in basic sciences and 3% in behavioral sciences, and graduates with a degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS).

During the first two years of study emphasis is placed on the basic sciences, the biological foundation of the dental profession. The basic sciences include anatomy, general histology, oral histology and embryology, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, physiology and biochemistry. Students also study topics specific for dentistry, such as principles of occlusion, anesthesia and pain control, operative dentistry, facial growth and development and preventive dentistry.

Students are introduced into the clinic during the first term and progressively become more and more involved in patient care. The final two years emphasize training and instruction in the clinical field, including endodontics, operative dentistry, oral diagnosis and treatment planning, oral radiology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, anesthesiology, orthodontics, etc.

After graduation young dentists are ready to take licensing examinations (both written and clinical).

Задание 1. Find the meaning of the words and word combinations in the dictionary and learn them:

- to apply for admission,

- average age,

- to be mandatory,

- freshman, sophomore,

- behavioral sciences,

- to place the emphasis,

- occlusion,

- preventive dentistry,

- to be involved in,

- maxillofacial surgery

Задание 2. Read the text and make the following tasks:

a) Make up 10 questions to the text in the way that the answers would make a summary of it.

b) Make a list of key-phrases to help you in retelling the text.