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Раздел I. Введение.

Раздел П. Морфология.

Раздел Ш. Синтаксис.

Особенностью изучения I раздела является обзорное ознакомление с грамматическим строем английского языка и методами его описания.

Особенностью изучения П раздела является освоение основных концепций частей речи и их грамматических категорий.

Особенностью изучения Ш раздела является знакомство с основными единицами синтаксического уровня и критическое осмысление основных концепций, выдвигаемых различными лингвистическими школами.

Theoretical grammar as a brunch of linguistics

Language is as a system of elements that have no value without each other. They depend on each other, they exist only in a system, and they are nothing without a system. Thus, any language incorporates three constituent parts. They are the phonological system, the lexical system, and the grammatical system (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1

The grammatical system consists of morphology and syntax (Fig. 2). Morphology deals with the internal structure of words, peculiarities of their grammatical categories and their semantics while traditional syntax deals with the rules governing combination of words in sentences (and texts in modern linguistics).

Fig. 2

Systemic conception of language

Modern linguistics is essentially based on the systemic conception of language. System in general is defined as a structured set of elements related to one another by a common function.

The interpretation of language as a system develops a number of notions, namely:

  1. the discrimination of language and speech;

  2. the notions of language levels and language units;

  3. paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations.

The distinction between language and speech was made by Ferdinand de Saussure. This is the fundamental principle of linguistics. Language is a system of means of expression. It is a collective body of knowledge, a set of basic elements, but these elements can form a great variety of combinations. In fact the number of these combinations is endless. The system of language includes the body of material units sounds, morphemes, words, word-groups, and a set of regularities or “rules” of the use of these units.

Speech is a manifestation of the system of language in the process of communication. Speech comprises both the act of producing utterances and the utterances themselves, i.e. the text made up of lingual units of various status. Speech is closely connected with language, as it is the result of using the language, the result of a definite act of speaking (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3

Speech is individual, personal while language is common for all individuals (Table 1).

Table 1

Discrimination of Language and Speech

Language proper

Speech proper

Common for all individuals, social

Individual, personal











Language is a structural system. Structure means hierarchical layering of parts in constituting the whole. In the structure of language there are six main structural levels (Fig. 4).