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Part 1.doc
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13 Look at the photos. Ask your partner about different activities Seumas does in different times of his day.


What does he do at 6 o’clock?

He gets up and makes breakfast.

14 Listen to four conversations from Seumas’ day. After each one answer these questions.

  • Is it morning, afternoon, or evening?

  • Who are the people? Where are they?

  • What is Seumas’ job?

15 Complete the conversations.

1 A: Good __________. Can I _______ two ice-creams, please?

B: Chocolate or vanilla?

A: One chocolate, one vanilla please.

B: That’s ___________. Anything __________?

A: No, thank you.

2 A: Only ____ letters for you this ___________, Mrs. Craig.

B: Thank you very much, Mr. McSporran. And _______ ‘s Mrs.

McSporran this ___________?

A: Oh, she’s very well, thank you. She’s _________ in her shop.

3 A: A glass of ________ before bed, my dear?

B: Oh, yes please.

A: __________ you are.

B: Thank you, my dear. I’m very _______ this _________.

4 A: Hello, Mr. McSporran!

B: Good _____________, boys and girls. Hurry up, we’re late.

A: Can I sit here, Mr. McSporran?

C: No, no, I _____________ to sit there.

B: Be quiet_____________ of you, and SIT DOWN!

16 Work in pairs. Choose the dialogue from activity 15, complete it with your own words and phrases. Practice the conversations with your partner.

17 Read the article. Find out why these students work. Check the correct boxes in the table. The Daily Grind

Is it a good idea for a student to have a job? Why or why not?

Brandon Smith

I’m a junior in high school, and I have a part-time job in a restaurant. I bus dishes on Saturdays and Sundays from 8:30 until 4:00. I earn $5.50 an hour. It isn’t much money, but I save almost every penny! I want to go to a good university, and the cost goes up every year. Of course, I spend some money when I go out on Saturday night.

Lauren Russel

I ’m a senior in high school. I have a job as a cashier in a grocery store. The job pays well - about $6.75 an hour. I work every weeknight after school from 4:00 until 8:00. I don’t have time for homework, and my grades aren’t very good this year. But I have to work, or I can’t buy nice clothes and I can’t go out on Saturday night. Also, a car costs a lot of money.

E rica Davis

I’m a freshman in college. College is very expensive, so I work in a law office for three hours every weekday afternoon. I make photocopies, file papers, and sort mail for $8.25 an hour. The job gives me good experiences because I want to be a lawyer someday. But I don’t want to work every semester. I need some time to study.




  1. To earn money for college

  1. To buy nice clothes

  1. To go out on the weekend

  1. To pay for a car

  1. To get job experience

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